War in Heaven

Chapter 943: Evil believer's method

A series of killing tips appeared in the sight of the surviving players. The players who were still fighting also realized that the situation was not good and began to escape from the airspace near the dead zone.

Although there is nothing strange about killing tips, if nine players die within thirty seconds and are still dead in the same person, anyone will find that things are not simple.

What's more, the players who have watched the invitations are all aware of what the name really means...

The bones behind him continued to fan, so Lin Chi’s body stayed in the sky. He turned his head and looked around. He saw other players who were still here fleeing, and sighed long:

"Is there a boneless one?"

However, since everyone else is running, he can just focus on the "blood god" that is raging in the dead zone.

Even if the appearance looks powerful, any boss will have weaknesses. Since "Blood God" is set as the world boss, this fallen guardian who has defeated several waves of **** will certainly have weaknesses.

As long as you can find the weakness of the blood god, there is the possibility of defeating this boss. From the previous situation, the frontal attack is obviously doing nothing, and the weakness of the guy should be outside the body, for example...

Lin Chi lowered his head and turned his gaze to the undead area covered by the bloodstream. The large number of pinned piles that were originally nailed to the street had already disappeared.

The gods of Sodom have used the pointed piles to seal the blood **** underground, and at the beginning of the battle, the demons also tried to nail the pickets on the streets of the undead.

The "ontology" or weakness of the blood **** should be hidden in the underground of the undead area, but it covers the whole area of ​​the bloodstream, but it blocks the process of the demons nailing the picket.

If you can find a way to attract the attention of the blood god, then nail the picket underneath, you may be able to contain the action of the blood **** - the devils of course also thought of this, but unfortunately the cruel blood, did not leave them Any chance.

Several lion-headed beasts with pointed piles, under the cover of the infernal soldiers, were near the undead area that was submerged by plasma. The feet wrapped in brown fur had not yet set foot on the **** streets, and the ground beneath them suddenly trembled.

The long bone spurs broke out, the lion head and the beast did not react for a while, and the body had been pierced into a "personal stick". The picket that came in from a certain part and then pierced from the mouth seemed to be There is quite an ancient Romanian "puncture public" style of action.

After the lion head beast was killed, when the **** soldier turned and was about to evacuate, the blood pool suddenly extended a huge bone claw, grabbed the body of one of the **** soldiers, and dragged the demon into the blood pool. !

The strong demon of the blue skin, leaving only a few bubbles, completely disappeared into the blood pool, completely disappeared.

After witnessing this scene, Lin Chi vetoed the intention of "sneak down on piling" in his heart: unless there is any guy who can hold back the blood **** and let the blood gods have no time to take care of the streets below, the piling plan is likely to succeed.

But then again, there is another way to effectively weaken the power of the blood god. And this method, only Lin Chi can do it alone...

Lin Chi swooped down from the sky and flew toward a dark area on the ground. Just approaching the side, Yazlar standing on the open ground jerked back, and the cross-shaped double-edged hand pointed to Lin’s head. .

"Don't do it, yourself!" Lin Chi shouted, indicating his identity.

"The cursed person... don't bother me." Azlar had no interest in chatting, but his brows looked up and stared at the blood fog over Sodom.

She was sent by the King of God to solve the problem, not only failed to seal the blood god, but also lost several avatars in the battle with the blood god. Although Azlar is very annoying, there is no good solution.

- As a "mercenary" under the command of the King of God, the power of Azlar was inherently weaker than other gods in the city. If you fail to complete the mission of the King of God, waiting for her in **** will only be cruel torture.

In the case of being troubled by internal and external problems, she naturally did not have time to pay attention to the cursed person, but Lin Chi’s next sentence just happened to talk about her mind:

"I can weaken the power of the blood god."

Azlar turned back and took a look at Lin Chi, and did not hide his disdain: "I know that you are Mephistopheles, don't make a joke, even if it is his god, it is not enough to fight against blood. ”

"Do you know where to find the altar of the blood god?" Lin Chi continued to ask questions.

Even if the blood **** is so powerful, as long as the fragments of the altar can be dedicated to the sealed **** outside the city, the power of the blood **** will be greatly weakened immediately.

The problem now is that the city of Sodom is blocked. Lin Chi can't leave the city, but if he can get help from Azlar, the "angel" should be able to get permission to leave the city from the king of God. Let yourself dedicate the fragments of the altar to the ancient gods outside the city!

Seeing Lin Chi seems to be very serious, Yazlar, who was in a hurry to go to the hospital, left a detached person to stay with Lin Chi. He asked: "What are you going to do for the altar?"

"As long as I get the fragments of his altar, I can weaken the power of the blood god." Lin Chi said vaguely, and added a meaningful sentence: "You understand what I mean."


What Yazlar’s ​​avatar was about to say, but suddenly turned his head: "Do you want to make an ancient sacrifice?"

"That's what it means." Lin nodded.

The gods of Sodom City will certainly not know nothing about the ancient **** outside the city. It sounds like the "ancient sacrifice" in the mouth of Azlar should be the act of offering the fragments of the altar in the territory of the ancient gods.

Since the guy also knows the effect of the ancient sacrifice, she will probably assist in this action. Of course, this **** may also make a diametrically opposite judgment -

Lin Chizheng tried to speculate on the other side's actions, but saw that Yazlar's avatar suddenly trembled, the double-edged cross in his hand suddenly became bigger, and the sharp blade brought out the whistling wind, and cut it towards himself!

Before the blade arrived, "touched" had already started, with Lin Chi's body fleeing Yazlar's attack range at five times speed. But Azlar apparently did not let him go, and the detached and decisively chased it, and once again became a cold and ruthless voice, creating a long echo in Lin Chi’s ear:

"Ancient sacrifice is an act prohibited by God, a cultist!"

However, even if Azlar’s ​​attitude is firm, Lin Chi still tries to convince the other party:

"To fight against the blood god, this is the only way."

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