War in Heaven

Chapter 992: Dangerous transaction

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Chi arrived at the trading location provided by User No. 21. Mobile terminal

The breeze blew through the desolate streets, bringing a little dust, and the small roads on the outskirts of the city were sparsely populated. There were several shacks on the roadside, and there were large bags of garbage left by the tramp on the door.

This place was one of several slums in the city of chaos. After several large-scale gang wars, local residents were killed a lot, and the basics of survival were all running. There are no other residents except the tramp and the poor who have no money to move.

This poor area, which even the silver shield security company is too lazy to control, is a perfect place to conduct certain transactions. However, User No. 21 apparently did not intend to conduct face-to-face transactions with Lin Chi, and even did not even send a subordinate.

Standing in the ruined street of the shantytown, Lin Chi looked around for the trace of "businessman", and Jane stood beside him, ready to cope with possible ambushes. Mason was hidden in the vicinity with the elite mercenaries. The place where it was discovered was ready to go out at any time.

"It has already been."

"Working hard."

Listening to the emotions of the elite mercenaries in the headphones, Lin Chi looked at the shanty towns on the street to find contacts that might appear.

This kind of illegal trade is risky. Maybe you will encounter "black and black" if you don't pay attention to it. Although there is protection from Jane, if the girl is accidentally changed into a personality that cannot fight, the situation is not good.

In order to ensure that nothing is wrong, it is necessary to arrange soldiers nearby. After preparing for the perfection, it is time to trade with the guy.

- Where is the person?

I didn't see the contact person sent by User No. 21. When Lin Chi was looking for it, he saw a metal trash can not far from the road suddenly began to tremble and made a squeaky voice.

Lin Chi turned his gaze to the trash can, saw the metal lid of the trash can, and taped an inconspicuous gray walkie-talkie. Because it was similar in color to the trash can, even the eye-catching Lin Chi did not notice it. The existence of things.

“What's in the bucket?” Lin Chi whispered a “business consultation” to the teenagers around him.

“Nothing.” Not yet close to the trash can, the super-powerful child has “seeed” the situation in the trash can.

After receiving a reply from Jane, Lin Chi stood in front of the trash can, took off the coverless vibrating walkie-talkie, and pressed the call button to the ear.

Then, a specially treated weird voice passed into his ear:

"Put the money in the bucket and the goods arrive."

- Is the other party going to a remote transaction that does not meet...

Realizing that this way, I couldn’t see the agent of the No. 21 user. Lin’s brow was slightly wrinkled and said: “I have to see the goods first, and I will pay the money if I confirm it.”

"You don't know the rules, our trades are like this, either do what we say or avoid talking." The attitude of the other party is very tough.

According to Lin Chi’s information from the forum, the legendary No. 21 user seems to be the main supplier of “drugs” in the city of chaos. The small drug dealers in the city basically buy goods from him and then sell them to those in the city. Addict.

For this reason, the guy who is in contact with Lin Chi will be so bad-spirited that he will not take the customer-oriented business rules into account.

But the other side is very emboldened, Lin Chi does not intend to Fan Fan:

"Sorry, I am new, I don't have this kind of rule over there." Lin Chi's tone is also very strong: "The person who asked you to bring the goods, I have to personally inspect the goods."

"In this case, then we have nothing to talk about..."

The sound in the intercom stopped abruptly, followed by the rustling of the rustling, and the contact decisively terminated the transaction.

When Lin Chi was about to leave, he noticed a faint drip sound in the intercom. This time the sound came from the earpiece, as if it was from inside the machine.

At that moment, Lin Chi had already rounded his right arm and threw it out like a walkie-talkie with a handle like a discus. A loud bang, the thing exploded in the air, like a powerful fireworks bomb, leaving a pale smog.

"Awkward..." Lin Chi looked at the empty smog, his face with a smile of approval.

The power of the bomb in the walkie-talkie is not too big, and it is similar to the section in the national traditional fireworks "two kicks", but if it is exploding at a very close distance to the ear, the user is probably not dead. Will be blown into a fool.

"Are you okay?" Zhen looked up and looked at Lin Chi: "I'm sorry, I am too big."

"Nothing, I want to rely on this kind of thing to yin me, they are still tender." Lin Chi shook his head: "Let's go."

It seems that the No. 21 user is not a fuel-efficient lamp. He chose to wipe out the mouth immediately after the transaction was terminated. It is difficult to find the way to see the LSD from the 21st.

However, the guy is a businessman after all, and it is sure to leave some clues as to how serious the action is. Although the first failure, I am not without a chance.

With this in mind, Lin Chi turned back and walked away from the desolate street with Zhen. Only then did she walk out without two steps. The voice of Mason came from the headphones:

"There are unusual actions in the shacks on your right hand side. Do you want to deal with them?"

"Give it to you." Lin Chi used the throat wheat to give instructions.


The rifle with the silencer was particularly sharp, and two bullet holes appeared in the thin metal wall of a broken shed. The inside of the house was snorted, and the sound of the body fell to the ground, thick plasma. It leaked through the gap under the wooden door.

Lin walked over quickly, stretched out the broken wooden door of the shack, looked down at the body that fell to the ground, and saw that the man was not dressed like a tramp, wearing a black tight-fitting suit and falling on his hand. An mp7 submachine gun.

- Is it an observer sent by User No. 21?

Looking at the corpse lying on the ground, Lin Chi bent down, turned the other's body over and looked at the guy's face, only to find that the person's looks were familiar:

"This is the man of the wolf..." Lin Chi brows tightly.

The face that appeared in the line of sight was one of the few followers who had just robbed the bank with the wolf. Looking at the tactical pocket of the other side of the chest, Lin Chi reached out and took a walkie-talkie from his pocket and pressed the call again. key.

"Hey?" Lin Chi asked.

"Idiot, how are you doing there? See people?" The rough voice of the wolf sounded.

"Sorry, it is me." Lin Chi smiled.

"...how are you? My men?" The wolf also reacted immediately.

"Sorry, he was killed by me." Lin Chicheng said: "Is there time? I intend to apologize to you."

When the words came out, the wolf could not help but be silent. After about thirty seconds, I finally spit out a world-wide line:


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