The years do not live, and the seasons flow.

Tianbo is easy to thank, but it is hard to stay in the heat.

Unconsciously, three thousand years passed silently, and Hongjun stopped preaching.

Everyone gradually came back to his senses. Although they got used to it, they still sighed with regret. The feeling of being immersed in the Great Way is unprecedented. More realm experience shua~ shua~ shua~ is going up, what better enjoyment than this?

After everyone woke up, Hongjun said,

“Daosheng Pangu, second pregnant Demon God.”

“Chaos has Supreme Treasure, one Breeding, opening the sky, carrying, and spreading the law.”

“The conceived person, the creation of the world, 30 Grade 6, the defense is unparalleled; the sky-opening person, the Panguya, the boundless destruction; the bearer, Chaos also, the connotation is a small chaos, the spreader, the good fortune, fifty Great Way, 49 Heavenly Way, three thousand, eight hundred, one yuan, infinite everything.”

“Great Desolate, Chaos Sacred Jewels, Demon God, Supreme Treasure, Demon God fell in the hands of Pangu, Supreme Treasure was also broken before the beginning of heaven and earth, the creation of Azure Lotus turned Innate Wufangqi and other Sacred Jewels, chaos beaded thirty-six Set Supreme Treasure such as Sea God Bead, Splitting Heaven Ax will open up the three treasures of heaven, only the jade made of jade will be the least damaged.”

“God’s will is favored, I have to teach Supreme Treasure, build Spirit Transformation device, collect jade The shards melted into the Heavenly Way Divine Item to achieve the Great Way of Hongjun, thus preaching sentient beings and enlightening the world.”

“Nine is the extreme number, three is Perfection, so I preached three times, nine thousand years After the next sermon, I’ll give you the perfection of merit. If you have any questions at this time, I can answer for the teacher.”

Hongjun talked about the secrets of opening the sky and said that he was giving a lecture at Purple Heaven Palace. The purpose, and then asked everyone.

Everyone looked at each other, and Lao Tzu, who was sitting on the top of the futon, took the lead and asked, “Teacher is compassionate, I don’t know how to follow in Teacher’s footsteps, breakthrough Quasi-Saint, achieve Hunyuan Saint.”

This is a question of everyone’s heart. Therefore, as soon as I finished the question, the people below all held their breath and stared at Hongjun, Hunyuan’s. They didn’t know about formidable power at first, but after seeing Hongjun, infinite yearning arose.

Who would like to be a frog in well after seeing the vast sky and sea?

Under Saint, all are ants.

Who wants to be ants for those who are proud of themselves?

Don’t talk about them, but whoever can become a master, I am afraid that none of them will be willing to be ordinary.

As for what to say about lonely at the top, expert is lonely as snow, it’s all nonsense, purely boring, somewhat hypocritical, and not eternal, there is never a lack of invincibility is so lonely.

For Laozi’s question, Hongjun did not unexpectedly.

Therefore, he said very peacefully,

“The Great Way is thousands, and we can return to each other in different ways. If you reach the limit, you can become Hunyuan Saint.”

paused, it seems that there is some official, not careful enough, so he said again,

“Hun Yuan, Hun Yuan Da Luo Golden Immortal, Saint, Dai Tian Mu hunting, Hun Yuan is not Saint, Saint is Hunyuan.”

” Breakthrough Hunyuan not only requires great power to be attributed to itself, but also complete control of a Great Way. When enlightened, there will be the disaster of Heavenly Way. The achievement of Saint is the sustenance of Primordial Spirit. Heavenly Way, heaven and earth are immortal, Saint does not fall, heaven and earth have the same force from time to time, and heaven and earth celebrate it.”

Hongjun first talked about the difference between the two, and stayed still. Sensually told the difficulty of breakthrough Hunyuan than breakthrough Saint and the risk factor, dispelling the idea of ​​everyone wanting to take the breakthrough Hunyuan, although this is a fact.

“Otherwise, as far as I can tell, there are three Great Ways that can prove Hunyuan Saint.”

“One is to imitate the Pangu Dao, Force Prove Dao, With strong spiritual power, Divine Ability, Sacred Jewel, forcibly breaking the yoke of the Heavenly Way, Force Prove Dao, this method is the breakthrough method, but this method is too dangerous, even the Great Lord failed, so it is difficult Difficulty!!!”

“The second is to slay the corpse to prove Dao. After Da Luo was originally Hun Yuan Da Luo, it is a pity that the breakthrough was too difficult. Therefore, the old Dao understood from the good fortune jade. The Great Way that belongs to Hongjun alone, the method of Severing The Three Corpses, cuts off the three corpses of good, evil, and self, and then combines the three corpses to become one. This way, although the difficulty of the breakthrough is not reduced, it will not be trapped in the big Luo can’t advance, I am enlightened by this.”

After specifically recommending the way of Severing The Three Corpses, Hongjun said again,

“As for the third, It is to prove the Dao by virtue. It is the easiest way to prove the Dao by virtue of the Heavenly Way. This is the easiest way. This is the way to achieve Saint.”

“The three paths are the most difficult with Force Prove Dao. However, achievement is the highest. Sanctification of merit is the easiest, but strength is the lowest.”

“However, if the method of Severing The Three Corpses and Sanctification of merit can be combined, it can further reduce the difficulty of Sanctification.”

It’s about whether you can preach or not, so everyone dares not to be negligent, and is very fascinated by hearing it.

Unfortunately, after listening for a long time, I went back and summarized, but found that only Severing The Three Corpses was the most suitable for me. In other words, the combination of Severing The Three Corpses and Sanctification is the most feasible method.

Other so-called Three Thousand Great Ways, all of them can be mixed, so I won’t talk about it. Hongjun didn’t talk about it. He comprehend it on his own. He didn’t know the year of the monkey. Can’t succeed.

Although there is no way in the world, it becomes a way if there are more people walking.

But since there is a ready-made Great Way in Kangzhuang, who would go to the blue road to meet the mountains and open the mountains and bridge the water?

So, the three approaches Hongjun summarized are the most suitable.

But Force Prove Dao and Pangu have failed. Who in the room dares to compare and surpass Pangu. See how Hongjun didn’t use this method?

They made a mistake, and Hongjun deliberately induced everyone.

Although Pangu Force Prove Dao seems to have failed, he has transformed into all things and made Great Desolate sentient beings.

But judging from the complete Heaven Opening Seal record obtained by Fang Qingshan, it does not seem to be the same thing. Although Pangu seems to have fallen, it just fell silent, waiting for the return of immeasurable calamity.

For this, I am afraid that Three Purities is, I am afraid that the twelve ancestor witches do not know.

Heavenly Way, Hongjun may or may not know.

But whether they know it or not, they may be the ones who don’t want Pangu to return.

Because Pangu is the real master of Great Desolate, they are just successors.

If the owner does not die, there must be no successor in the property.

That’s why they planned the Witch Clan and Buzhou Mountain in order to eliminate the influence of Pangu.

Leave aside these for the time being. In terms of stepping back ten thousand steps, even if Pangu failed to preach the Dao, it was the Great Way, not the Heavenly Way. It’s the Great Way that broke, not the Heavenly Way.

But Hongjun was secretly replaced by Hongjun.

The reason for this is that I don’t want anyone to detach from Heavenly Way.

After all, the achievement of Hunyuan will break the Heavenly Way, which is not a small harm to Heavenly Way.

And if everyone becomes Saint, this will not only be controlled by Heavenly Way, but also speed up the world evolution. If Great Desolate World can continue to be promoted to Chaos World, Heavenly Way will also be of great benefit.

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