Zhu Bajie didn’t know about the small movements of the Tathagata, and simply didn’t care.

If it was Zhu Bajie who said he had to make trouble.

Why Master, Senior Brother have become Buddhas, but he is just a pure altar messenger.

But now, because I don’t care, it doesn’t matter.

His heart is simply not in Buddhism, so simply doesn’t care if this is a messenger or Bodhisattva, even if it is a Buddha?

Anyway, after Journey to the West is over, he always wants to return to the division, so Zhu Bajie simply doesn’t care.

Of course, the most important point is that the human heart can be deceived, but the heavenly heart cannot be deceived.

There is destiny for what I do. Whether it is an emissary or a Buddha, one point of merit will not lose me.

Since this is the case, what is there to say?

“Sha Wujing, you were originally a Roller Blind General, but failed to perform your duties faithfully. He was demoted and eaten man-made sins. Fortunately, he converted to my religion. He respected Kadah, protected the holy monks, and led the horse. If you have merit, you should be promoted to a great position, and you will be a golden arhat.”

“Little White Dragon, you were originally the third Crown Prince of the West Sea Dragon Palace. Because of your disobedience and unfilial piety, you were sued by your father in Celestial Court. After walking on the Dragon Slashing Platform, I was fortunate enough to convert myself to the Dharma, convert to my Sammon, carry the holy monks to the west, and take the bible to the east for you, and those who have merits, should be promoted to your position. Tian Longma.”

“many thanks Buddha!”

Monk Sand and the young White Dragon hearing this were overjoyed and quickly thanked them. Although not as good as Master and Senior Brother, they were golden. Luohan and Babu Tian Longma are both good fruit positions.

Although it is an Arhat, the eight Heavenly Dragons, they are more fruitful than Bodhisattva, and the full name is the Arhat Bodhisattva. Nanwu Babu Heavenly Dragon Guangli Bodhisattva.

The two of them are different from Zhu Bajie.

After Zhu Bajie Journey to the West, we must return to the division.

Monk Sha and the young White Dragon are ready to directly invest in Buddhism.

After all, it’s nice to enjoy the cool under the big tree.

Of course, they must not know that Buddhism was defeated in the battle in the chaos.

However, even if you know it, you don’t care. Under the sky, there is a tall top, a skinny and dying camel is still bigger than a horse.

The seal is over.

Duobao, Dipankara, Luya, Jizo, Kongxuan, Four Vajra, Five Hundred A Luo, Three Thousand Jiezhe, Eleven Great Yao, Eighteen Kalan, including Tang Monk, Monkey Sun entire group , Qi Qi chanted: “Amitabha!”

As soon as the voice fell, it was like making a big wish to the world, bursts of Sanskrit sounds, like thunder piercing the ear, with the thunder and the momentum of Hall Of Great Strength is the center, thinking about all directions spread out.

Spiritual Mountain, Xihe Niuzhou, four continents, four seas, heaven and earth, the Great Desolate starry sky, and even chaos.


In the rumbling sound, an invisible coercion swept across the heaven and earth like a tide, and countless creatures seemed to feel the presence of one after another yoke, being suppressed There is not even a trace of resistance.

There is infinite sacred light again, one after another Great Way breathe out, turning into wonderful rhythmic ripples, spreading around.

Between heaven and earth, a kind of fairy music and heavenly sound suddenly sounded, and it seemed to be celebrating something, mysterious and unpredictable.

Heavenly Way is revealed.

For many years, Heavenly Way retired after the ancient Taoist ancestors merged with Taoism, and after Saint took the place of Tianmu hunting, the Heavenly Way will no longer appear.

Journey to the West Although Buddhism is booming, it is not a catastrophe. The reason why the Heavenly Way manifests is entirely due to the restoration of the Western ancestry.

For a time, but it can be seen that auspicious light turns into a sky, and the golden lotus on the ceiling covers the earth, with various images, and everything.

At this moment, an invisible heaven and earth will instantly converge into a vertical eye, overlooking the world.

Selflessness, supreme supreme.

Full of majesty, unspeakable. Under that coercion, everyone felt their own insignificance. Even Saint is no exception.

The Eye of Heavenly Way.

“Heavenly Might is like prison!”

I and the others, his pupils shrunk into needles, and muttered to himself.

They are improving, not what they used to be.

Heavenly Way progresses faster.

Fortunately, they are one body and complement each other. They improve and feed back the Heavenly Way. The improvement of Heavenly Way will speed up their cultivation.


The rays of light of the Eye of Heavenly Way swept over everyone. At this moment, most people seemed naked, without any secrets.

At a certain moment, in the sky, there seemed to be a mysterious sound of heaven echoing.


The eye of Heavenly Way blinked, and immeasurable golden light shot out, scattered into ten thousand li clouds.

Heaven and earth suddenly shook, and amidst the roar, the mighty and huge cloud of merit dropping from the sky, its merits are so many and wide, since the inception of Pangu heaven and earth, apart from creating humans , Replenishing the sky, and the merits of reincarnation, I am afraid that even if the three emperors are added together, it is only this.


First, a dragon roar sounded.

In the beginning, the thin mosquitoes gradually rise up, like a golden stone, and finally like thunder piercing the ear, resounding through the sky.

But I can see Niuzhou in Xihe, starting from Five Elements Mountain, Liangjie Mountain, following Yingshoujian, Black Wind Mountain, Gaolaozhuang, to Hao Mountain, to Jindou Cave, to Lingyun Crossing, wherever Monkey Sun they pass.

There is boundless Spiritual Qi, will converge, meandering, a giant dragon, a sleepy dragon ascending to the sky, dragon roar Great Lake, and finally wyvern in the sky. This is the dragon vein transformed from the western ancestral vein. I don’t know it. I thought it was the Ancestral Dragon resurrection, golden scales, nine claws, lifelike, and when it appeared, it skyrocketed to the nine thousand li, covering the sun and sky, hovering in Xihe Niu State, over Mount Meru, a dragon roar sounded and the body danced. Almost everyone could hear the joy from the heart.

Others are also that’s all. The happiest thing is not the current ancestor of Buddhism, Duobao, but the lead in chaos.

Since the remote antiquity, Xijian has been weak. For the West and Buddhism, the two have suffered.

Up to now, the Western ancestral veins have been restored, and Buddhism has become prosperous. At this moment, the obsessions in both of them seem to have dissipated a lot, and the whole body suddenly pulled up, taking a big step forward.

Double happiness is here!


Feeling the changes in the Bliss world, Nuwa and Primordial couldn’t help but be coldly snorted.

Nuwa is because if Zhunzi improves, won’t she be the bottom of Saint?

primordial simply looks down on the western duo, and looks down on them.

Heavenspan Cult Lord’s eyes flashed a sword light.

Only Laozi is still expressionless and sits firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Just when the western duo became prosperous because of Buddhism, their obsessions were eliminated, and the cultivation base was greatly advanced, the fate that was too heavy to carry in the sky crashed like a meteor shower, scattered for hundreds Golden light of different sizes.

Monkey Sun alone enjoys the 2-Layer merit fate.

Tang Seng and Zhu Bajie each share a fate.

Monk Sand and Little White Dragon each share a half-layer fate.

The other layer and a half fell into Fang Qingshan’s hands.

The first floor fell into the hands of Tathagata.

The remaining layer and a half are scattered on the bodies of the Buddhas Bodhisattva and Divine Immortal who participated in Journey to the West.

Monkey Sun and Tang Seng were the first to explode when the merit fate was added.

Journey to the West’s merit is the guide, and the heaven-repairing merit hidden in Monkey Sun within the body is immediately drawn out.

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