Compared with spiritual power, no matter how much it is, or its purity, or even its recovery speed, the eternal thunder pool and thunder tower are better than Wuyunxian.

It is stronger than the body. Although Wuyunxian is a Great Desolate alien beast, it is obviously a little insignificant compared to the Eternal Heaven boat.

Although the Eternal Heaven boat does not have the breakthrough Innate Supreme Treasure level, its strength is definitely no less than that of the Supreme Treasure Armor.

After all, it is Fang Qingshan who has integrated the Grade 3 Golden Lotus, the turtle shell of the Holy Mother of the tortoise spirit, the corpse of the Demon God in one fell swoop, and even the boundless aspirations of beings…

As for the magical artifact, don’t say that the sword in Wuyunxian’s hand has lost its core, Source Sword Qi.

Even if there is still a top-level acquired Sacred Jewel, there is no comparability at all with the existence of Death Scythe, which is not weaker than the main body of Zhu Xianjian.


Except for the understanding of the Great Way, Wuyunxian may have a little advantage, and all other aspects will be crushed by Tianzhou.

As for the understanding of the Great Way, Tianzhou doesn’t need it at all in this regard, because he and the Mosquito Dao people follow the same path. Resources are king, and resources can make progress. Even the single force subduing ten will be supplemented by Supreme Treasure and immeasurable spiritual power.

As for the understanding of the Great Way, as long as Tianzhou advances, it can also be compensated. After all, there are eternal blessings.

So, Wuyunxian’s defeat under the attack of Death Scythe is justified.

And this is Wuyunxian. Although he has no cultivation Nine Turns Yuan Gong, his defensive power is amazing. In terms of defense, although there are many different animals in the world, it is more than Black Tortoise, more tortoise than tortoise There is almost no power, and with the tempering of the Eight Treasure Merit Pool, the defensive power is no less than the high grade Innate Sacred Jewel.

More importantly, the sword dao realm is great. After all these years, the comprehend Source Sword Qi is not in vain. It even cancels and eliminates it, takes advantage of strength, and even Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move. Part of the attack power was absorbed by the sword in his hand.

Therefore, the deity not at all suffered too much damage, but the acquired top Sacred Jewel, who has accompanied him for many years, has not been scrapped, but it has also suffered indelible damage.

In the end, the grade of this sword is inferior to the death sickle, and more importantly, the sword energy of Zhu Xian was used up, making it even more fragile.

I am afraid it is not a simple matter to fix it.

Because you want to repair, you first need more heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and the materials of the top Sacred Jewel are refined, not to mention now, even if it is placed in Ancient Era, it will not be much more. go with.

Nowadays, I don’t even think about it. It’s basically extinct.

Even if it is there, once it emerges, it will surely cause a bloody storm.

More importantly, someone who refines treasures is needed.

The only person who can repair the sword is Duobao except Yun Zhongzi.

Yun Zhongzi, Wuyunxian and Wuyunxian have no intersection, but because of the Investment of Gods battle, there is no small grievance.

As for Duobao, he was originally the most suitable person, just because he betrayed Section Cult and devoted himself to Buddhism. Although he had to do it, but in Wuyunxian’s view, it was a naked betrayal, so he felt a little stubborn. .

“Damn it!”

However, Wu Yunxian is not thinking about other issues now, but is simply saddened by the sword in his hand, although this is only an acquired Sacred Jewel, But after being conceived by Wuyunxian for many years, he has feelings.

At this moment, it is not just Wuyunxian who shouts the damn, but also Bodhisattva Guanyin of Mount Putuo in the South China Sea.

Of course, he was not distressed about the sword for Wuyunxian, but simply did not see Fang Qingshan gain the upper hand and win.

At this moment, Guanyin is really angry about Wuyunxian and hates him for his actions. Even Fang Qingshan can’t clean it up.

At the same time, I felt helpless and jealous for such a powerful Fang Qingshan.

Avalokitesvara knows how powerful Wuyunxian is.

At the time of Wanxian formation, he saw with his own eyes how Guangchengzi and Chijingzi were chased by him to the sky without a way into the ground.

In recent years, although he has used Buddhism’s fate, as the tide rises, the boat floats, but for Wuyunxian, Guanyin still has no chance of winning.

Although he has no fate to add to his body, but his progress is not much worse than his own. An eight treasure merit pool can offset everything.

“Damn, how can a trifling Golden Immortal have a Supreme Treasure like the Eternal Heaven Boat, and there are so many top Innate Sacred Jewels in the Tianzhou.”

Guanyin Man With resentment, staring at the Tianzhou in the void with jealousy, with a face full of unwillingness.

Since being hurt by the eternal blessing, Guanyin has specifically understood what is going on.

But it’s okay if you don’t understand it. Once you understand the negative emotions in your heart, you can’t help it.

I won’t talk about other things. The key is that there is one, if only the resources are enough, it is no problem to prove Paragon by means of Eternal Heaven.

And Paragon is equivalent to Hunyuan Saint.

This alone makes Guanyin negative.

Fang Qingshan is almost becoming a taboo and heart demon in his heart now.

Whenever Fang Qingshan is mentioned, and Eternal Heaven boat is mentioned, Guanyin’s heart cannot suppress negative emotions.

In his heart, Fang Qingshan have what skills and abilities have this opportunity.

No matter what Guanyin thinks.

Knowing the next battle, this sword won’t do much anymore even if it is not damaged. Wu Yunxian backhanded it and put it away.

“It seems that it’s up to you, Old Partner!”

Wu Yunxian sighed, and when he gripped his right hand, a hammer appeared in his palm.

The appearance is similar to Meteor Hammer, the whole body is gray and black, giving people a feeling of being overwhelmed by the five mountains, with one after another thick rune all over it, boundless rushing towards the face.

Hunyuan hammer!

Wuyunxian’s housekeeping magical artifact.

Back then, it was because of this magical artifact that they were able to fight back. The two Chi Sperm were unable to fight back.

Top Innate Sacred Jewel, the attack power is still higher than the Hunyuan Jindou and the Sea God Bead.

After all, this is a pure attack on magical artifacts like blade, spear, sword, halberd. The lethality is amazing.

Although Hunyuan Jindou is mysterious, it is more because it has the title of the first toilet in the sky. It is the most dirty spiritual power. It needs to cooperate with the Nine Tunes Yellow River Formation to play it. To the maximum.

When used alone, the formidable power Lian Riyue beads of Hunyuan Jindou are inferior.

However, Sea God Bead is the most inferior way to urge like Zhao Gongming.

Dinghai Dinghai, his effect is naturally to suppress the world.

Of course, the bead magical artifacts are basically Sacred Jewels. You can also learn from Dipankara and develop All Heaven world with Qiankun ruler.

Even if you want to use Dinghaizhu to smash people, at least you should open up the world first, so that equivalent to is a sideworld suppression, formidable power is obviously much larger than simply smashing people like Zhao Gongming.

But in any case, the Hunyuan Hammer is even better when it comes to the attack power of the head-on confrontation. This is also the powerful magical artifact that Guang Chengzi sits on with the Heaven Turning Seal. Only the wolf rushed.

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