World and cultivator are also hierarchical.

The cultivator includes Golden Immortal, Da Luo, Quasi-Saint, Hun Yuan, world also divided into blessed land, Celestial Grotto, Xiaoqian, Zhongqian, Daqian.

Different levels naturally have different treatments.

For example, Great Desolate World can carry the Heavenly Way level. Once it is promoted to Chaos World, Great Way can also be bred.

And the world wants breakthrough, there is only one way, and that is to perfect the law.

If you want to do this, you naturally need Saint’s help. The more Saints, the faster Heavenly Way can be improved.

Hongjun said that there are nine Saints under Heavenly Way, which is not accurate.

Just want the tenth Saint to be more difficult to teach the previous nine.

But once it appears, the strength of the entire world will be strengthened.

As for Hunyuan, it’s like eating Heavenly Way and taking Heavenly Way, but in the end you have to pat your butt and leave. Would you like Heavenly Way?

The most important thing is to leave that’s all, which has already hurt the world.

But breaking free from the shackles of the world and breaking the Heavenly Way is even more salty for the world.

Therefore, Hongjun is unwilling to let people go on the path of mixed elements.

Although the Hunyuan road is more difficult, and if it fails during the breakthrough, it is like Pangu incarnate all things, returning heaven and earth, which is also of great benefit to the world.

But it is better to be safe than sorry.

In case of a successful one, the damage received by heaven and earth will not be offset by a few more Saints.

People naturally didn’t know this, but after listening to Pangu’s failure, Hongjun didn’t use Force Prove Dao’s method, so he retreated subconsciously.

As for the Sanctification of merits, although merits are common, the merits to prove the Tao are probably not a decimal.

How to obtain merits, especially how to obtain the huge merits that can prove Tao, Hongjun did not say, therefore, this path is not good either.

In the end, it seems that whether it is Sanctification of Merit or Severing The Three Corpses Sanctification, you must cultivate Severing The Three Corpses. Hong Jun also said the most clearly.

As Hongjun said, cultivating the method of Severing The Three Corpses can not only continue to have a breakthrough after Da Luo, but not stay in Da Luo, can’t advance.

As for the so-called Quasi-Saint before, it is simply not Quasi-Saint, it is still Da Luo, but the combat power is comparable to Quasi-Saint.

Quasi-Saint is the name of Quasi-Saint after Hongjun opened the method of the three corpses. Before, everyone used the Comprehend Law Power, 30% Da Luo, 6-Layer Quasi-Saint, 90% Great Accomplishment, ten percent, mixed yuan.

The so-called Quasi-Saint, they all just increase the Law Comprehension to 6-Layer or higher, but they are still big Luo.

For most people, wanting to directly break through from Da Luo to Hun Yuan Da Luo is obviously idiotic.

Some simply don’t have the background of breakthrough mixed elements.

Because of Comprehensive Law, easy first and difficult later, and it is farther you go harder it gets.

This is the same as the resources consumed by the mosquito man after the breakthrough Quasi-Saint wants to continue to improve, which increases exponentially.

If Severing The Three Corpses can achieve Quasi-Saint, it might be a way.

Because the difficulty of Severing The Three Corpses is much easier than Comprehend Law.

Furthermore, first go through the method of Severing The Three Corpses, even if you can’t cut all three corpses, in the end this road will not work, you can’t combine three corpses.

But if you take the path of Sanctification, there will be no conflicts or dangers.

And it can also play a supporting role.

Because the cultivation base realm after Severing The Three Corpses is obviously not comparable to that of Da Luo, the distance to Hunyuan is also closer. At this time, the merits are added, and the merits required by the breakthrough Hunyuan are obviously compared. Decapitation is much less.

Bonus is not easy to gather, but it can be less.

Lao Tzu’s six people Sanctification later, isn’t that the case?

Except for Lao Tzu who killed the three corpses, inadvertently, with the help of Severing The Three Corpses, he finally reunited and walked this way. The other Saints are not all Severing The Three Corpses and merits. Is Sanctification combined with each other?

Even the Nuwa of the Sanctification of Merit, doesn’t it mean to cut the good and evil corpses first, and then add the merit to the breakthrough?

As for Heavenspan and the others, the same is true. The established Sect merits can either lead to the creation of the heavens, or borrow from the heavens.

Seeing that everyone has unconsciously biased towards Severing The Three Corpses, Hongjun nodded in satisfaction.

The method of Severing The Three Corpses was created by him. He is the ancestor of this lineage. All people who cultivation this method can get blessings. The more people who cultivation, the benefits he will get more.

Be careful, after choosing the second and third breakthrough Saint methods, there was silence for a while, and after digesting it, Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning then asked impatiently: “Teacher, evidence mixed There are superior and inferior Yuan law, so does Severing The Three Corpses also have it?”

But it is Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning. Listening to Hongjun, the three ways of proof, Force Prove Dao is the highest. Severing The Three Corpses has more merits than others.

The re-combination is also the big Luo, and the same is the big Luo Early-Stage. In the middle and late stages, because of the different backgrounds and the different innate talents of the battle, there are also differences, and some of the gaps are not small, so , Have this question.

Hongjun admired Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, and nodded, definitely replied,

“This is nature!”

Everyone is hearing This is tight in my heart.

Since Severing The Three Corpses is also divided, everyone is definitely willing to use the best way to achieve the highest achievement. They all want the high-end version, but even if you can’t do it, you have to figure it out. I won’t be confused now, I can do it in the future, but I missed the opportunity because I didn’t understand it.

“Then I don’t know what to do?”

primordial Tianzun asked.

“Severing the three corpses, good, evil, obsession.”

“Severing The Three Corpses needs sustenance, and the sustenance is not Innate, it is almost impossible to have Achievement.”

“The quality of the Innate Object used for corpses is very important. It is not only related to the cultivation base after the three corpses is cut, but also related to future achievements. Therefore, you need to choose carefully “

“In addition, killing the corpse can be assisted by merit, twice the results for half the effort, it is best to be carried by the Innate Object of defense and auxiliary functions, and to kill the Evil Thought, it is best to kill. The power of evil spirits is best supported by the Innate Object with the power of offensive. As for the obsession, it does not need to be divided into defense, attack, or support, but it needs the Innate Object that is closely related to obsession. This is not only easier, but also It’s a better fit and the greatest achievement.”

For the question of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning, Hongjun didn’t hesitate to say anything.

It just retained the method of how the three corpses were unified.

Although the last method is beneficial to most people, it is fatal to those who are committed to Hunyuan.

People who can’t break through Hunyuan, according to his breakthrough method, will naturally get great benefits.

But if you want to break through Hunyuan, this way, it is almost impossible for the three corpses to become one in the future.

Because you want three corpses into one, you must have three Sacred Jewel same root with different branches.

Except for the Three Treasures of Heaven, there are basically very few Sacred Jewels with the same root with different branches that can attack and defend.

As for these, everyone certainly does not know.

People who know will not say it. Such as Lao Tzu.

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