Warhammer 40,000: Mortal Gods

Chapter 220 Crazy Plan

"You made a right decision." Abaddon nodded with satisfaction, turned around and ordered to the adjutant, "Go and send my only remaining vortex torpedo to the Terminus, my only remaining one."

The adjutant immediately took the order, turned around and left the bridge to arrange a transport plane to deliver the vortex torpedo to Typhons.

Typhons looked very satisfied, and his head under the thick helmet nodded twice.

"Aren't you worried that I'm tampering with the vortex torpedo, and I will detonate your Terminus as long as it dares to escape?" Abaddon asked coldly.

"I believe you can't do such a thing. Although you are not a good person, you will not attack your allies." Typhons said.

"Ha." Abaddon let out a laugh of unknown meaning, and then nodded in agreement.

After talking about the vortex torpedo, Typhons asked the most critical question: "Can we continue to fight?"

Abaddon didn't answer in a hurry and thought for a moment in silence.

Don't even think about using the Blackstone Fortress to destroy the planet and expand the cracks. The Blackstone Fortress has just been damaged and needs to be repaired.

There are a few cyclone torpedoes in the fleet, which were plundered from an inquisitor's ship before. These can be used to execute the extermination order, but the cyclone torpedo cannot break an entire planet into powder.

The bipolar cyclone torpedo can smash the planet, but it is difficult to use.

After some thinking, Abaddon felt that he had no way to continue fighting, but he could not give up directly and could wait for the opportunity.

The Warmaster who has launched thirteen Black Crusades knows the importance of timing very well.

"We need to wait," Abaddon said before cutting off the communication.

After ending the communication, Typhons immediately ordered the adjutant: "Send two warlocks to corrode the whirlpool torpedo to ensure that this torpedo is absolutely under our control and no one else can detonate it."

Enter Cardia.

"The enemy fleet that appeared in the Anlai system was repulsed."

A Tyrone Navy communications officer walked into the office and reported the latest battle report to Creed and Qin Mo.

Creed noticed that this man looked at Qin Mo when reporting, which meant that he could see Qin Mo, but the Cadian people other than himself could not see him.

"Very good." Qin Mo nodded with satisfaction, then looked at Creed.

Creed was deep in thought.

As a general, Creed is always used to thinking about how to fight if his own side does not have an advantage but the enemy does.

Assuming there is an enemy fleet in the future similar to the Tyron Navy, are there any weaknesses in the Dimension Engine-based defense tactics they use?

The result of Creed's thinking was that there was no weakness.

Even if the warship used to report the message is sunk, the main fleet stationed at strategic points will jump over to check the situation if a ship loses contact.

The only tactic to face the Tyron Navy is to pile up the numbers and swarm them with warships that far exceed the number of the Tyron Navy.

The Tyrone Navy can fight to the death if they like, but this is not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing is that those who fight with them will fight to the death with the Tyrone Navy as if they are possessed by evil spirits.

It's quite pleasant to have such a naval ally.

In any case, the situation is now stable and I can devote my energy to doing other things.

"Seven hours ago, an Inquisitor suddenly came to Cadia." Creed observed Qin Mo's expression when he said the three words "Inquisitor". He knew that the Tyrone Star District had had friction with the Inquisition. .

But Qin Mo was currently controlling the living metal body with no expression at all. Creed could only continue: "I think we should meet her together."

"Why?" Qin Mo asked.

Creed said as he took out a letter and handed it to Qin Mo: "This inquisitor wrote me a letter. She said that she had a way to close the rift."

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, then read the letter carefully.

The Inquisitor did not say in the letter how to close the rift in the galaxy. She just said that she could close it, and then wrote her signature after the brief message.

"Bellona?" Qin Mo put down the letter, "It sounds a bit familiar."

Creed asked: "Are you willing to see her? She might see your body..."

"It's just about modifying the vision. We should meet her." Qin Mo agreed. He believed that if someone could close the rift in the galaxy, then Cardia would be completely safe.

Creed nodded and ordered Kyle outside to invite the inquisitor over as the deputy of the Lord of the High Castle.

The inquisitor named Bellona seemed to have been waiting outside the Cadian High Command. Less than three minutes had passed before Creed ordered Kyle to invite someone to Bellona to enter the office.

An inquisitor has the right to see the Lord of the High Castle, but Cadia is in a wartime state after all, and Bellona does not want to leave a bad impression on Creed.

"Sovereign Lord of the Castle." Bellona first saluted Creed as an eagle, and then saluted Qin Mo, "Governor of the Tyrone Sector."

This was a courtesy etiquette rather than a salute between superiors and subordinates, so Creed stood up and returned the salute, while Qin Mo was indifferent.

Bellona did not say anything immediately, but looked at Qin Mo. In her eyes, the Lord of Tyrone was just a young man.

Qin Mo also looked at Bellona. The judge had short white hair, a mole at the corner of his left eye, and a scar next to his mouth.

Bellona looked familiar, but Qin Mo couldn't remember where he had seen her.

"I have a way to close the rift in the galaxy." Bellona said to Creed, "That rift is affecting every world in the galaxy. Perhaps you have noticed that the number of psykers on Cadia is changing. increase."

Creed blew out a smoke ring and nodded silently.

As the Lord of the Supreme Fortress, Creed is not only responsible for the war, he also has to manage the entire Cadia, and daily reports from various bastions in Cadia mentioned that psykers are increasing.

"How do you close the rift?" Qin Mo asked. He guessed that Bellona might know Black Stone better? She might activate the Blackstone Obelisk on Cadia before Belisarius Caul...

"Use all the illegal psykers you can find," Bellona said, taking out a bottle of liquid medicine and explaining what it did.

The drug can make the psyker emit psychic energy far beyond normal, and then guide this psychic energy to take effect on the rift. The specific method is complicated, but the final result, according to Bellona, ​​can close the rift.

Creed didn't know much about psychic powers, and he wanted to hear Qin Mo's opinion.

Qin Mo looked at Bellona in surprise, and finally remembered the reason why he felt familiar with this female judge.

Bellona is an Inquisitor who wants to close the Great Rift...if Cadia falls and the Eye of Terror expands across the galaxy, that's what she'll be working on.

Now Bellona actually appears on Cardia, wanting to experiment with her crazy idea here.

Bellona's ultimate goal is not just to use some illegal psychics to close the small rift, but to cause riots in several sectors, and then take the opportunity to carry out her own crazy plan.

"Tell her to get lost!" Qin Mo's voice echoed in Creed's mind.

Creed didn't know why Qin Mo was so excited, but he also felt that the female judge in front of him was a lunatic.

"I expel you in the name of the Lord of the High Castle." The cigar in Creed's hand pointed at Bellona, ​​"I have this right during wartime, and you must leave Cadia immediately!"

Went to the hospital in the morning

Sitting here typing is as painful as being tortured. I can almost feel the feeling of an emperor sitting on a golden throne.

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