War in Heaven

Chapter 991: GKD

Half an hour later, Lin Chi, who had just arrived in the city of chaos, had a new place to live.

The safe house purchased with the money robbed is a small apartment on the second floor. The lawn in front is full of lush weeds. It seems that it has been left unattended for a long time.

After purchasing the safe house, Lin Chi immediately commissioned the engineer to transform the building into a barracks. During the renovation, the three people rested on the lawn in front, and there was a sentence to talk about the sky.

"Commander, is this the reason for the robbery?" Mason looked at the wall in front of the vine plant, like the old building of the ghost castle.

"Yes, we need to start the funds." Lin Chi's answer is extremely straightforward.

Once you get a safe house in the game, it means you have an absolutely safe hiding place. In addition to the large-scale plot event, even if the player sleeps in the whole process, there is no problem.

It cost $80,000 to buy a safe house in the south of the chaotic city. The share of the robbery was only 100,000.

At this point, the money has been fully loaded into the backpack by Lin Chi, plus another 100,000 US dollars for the reward task, he has just entered the game, he has become the richest player in this game.

The previous battle can be said to be shocking and dangerous. With the help of Jane, it is basically like cutting vegetables and cutting vegetables. There is no pressure on it, and it is easy to get rid of the silver shield.

Taking advantage of the time when the engineer was remodeling the safe house, Lin Chi took out the business card that the "wolf wolf" stuffed to him, only to read:


Professional financial services.

Contact URL: phub-333.

"Hah, I have seen this kind of financial management for the first time." Lin Chi laughed out.

The website named "phub" seems to have seen it in the 13th district of the field. As for what the full name is, Lin Chi, who has little interest in the adult websites in the 13 districts, has not paid attention to this aspect. The details.

Since he does not have a computer at hand, if he wants to contact the jackal, he still needs to do some preparatory work. Before the completion of the safe house renovation, Lin Chi had already bought a second-hand laptop in a nearby store, and by the way opened the safety cable network.

As the barracks were rebuilt, there was a long-lost "war horn" in his skill bar. But this time, Lin Chi did not start to look for other people to fight as usual, but sat in front of the coffee table in the living room of the safe house. Open the laptop and connect to the wireless network, log in to the phub website, and start trying to contact the wolf.

As a website used by criminals to communicate, phub pretends to be an adult website full of “some kind of video”. The actual situation is not so simple. Lin Chi ignores the very attractive video cover on the homepage and clicks directly. The forum, registered a new account, began to observe the chat content in this forum.

Like similar websites, phub's forums also contain content such as “seeking resources”, “seeking for breeding” and “good people for a lifetime”, but after observing it, Lin Chi finally found clues:

Some users of phub like to repeat the strange "dark number":

Looking at a group of people repeating the three letters "gkd" under a picture, Lin late clicked the mouse to pull down the page and found that most of the users used uppercase letters, only a few lowercase "gkd" appeared very unexpected.

"Is this a kind of secret number?"

Lin Chi, who was sitting at the table, was thinking, but saw that Jane had blushing and looking away. Mason standing behind the sofa, the eyes of the exposed eyes also flashed a strange light:

"Commander, it is best not to browse such sites in front of minors," Mason reminded.

"No way, this is the contact method left by the wolf." Lin Chi sighed and entered the lowercase "gkd" in the reply column below.

- Nothing happened.

“Do you need to repeat?”

Looking at a series of repeated messages above, Lin Chi entered the lowercase gkd three letters again. When he entered the three letters for the fifth time, the original adult website on the screen finally disappeared.

Then he was directed to another page.

The whistling page of phub disappeared, replaced by a burning fire icon. This time, the page is exceptionally simple and looks like the prototype of the forum page in the early 1980s and 1990s.

However, for the criminals of the City of Chaos, the gorgeous interface is meaningless. After all, they don't care about the style of the webpage, just need a hidden communication channel.

Looking at the title of "Welcome to gkd" at the top of the page, Lin Chiqiang endured the urge to vomit and contacted the 333 users of this forum.

"Which?" The user who used the wild wolf head quickly sent a message: "Is it for work?"

"We just cooperated, you gave me a business card." Lin Chifei quickly tapped the keyboard to play a string of text.

"Oh, it's you..." The wolf immediately reacted: "I saw the army raised by the **** and fired there, thinking that you were dead there."

"I am sorry, I am still alive." Lin Chi asked: "The cooperation just was very pleasant. If I can, I want to buy some information from you."

"What intelligence?" asked the wolf.

“Do you have any impressions about a drug called ‘the hallucinogen’?” Lin Chi said the purpose of his trip.

- Finding information about LSD in the game is exactly what he entered into the game this time. Obviously, to find out about this kind of news, it is the fastest to talk to the well-informed criminals.

"Is it a drug?" As the "old fritters" mixed on the road, the wolf naturally knows what the name LSD represents.

"Yes, I need this very much now." Lin Chi responded immediately.

"How did you kidnap this kid? I thought you were a good person." The words from the wolf revealed a full disappointment: "Are you still carrying a child? Don't take medicine, normal."

"You are very interested in the children I am carrying?" Lin Chi asked.

"No." The wolf gave a negative conclusion in an instant, and the speed was so fast that he wondered if he was prepared.

- Is there any intelligence in this guy?

Because he was not sure if he could get information from the wolf, Lin Chi talked a few more words and was ready to look for information in this forum. Just when he was about to leave the private chat room, the wolf sent another message:

"It's a pleasure to work with you, man. If you really need this news, you can go to the 21st user to ask, he is specializing in this..."

