War in Heaven

Chapter 890: Live sacrifice

Perhaps it is because of the curiosity of the unknown years shrouded in the fog, or it may simply be tired of life in modern society. Whether at home or abroad, many people have a strong interest in the lives of ancient people.

——The Taoist priests, the knights walking in the rivers and lakes, the knights who believe in the light, the mage who destroyed the earth... People are extremely rich in the imagination of the ancient times. Even knowing that there should be no dragons or devils in ancient times, it is not a bad thing to fantasize about the past life.

Until 2035, all kinds of works that traversed or traveled through time and space were still very popular. Among them, back to ancient subjects occupied the vast majority. In the brain imaging game, there are many such works.

However, while imagining that they have returned to ancient times, many people seem to ignore the hidden dangers of their favorite feudal era:

At that time, the concept of "human rights" did not exist, and the laws and systems were not perfect.

Many contradictions hidden in modern times were much sharper in those days. Even royal aristocrats or big riches may suddenly encounter unexpected events. If the traversal unfortunately falls on civilians, the situation will be even worse:

For the upper class, the civilians are almost the only objects that can be slaughtered at will. The reasons for killing civilians are also very strange, from burial to sacrifice.

If you were born in the dark age, even if you follow the law in your life, without any rebellious heart, you may die miserablely.

- Now, a young farmer named Colva is heading towards the end of his life.


"Let me go... let me go!"

The young man in the rags shouted, screaming and screaming, trying to break free of the big hands that bound his arms, but the hands that were holding them were like iron tongs, no matter how hard they tried, there was no sign of loosening.

"Help me! Help!"

There was a little childish Colva on his face, and he kept screaming at the passers-by standing on the street. The pedestrians on the side of the road did not mean to move at all. They just stood in the same place with awe-inspiring expression and watched Colva being towed away by two strong men.

- They will not act. You already know it, aren't you?

In fact, Colva is also very clear that his call for help is just a waste of physical strength.

Just a month ago, he was once a member of the passers-by, standing by the road watching a girl, being taken away in the same way.

Of course, he knows that the person who was taken away has only one dead end. but……

- It shouldn't be like this, it's too unfair. I am only twenty years old, and there is still a long way to go. Now it has to be a sacrifice, this is really...

Corva’s thoughts turned into a mess, and the body continued to struggle mechanically until it was dragged to the wasteland outside the city, and finally saw the sights at hand:

I am standing on an execution ground.

This wasteland should have been brown soil, dyed completely black by plasma, and several headless bodies were not far from the side, and there were many dead bones that had not been known for many years, half buried in the soil.

The smell of rancidity spreads through the air, and several vultures are hovering over the execution ground, waiting for the upcoming food.

A humanoid stone sculpture stands 20 meters away from the front, and the dark gray "skin" looks crumpled, like a dehydrated corpse.

Although the shape is similar to that of humans, the extremely thin limbs and the exposed bones clearly indicate that the statue is not describing the human image. But something else.

As for what the statue symbolizes, everyone in this country is clear:

"Mephus God..."

Corva muttered to himself, telling the name of the gods.

The two strong men who grabbed his arm let go, and Colva's body slipped down weakly and fell into the muddy, muddy soil, with gray metal boots suddenly appearing in front of him.

Colva looked up and shriveled, and a black robes, a thin right hand holding the book, and a metal mask painted with red enamel coats.

Standing in front of him is a tall, thin man whose body is completely covered by a black robe. He is looking down at him with a yellow eyeball, and his tiny pupil is like a poisonous snake.

"Look up, live sacrifices, your body will be a feast of the gods."

The man made an unusually hoarse voice, and it sounded like a **** of devil in Corva. Faced with the skinny "monster", Colva tried his best to stand up and punch and punch the mask.

The butcher knife swung down from behind him.

A silver light flashed, and the young man who was beheaded fell to the ground, and the flat incision of the neck spurted the blood of the spring. The skull fell in the mud in front of the body of the black robe, and the executioner who came up came to step on it.

"Mefest God, please protect us from evil!"

The black robe turned and opened his arms and shouted to the statue on the execution ground: "The sacrifice you need has been sent, please protect us through the upcoming dark tide, and the priests have prepared more sacrifices. If you need it, please let us know!"

There was a dead silence on the execution ground. The black robe and the two nephews stood silent in the same place. I don’t know how long it took. Suddenly there was a hoarse whisper, which sounded from a close distance:

"I... need... a complete body."

Hearing the voice of the gods who did not know where to come from, the black robes were busy with one knee and the turbid yellow eye seemed to be shining.

"May Festus, we will follow the instructions of you and provide complete sacrifices. You don't have to wait too long to enjoy a lot of live sacrifices!"

After the speech, the black robe stood up gracefully and bowed, and looked up and stood still, as if he was feeling the holy atmosphere around him.

Until the sky began to darken, the black robe talent finally reluctantly left the execution site with two executioners.

He didn't notice that when he turned around, the man-like statue, the thin fingers moved a little.

Known as the "Mefith God" sculpture, two fast-turning scarlet eyes suddenly appear in the empty eye sockets. The thick black smoke rose from the **** execution ground and turned into a dark cloud, shrouded in a nearby rock-built city.

Before the darkness came, the gods who received the sacrifices were awakened.

In the dry chest of the statue, a dull laughter suddenly sounded and echoed above the execution ground as a death knell indicating death.

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