Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 221 Cleanup Measures

As the official judge of the Tribunal, Bellona cannot be expelled by anyone, even if the person who issues the expulsion order is the Supreme Lord of Cadia.

But this is wartime, and if Creed writes a letter that an Inquisitor is a threat to the security of the Empire, Bellona will be investigated by her peers.

Although she was very reluctant, Bellona still nodded and said goodbye: "Supreme Castle Lord, Lord of Tyrone...goodbye."

Bellona turned and walked out of the office, looking back at Qin Mo as she was about to step out.

Qin Mo stared at Bellona with unkind eyes, and the latter suddenly smiled and said, "I thought you were a tolerant and willing to accept advanced things, but now I am disappointed."

"Being willing to accept advanced things and seeking death are two different things." Qin Mo said.

"Ha." Bellona turned and left, leaving with the apprentices and deputies waiting outside the office.

Bellona's apprentice was a male psychic, and he glanced at Qin Mo before leaving.

Qin Mo forgot the name of this apprentice, but he still remembered that this apprentice was a ruthless person who could use psychic powers to probe other people's memories many times a day.

Apprentices can even use psychic powers to explore the memories of untouchables - untouchables who are much more talented than Yao En.

If these people are allowed to wander around Cardia, there will definitely be big trouble.

"I don't think the Inquisitor's method is feasible, but the number of psykers on Cadia is indeed increasing exponentially, and they may lose control before the black ship arrives." Creed said with a cigar between his fingers.

"Indeed." Qin Mo knew the danger of psykers. "The psykers on Cadia must be cleared away. I have a way."

Creed also knew that the psykers should be eliminated, but he didn't know what method to use.

If it were an army, Creed would be sure to control the situation of the entire army, but Cadia is a fortress world, and human diversity will be fully reflected on a planet-level macro scale.

There are brave people, there are cowardly people, and there are people who are willing to die for the empire, there are deserters, but the probability of deserters among the Cadians is infinitely small.

Maybe one or two out of a billion Cadians...but definitely not none.

These one-in-a-billion cowards may be hiding in every corner of the planet, and assuming there are psykers among them there is no way to detect them.

"The celestial engine can launch a scanning array, which can detect all life forms on this planet." Qin Mo said.

Creed's eyes lit up.

"But there are two problems now." Qin Mo continued, "The first is how to deal with psykers after detecting them. There are two options, one is to exile, and the other is to let the Celestial Engine send order drones to eradicate them. You You have to choose one of the two.”

The light in Creed's eyes dissipated, his head slowly lowered, and he kept smoking his cigar.

Most of the psykers that are emerging on Cadia will be members of the Assault Army. They have all fought for the future of the entire human race. Should they be wiped out together?

But if you choose to be exiled, you must first find the psyker, then rush over to capture him and send him to the ship, and then the ship must fly out of Cadia... Even if this process is carried out by the Tyron army, It will take at least half a month, and the total number of psykers is constantly increasing.

This is a trolley problem.

"I choose two." Creed quickly made his decision, "I am the Lord of the Supreme Castle, and I have to be responsible for the majority."

"Okay, then the second question." Qin Mo looked up at the celestial engine that covered half of the sky in Cadia, "The scanning array will clearly detect everything on Cadia, including everyone and everyone. Every building, even every gun.”

Creed understood the meaning of Qin Mo's words.

The fortress world of Cadia is a military center. Unless authorized by the Ministry of Military Affairs, the Cadian fleet, one of the Imperial Navy, cannot scan Cadia with auspicious devices.

This is a means of insurance, because the Gate of Cadian is an absolute military focus area, and any fleet or army rebellion here will inevitably bring serious consequences. Think about what will happen if the Voskani know everything about Cadia.

If Governor Tai Lung is allowed to scan Cadia, it will be fine if Qin Mo is not even afraid of the Inquisition, but the Lord of the High Castle should be held accountable afterwards.

Creed thought for two seconds, then immediately took out a quill and parchment and started writing a document: "As long as the war can be won, I will pay any price. In the name of the Lord of the High Castle, I will invite you to scan Cadia."

After staring at Creed who was writing the document quickly for a while, Qin Mo suddenly asked: "Aren't you afraid that I have other motives for obtaining Cadia's military information by the way?"

Creed was stunned for a moment, he really hadn't thought about it.

If the Tyrone army knows every bastion of Cadia through scanning, coupled with their teleportation technology, assuming they launch an assault like the Voskani, then Cadia cannot even hold on for twenty-four solar hours. live.

But Creed just thought about it and continued writing the document.

"There are a lot of people in both the Astra Militarum and the Imperial Navy who don't trust you. Every hour I receive advice asking you to leave the system."

"But I trust you, and most of the Cadian people trust you too."

"When the Cadian brothers and sisters were in trenches or bastions looking up at the sky and seeing the extremely special silhouettes of the Tyronian navy's warships, they all thought they were our reinforcements."

Creed finished writing two documents, keeping one for himself and giving it to Qin Mo. If the Inquisition finds fault with the Tyrone sector in the future because of the scanning incident, then the handwritten document from the Supreme Fortress Lord will be a disclaimer.

Qin Mo didn't receive the file. He just transmitted an order to the stone man in the celestial engine: scan Cadia and clean up the psykers.

The scanning wave quickly penetrated the entire Cadia, and the strong detection wave even made the hair on every Cadian person stand up.

Then other worlds in the galaxy were scanned one after another, and all psykers in the galaxy were detected and marked. The number was only about seventy, but the total number increased every time.

The function of the small Terror Eye in the galaxy is not just to open a portal for the enemy. The subspace energy diffused through it is having an impact on every world in the entire galaxy. This is why the number of psykers will increase.

Large black clouds emerged from the celestial engine and flew to Cardia. These black clouds were composed of countless drones.

The drones spread out in the air and fly to the locations of all marked individuals.

These drones will not use explosive bombs to smash the psykers to pieces in public, but will allow the psykers to teleport a short distance without resistance. Their souls will be swallowed by the dimensional space, and their bodies will be destroyed. Peaceful and intact.

Those psykers who resist will be shot by weapons carried by drones.

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