"Oh, thank you." Lin Chi and the wolf left the chat room and returned to the secret website named "gkd" to start contacting the 21st user.

The so-called "dark net" refers to a collection of web pages that are hidden under the eyes of the world and cannot be accessed through ordinary search and links, and need to be accessed through dynamic web technology.

In the modern Internet, a large part of web pages belong to the category of "dark net". For example, the encrypted page that is entered when registering a new account is also a web page that cannot be searched, but in the dark network, there are many criminals hidden. "gkd" is one of the forums or illegal trading pages.

Ordinary phub users, it is difficult to find the existence of gkd, from the abbreviation of the page above, this so-called gkd is actually composed of the English abbreviation of "dragon-kill-group".

The criminals hidden in the city of chaos are self-proclaimed as dangerous dragonslayers, and this forum called gkd is their secret communication space.

"No. 21..."

Entering the number provided by the wolf, Lin Chi found the No. 21 user of this forum. The guy's head is a transparent glass bottle filled with white pills. The hint is self-evident.

The gkd forum only has an avatar and does not display the user's nickname. Lin Chi does not know what the other party should call, but just tentatively greeted: "Hello."

User 21 has set up an automatic reply and sent a message instantly:

“The Freud Clinic welcomes you. If you need drugs, please enter the drug name or code.”

Lin Chi immediately entered the word "linder", and the speed of the other party's reply is still very fast:

"The drug is sold out, please choose another item."

- In other words, has it sold a drug called "linder"?

Realizing that the intelligence provided by the blood blade does not seem to be a hole in the air, Lin Chi, who was lazy on the sofa, straightened his waist and hit the keyboard at a very fast speed. He asked: "Where did the hallucinogen come from?"

"The drug is sold out, please choose another item."

User No. 21 did not answer the question at all, but continued to repeat the pre-set lines: “The drug is out of stock.”

"The IQ of this stuff is too low." Lin Chi complained.

If the top hacker Dalian can be brought in, it may be able to steal intelligence from the other party, but this time the random follower is Mason and Jane, the hacker girl still stayed in the private housing area, and did not enter the map.

So what should I do next?

Staring at the meaningful avatar of User No. 21, Lin Chi entered a very common drug name, and this time, the other party quickly gave a reply:

“xxxx, there is still inventory, please select the trading location.”

"Commander, do you want to sell drugs?" Mason coughed.

"I want to meet this 'User No. 21' or see his men." Lin Chi told his entourage about his battle plan: "I need information about LSD."

Of course, he does not want to be a drug lord. He only intends to get information from the No. 21 user. He just chats with this “artificial mental retardation”. He will not have any results in the past 100 years. Only when he sees a living person can he have the opportunity to get information. .

However, it is not so easy to see these illegal businessmen who are eccentric.

"Well, you have to take a break, then you have to do some preparatory work and leave in an hour."

After negotiating with the user of the 21st, the time and place of the transaction, Lin Chi turned off the computer and leaned on the sofa, and began to close his eyes.


After grabbing a Toyota off-road vehicle from the road, Lin Chi drove two followers to the slums south of the city.

In fact, the deal with the No. 21 user will not start until two hours later. What he has to do now is to increase his strength. After all, strong firepower is also necessary in the face of a "businessman" who is mad.

In the search for the entourage, the wolf once again provided valuable information. Following the route provided by the bald man, Lin soon found a secret arms dealer in a small, ragged shop.

The traders here sell not only weapons, but also the sale of “human resources”. Perhaps because of inflation, the price of this chaotic city has also risen, and the price of elite mercenaries has risen to $7,000.

However, for Lin Chi, who holds $200,000, it is not difficult to hire these elite soldiers.

"First come ten." Lin Chi said to take out seven dollars on the table and put forward his own needs to the bearded businessman: "You buy ten elite mercenaries here, and also come with two heavy-duty body armor. ?"

"There is no such offer." The obese man with a big beard, his small eyes slid round, his beard on his face kept tremble: "Who told you?"

"Gkd's user No. 333." Lin Chi said the code name of the introducer.

"Oh, the wolf that kid... you are his acquaintance." The bearded attitude came a hundred and eighty-degree turn and nodded cheerfully: "Well, give you two sets of bulletproof vests plus ten Grenade, I still owe the guy a favor. If you are his friend, you can give you a discount."

Lin Chi took the small remote control that could summon the elite mercenaries from the bearded man, and then asked casually: "What kind of human feelings?"

- For that somewhat weird robber, Lin Chi is still a little interested. When he encounters the opportunity to understand the "game story", he will naturally not miss it.

"That kid is a good person. Last time my daughter was kidnapped, he saved my daughter." Speaking of this, the bearded man raised his smile and smiled: "Don't look at his devil, he is actually a Good people, at least in this circle, are definitely the best ones."

"I can't see it at all..." Jane couldn't help but speak.

"Little girl, are you scared by him? He is really violent, but it is indeed a good guy."

The bearded man said, raising his hand and looking at the watch, then waved his hand to Lin Chi and decisively ordered the order: "When you have finished, go quickly, I still have to do business."

- Is that guy a good person?

When leaving the underground exchange disguised as a store, Lin Chi’s ear seemed to be echoing the boss’s words. Mason, who had been silent during the transaction, finally expressed his opinion:

"I don't think bank robbers will be good people."

"Who knows, people are two-sided." Lin Chi smiled: "Maybe that guy is really a good man."

Now, the pre-transaction preparation has been completed, and the next thing to do is to go to the trading place designated by the 21st user.

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