War in Heaven

Chapter 889: Soldier's needs

The next morning, when Lin, who had enough rest, returned to the private housing area of ​​the game, he immediately found that his mobile phone in his pocket kept ringing.

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He suddenly popped up a bunch of tips for adding friends. Because there were too many messages, the system didn't choose to communicate through the screen of the mobile phone, but directly presented the message in his line of sight, just like popping up. A lot of kill tips:

The player "Harmony Voice" requests to add you as a friend.

The player "kel-mel" requests to add you as a friend.

The player "Heavy Criminal" requests to add you as a friend.

The player "Claudia" requests to add you as a friend.


Adding friends' information is endless, flashing from his sight. It is conceivable that these people must have been interested in themselves because they watched the invitational tournament.

Lin Chi took a few reasons to apply for a friend, and then found that the reasons for these guys to add friends are also varied, all sorts of strange reasons are endless:

"Oh, I am your fan! Add a friend!"

"Can your entourage borrow from me?"

"Little brother wants to socialize!"

"The Chase's gaming diaper needs a spokesperson, we need you."

Looking at the strange reasons of these people, Lin Chi smiled and clicked the button "Reject all requests", and then changed his social status to "Cannot add" in the menu.

As an old player who has played games for many years, Lin Chi’s destructive power to pig teammates is deeply understandable. He didn't need to socialize through the game, and he didn't add the meaning of these strangers at all, but he refused them straightforwardly.

In view of his current limelight, he is ready to wait until the heat of the invitational game has passed, and then change back to its original state.

"What's wrong?" Dalian walked slowly, holding her laptop in her arms.

"I wonder if I should find a broker." Lin Chi made a joke.

At this point, Darian and Crazy Evan have returned to the private housing area, and several followers are wandering outside. The five soldiers who survived the sog were still recovering from injury, and the building area was a "happy and happy" scene.

Lin opened the list of friends and looked at it. I saw the name of the coach grayed out. It seems that the meeting with the guy can't be realized for a while.

However, in addition to meeting with the coach, it is now necessary to build a camp for the soldiers from the macv-sog.

Thinking of this, Lin Chi also decisively contacted the construction company in the game. By the way, he asked the opinions of the sog soldiers, but the result was an unexpected answer from Woods:

"Do you mean to have a bar?"

"Yes." Woods nodded and explained: "It's not a battlefield anyway, it's not a bad thing for the brethren to relax."

"That's okay." Lin Chi looked at the "block man" sent by Steve Construction Company and told the construction workers about the sog.

What these soldiers need is not a barracks, but a place where they can relax. Lin Chi also happily agreed to their request. After all, he is not actually a soldier. The demands of his soldiers are not as strict as the real officers.

The private housing area was originally the rest area for the players and the followers, and it made no sense to be too serious. After obtaining the architectural requirements, the workers of Steve Construction Company quickly began to work quickly using the building materials dropped from the Nagozas, the floating city of the Scourge.

Standing by and watching the peculiar pixel people start building the bar, Tim from the sog sighed: "Commander, what monsters are there, it's just fifty-one..."

"You mean the secret base of the United States?" Lin Chi looked at the metal mask on the soldier's face: "I thought it was a rumor."

"That's not a legend. The Marines have also been responsible for protecting it there. Mason, do you remember?" Tim looked at the soldier with his cane around him.

"Oh, it seems that there is such a thing, when cia was there to study the bodies of aliens." Mason nodded.

Listening to these guys' understatement of the "state secrets" in the virtual world, Lin Chi knows that the soldiers of Sog have completely regarded themselves as comrades-in-arms.

After the brutal battle of Kayaland, the five soldiers were convinced of the commander's ability, and the brotherhood that was honed on the battlefield could be said to be indestructible.

As the bar being built could not be completed in a short while, Lin Chi stayed in the line for a few minutes.

After lunch, he opened the game website to find information about war paradise.

If you want to transform the team collectively, you must first make sure that the corresponding game will be held in War Heaven. Although there is no news at the official website, but from the sound of the media, many sponsors have been interested in negotiating with Pulse Entertainment to hold the game in this game.

——The success of the first invitational tournament has made the game more enthusiastic. The "Sword Blade", which was originally able to compete with the war paradise, was finally completely defeated. The Arena competition won by the Hellfire team did not set off any waves.

Seeing the potential of War Heaven, the sponsors are starting to move. No one will reject the benefits of being sent to the door. In the eyes of those who are profitable, this game is a good choice for their brands to get more exposure.

For this reason, the next game about "War of War", the website and the forum are also diverse, all kinds of speculation, but based on a common basis, that is - this game will soon appear on a large scale The official game is over.

So, all you have to do now is wait.


Lin Chi took a long breath and turned off the website page with his virtual character avatar on the homepage. He stood up from the sofa and stretched his joints, and walked to the game bin again.

"Would you like to start." The sound of Frankenstein sounded from the phone.

"In any case, it’s okay now." Lin Chi spread his hand.

The two games that he and the Hellfire team participated in have ended. He is now from a tight preparation period and returns to the relaxed and leisurely "salty fish moment." In Lin Chi’s leisure time, playing games is his main pastime.

- If it is a passer-by, it should be easier than the invitation. However, in the map of "War of War", any situation may appear, and you still can't take it lightly.

This unknown challenge is also the charm of the game.

"See you tonight."

Lin Chi said to the Frankenstein, and then opened the door of the game bin again.

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