The merits of patching the sky and the merits of Journey to the West, almost breathe, form a golden cocoon, and surround the Monkey Sun.

At this moment, his thoughts were clear, the golden hoop that imprisoned the head fell instantly, and the horse of mind came down instantly, following the palace, directly on the heart ape, the heart ape turned over, Riding on Yima instantly.

In an instant, Dragon-Tiger converged, Yin and Yang perfection, an inexplicable wave of fluctuations instantly escaped from Monkey Sun within the body, and a powerful wave of waves rose to the sky, towards all directions, the entire Great Desolate swept Away, wherever he went, it was Guanyin, Manjusri and the others couldn’t help but feel tight in their chests.

Quasi-Saint coercion!

Moreover, it is not an ordinary Quasi-Saint, but the king of fighting, fleshly body Sanctification.

After all, the two merits add up, almost all occupy the 4-Layer of Journey to the West merit.

Of course, so many merits are not digested in an instant.

After the breakthrough Quasi-Saint, the remaining merits are hidden in the Monkey Sun fleshly body.

He still needs to polish it.

It seems that I don’t want Monkey Sun monopolizing the limelight. With the effort of his feet and feet, Tang Seng’s body shook. Suddenly, the golden light all over his body shot, and the endless Spiritual Qi on Mount Meru was surging and rolled back. Here, under the madness poured in, a silent roar sounded, and an aura similar to Monkey Sun rose into the sky.


When Lingyun was crossing, Tang Seng faded away from the fleshly body mortal fetus, and merged with Jin Chanzi fleshly body that had been tempering for ten generations in the eight treasures of merit. At this moment, when the merits are added, the Primordial Spirit wakes up, the past, the realm, whiz whiz whiz flies upward.

For a time, but I saw an Ominous Fiend Qi and a kind of compassionate virtue fuse together perfectly.

Ominous Fiend Qi is naturally Jin Chanzi, which is Great Desolate ominous beast.

Even if you entered Buddhism, it is easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one’s character.

Through the original background and merit fate, Tang Seng, like Monkey Sun, went straight to Quasi-Saint and became the great power of All Heaven.

Next is Zhu Bajie, Sha monk and little White Dragon.

Zhu Bajie this time, the fate of merit is as much as Tang Seng, but unfortunately, because of samsara reincarnation and lack of background, he was stuck in Da Luo Perfection.

However, Zhu Bajie is already very satisfied with the journey that others have traveled thousands of years in just over a decade.

You know, Guang Cheng Zi and the others were in the Emperor Dao years, but at the time of the Battle of Investiture of Gods, there was no breakthrough Quasi-Saint.

And he is now Daluo Perfection, half-footed into Quasi-Saint, wanting to come, as long as he meditates for a period of cultivation, breakthrough is just a matter of where water flows, a canal is formed.

Actually, even if it is necessary to break through now, it is not impossible. It is just suppressed by Zhu Bajie, and the foundation of Xuanmen is more important.

If the foundation is solid, the follow-up cultivation will go smoothly. If the foundation is not solid, even if the previous progress is fast, it will be easy to encounter bottleneck in the follow-up. To break the bottleneck, it takes more time and more difficult than laying the foundation.

Although looking at Monkey Sun, who once resembled himself, he left himself far behind. There was something uneasy in my heart.

But, who makes people have the virtue of replenishing heaven?

Moreover, the road to cultivator is long. The future is long.

Now breakthrough is just a false name. The gain is more than the loss for him.

After Zhu Bajie, Monk Sha and the young White Dragon also broke through Da Luo, but they just entered. But it was a surprise for the two.

In this era, Golden Immortal is king, Supreme Unity is king, Ronaldo is a giant, and Quasi-Saint has become a trump card.

Otherwise, the entire Dragon Race, on the surface of the Four Seas Dragon King, Ao Guang with the highest cultivation base is nothing more than Supreme Unity Peak.

In addition to the Journey to the West team, I have participated in 81 difficult monsters, gods and Buddhas have also received a part of the merits fate.

But there are dozens of them in a group of people. They have a lot of merit and fate. But so many people share the same. It is not very small that they will fall into their own hands. Compared with the little White Dragon and the others, it is definitely the difference between Heaven and Earth.

So, if you want to rely on merit to fate, just like the Journey to the West team, you will be promoted to Level 3, advanced by leaps and bounds is something you don’t even think about.

However, although it does not improve much at once.

But from a long-term perspective, it also increases the background and saves time.

It’s not impossible to say that it can be comparable to the Journey to the West team’s improvement.

That is Duobao and Fang Qingshan.

Duobao enjoys a layer of merit alone.

Although he has reached his realm, ordinary cultivation has allowed him to can’t advance.

But now heaven and earth have the same force, but it has once again realized the big breakthrough, becoming the Number One Person under Saint, not just in name only, but also in reality. Step past Quasi-Saint Peak and step into Sub Saint realm.

Of course, this is realm, not combat effectiveness.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Fang Qingshan, with the Eternal Heaven boat, is second. Who dares to say first?

At this moment, Fang Qingshan, like Duobao and Monkey Sun, has added merit.

Fang Qingshan’s fate is the second only to Monkey Sun. Like Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie, he enjoys one and a half fate.

In the original trajectory, Guanyin fate directly into the sky with these merits, surpassing Dipankara, land pressure, Ksitigarbha, Maitreya and the others, and almost became the top five or even the top three giants of Buddhism.

Fang Qingshan is cheaper now.

After the Chaos War, Fang Qingshan followed Lao Tzu back to Da Chi Tian, ​​healed his wounds and protected himself from the limelight, while sorting out his gains.

The so-called battle is the best Teacher.

Fang Qingshan played against Duobao and the others, and the rewards were no worse than Duobao Kongxuan and the others.

After all, his cultivation base is the lowest, so the room for improvement is naturally the largest.

After returning to Da Chi Tian, ​​after his injury slightly improved, he was impatient, holding the linden tree, drinking the spiritual liquid, and completely immersed in the Great Way, digesting the battle gains.

On this day, a huge golden pillar of merit, an unrolled bolt of white silk general giant dragon fate dropping from the sky, went directly into the Niwan Palace in Fang Qingshan.

It is about to be transformed into a cultivation base.

Fang Qingshan was constrained.

Fate with merit to transform the cultivation base, but it is too bad.

Although merit fate is a panacea, the best way to use it is to assist the cultivator instead of directly transforming it into a cultivation base.

This is not only a huge waste of merit, but also, in terms of fundamentals, it is not so solid.

After all, among the three ways of certification, Sanctification is the weakest.

So, seeing that the merit fate was about to be transformed, Fang Qingshan quickly took out All Heavens Chessboard and took away the merit fate, only to let them bless them in their Primordial Spirit to improve their realm.

Good fellow, merit fate, it is indeed a way to have no worries about breakthrough cultivation base, almost comparable to Heavenly Way empowerment, eternal blessing.

Because of the eternal blessing, Fang Qingshan of Realm breakthrough Da Luo, once again advanced by leaps and bounds.

This time, not only the state of mind, but the cultivation base also increases with shua~ shua~ shua~.

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