War in Heaven

Chapter 944: Disappearing saint

In the sky of the city of Sodom, there was another tyrannical air battle.

It is very different from the "small fights" of the cursers. This battle is a real battle. The figures of the warring parties are constantly staggered in the sky, like two dazzling comets, each staring with a star-like fire, which is particularly eye-catching against the backdrop of scarlet background.

"The cult, you will pay the price of life!"

Yazlar did not listen to the meaning of Lin Chi’s explanation. The offensive was like a rushing river, and there was no tendency to stop.

With the experience of being smashed by a "bone saw" for the last time, Azlar has made more power this time than when he was killed by a bone saw. Because of the speed, even if Lin Chi is still under the five-speed bonus, Yazlar's figure is still very clear.

Lin was leaning back, and the double-edged blade rubbed his throat and stroked it, leaving a long scar without bleeding.

The unusually angry angel, trying to kill the "cultist" in front of him. Now, Lin Chi finally understands why Azlar became the worst of the gods in Sodom.

"This goods are too embarrassing..." He secretly complained in his heart, struggling to hide from Yazlar's slash.

Yazlar has no city at all, and belongs to the kind of real person who "does work hard, speaks out and must do"... To be exact, it is more appropriate to be a "stupid angel".

Even in the real world, such people generally do not mix too high positions, because it is for them to work for others, not to command others. To put it simply, this kind of anomalous guy is hard to mix in the intrigue of the society.

For Lin Chi, who does not like to surrender to reality, this kind of person is very appetizing for him. However, in the battle of life and death, he did not have time to appreciate the "personal charm" of the other side.

The cold wind of the bones came from behind, and the front also shook away from the indiscriminate bombing of Yazlar. Even if it entered the limit state, Lin Chi was still struggling with the attack of the gods.

Now, he can't help but start to rejoice that he upgraded the skill of "touching". If he is promoted, he is afraid that he will be hacked to death.

When the speed is raised to the limit, other scenes in front of him are blurred, and only Azlar's body shape is relatively clear. It feels like it is in the "Arena" with very low resolution, and it is a showdown with Yazlar.

"哗啦", Lin Chi's waist showed a deep visible bone scar, because the body of the walking body did not feel pain, this injury will not hinder normal action. But... when moving at five times the speed, the situation is worse:

The whistling cold wind poured directly into his rotten abdomen from the wound, as if blowing a balloon, the temperature in the body began to drop sharply, and Lin Chi, who was fighting in Yazlar, took a deep breath, and then... took a nap .

Originally, with the help of the blood god, the rancid smell that was sealed in the body broke out completely. The green cloud sprayed directly on Yazlar's face, and even the body was coughed.

"Damn... cursed!"

Azlar screamed in anger, raising his hand to wipe off the saliva on his face, and taking advantage of her short pause in midair, Lin was half-circle in the air, out of the melee range of the stupid angel.

"Don't let me see you again..."

Yazlar’s ​​roar rang through the clouds, but he did not continue to chase it. He got a chance to escape. Lin Chi did not fight, and decisively left and flew back to Mephistopheles’ territory.

- That idiot, really a member of the Sodom Spirit?

Recalling the appearance of Memphis's firewood, the tall image of those "spirits" that Lin’s mind had just built up for a long time seems to have begun to collapse in a small amount...

Among the gods of Sodom, there are powerful people like the **** king and the blood god, as well as the "funny characters" of Mephistopheles and Azlar. There are also a few mysterious existences where the dragons see the tail.

Oddly enough, apart from the use of the avatar of Azlar, other "spirits" seem to have no reason to appear, basically never appeared, just through the altar in the city and the gods that sounded from the sky, Give orders to believers.

Except for the spirit of the cursed and the sound of the altar, there seems to be no other evidence to prove the existence of these gods. Although the blood **** is still raging in the sky, it is impossible to get close to Lin Chi in the undead area, nor can he see the respect of the ancient guardian.

At this point, Lin Chi’s mind has also raised new questions:

- Are these gods really there?

This kind of guy, Yazlar, is really not worthy of the "god" status. Leviathan, who has been hiding in the sky, only pours his anger by lowering the thunder and lightning. The blood **** is actually the ancient guardian of the city of Sodom. As for other gods, it has never appeared.


Lin Chi, who was suspicious of the sinus, stayed in the air for a few seconds. Looking back at the direction of the undead zone, Yazlar’s ​​figure had disappeared.

Looking down at the huge wounds on his body, he decided to go back to trimming, fly back to Mephistopheles' territory, and come to the house of worship, but found that Mo Liya, who had stayed here, had disappeared at this time.

"Mephus, are you?"

Lin Chi stood in front of the altar and tried to call for the resurrection of his "God". The strange thing is that Mephistopheles, who is usually "seconds back", did not give any response.

The weak god, for whatever reason, failed to respond to the call of the only remaining cursed person. However, although the voice was lost, the attribute bonus provided by Mephistopheles remained in Lin Chi’s body.

- Where did Mephistopheles go?

Lin Chi was wondering, but suddenly noticed that on the small table in front of the Memphis altar, there was a note that did not exist.

He picked up the note and saw a few lines of small letters on the dark red "pigment" suspected of being blood:

"The saint is in our hands. I know who you are. If you don't want to receive her body, go to the small square in the west of Sodom."

"This is... kidnapping?"

Lin Chi stunned and finally realized what he was facing, and then couldn't help but laugh out loud, and the voice continued to reverberate in the house of worship.

"Someone dare to kidnap the sect of the sect? You are really not afraid of death, young man..."

Since Mo Liya is a recruitable follower, he naturally will not give up the woman, just pick up the note and open the door and fly to the sky again.

Before solving the problem of blood god, it is time to go to the "kidnapping".

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