This is fortunately integrated into the Eternal Heaven boat.

Otherwise, you will be hit so hard, let鈥檚 not say that you can go further, whether it can be repaired is a problem, and even if it is repaired, I don鈥檛 know how much time, energy and resources it will take, even if it is If it is repaired, the grade may also drop.

However, as the eternal unit of the Eternal Heaven ark, as long as the heaven ark is not destroyed and the center is not destroyed, even if the unit weapon is severely traumatized, it may even be crushed into slag. Running, it will be repaired slowly.

Especially with the integration of the Thunder Banner, the destructive mood of the Heavenly God thunder on the death sickle was stripped, and this restoration is even more visible by naked eye.

The death sickle not only completely repaired the damage, but even brought it up a level through the tempering of Heavenly God Thunder, Nirvana Rebirth.

Although it is still inferior to the divine spear, the formidable power has been improved by three levels compared to the original.

Don鈥檛 underestimate the three-tier formidable power. You must know that he was originally the top killer Innate Sacred Jewel. Compared with a single Yuantu Abi sword, he did not succeed in any way, but now he is more Winner. This is a qualitative leap.



There was the sound of knives, and the sharp edge of Qi that made Wuyunxian’s heart palpitating and chilling began to recover, slowly Ascends, the terrifying majestic aura and sword power ride the wind and waves, the aura created by Zhuxian sword energy is like encountering the strongest reef, being divided into two from it, being split into two.

Faced with the death sickle, he almost had a sense of sight of the prisoner about to be tortured facing the guillotine.

It seems that as soon as the sickle falls, he will fall to the ground.

He tightened his whole body, his pupils shrunk into needle-eyes, and then his eyes fixed on the sickle of in midair.

The whole body is jet black like a jade, jagged and hideous, making people shudder, and the rich Death Aura makes people feel desperate. A mysterious pattern is outlined on the knife. Changing from time to time, delivering an unspeakable killing intent.

However, although death sickle puts him under great pressure, it does not at all make him feel invincible. Instead, his blood boils.

Seriously, after ancient times, in addition to the experts of the older generation, even some famous people may not make him interested. For example, Guangchengzi and his ilk can really make Wuyunxian feel Only a few senior brothers and senior sisters of Same Sect are under pressure.

After the Investiture of Gods, he was imprisoned in the Eight Treasure Merit Pool, and he hasn’t worked with anyone for many years.

At this moment, I felt the pressure that I had not experienced in many years, and suddenly became excited.

Suddenly, the expression was stunned, the sword in his hand was erected on his chest, and a terrifying imposing manner began to condense.

There is the surging of the seas, the Great Desolate, the golden turtle Zhenhai, the heaven and earth, the sword energy, tearing everything up, there is the Great Way fifty, Tianyan 49, interception of vitality…. ..

Although it is not messy, inclusive of all rivers, fuse together, forming a strong aura that belongs to him.

You can vaguely see the imposing manner of the sword energy explosion of Zhuxian before.

When refining the sword, the reason Heavenspan Cult Lord gave the Source Sword Qi, which is a sword of death, was not only to give Wuyunxian a life-saving method, but also to let him better understand sword dao.

After all, if it is to leave a life-saving means, Heavenspan Cult Lord has thousands of other methods, simply do not need to separate the Source Sword Qi of Zhu Xianjian.

To know that the Source Sword Qi of Zhu Xianjian is equivalent to the blood essence of human origin.

Losing the original blood essence will strengthen and great injury.

Peeling off Source Sword Qi will also damage Zhu Xianjian.

Therefore, given this sword energy, more of it still wants Wuyunxian to go further on the sword dao.

Where is Wuyunxian? It did not disappoint the goodwill of Heavenspan Cult Lord.

Since getting the Source Sword Qi of Zhu Xianjian, Wu Yunxian has been comprehend this Sword Dao Source, and cooperated with Heavenspan Cult Lord’s Super Qing Sword Art, which can be described as rapid progress.

No Hunyuan Hammer, no Sacred Jewel, no formation, just a head-to-head confrontation, in Section Cult, except Duobao, there is no one else.

It is Wudang, Turtle Spirit and Jinling are not good either. Although they are a little stronger than him, they cannot form absolute suppression.

Especially after the Battle of Investiture of Gods, he didn’t at all sink, instead, he used hardships as a stone to constantly polish himself. In the Eight Treasure Merit Pool, he borrowed water from the pool of body refinement and tempering fleshly body. , While confirming Way Law with Buddha’s rhyme, making great progress.

Non-copper, non-ferrous and non-steel, it was once hidden under Mount Meru.

Without reversing Yin and Yang, is there no water to quench the edge?

“Zhuxian” benefits, “slaughter immortals” perishes, “traps immortals” everywhere red light; “absolute immortals” change infinitely, Great Principle Celestial Immortal blood stained clothes.

Following the singing of Wuyunxian, the voice became agitated like gold and stone, and the sword in his hand cried straightly.

“Kill Wushuang, Immortal God will die!”

“Let me see if your Blade Technique will die first, or my Sword Art will die first!”

When the wrist turned, there was a sword light startled, and a bright arc was drawn in front of him, carrying a thick Death Aura, sword energy into the sky, hovering between the bullfights, like a cloud , If the wings of the sky are hanging, the sound of killing and cutting, all the wastes will move.

It gives people an inevitable illusion.

This sword also burst out in an instant, with a fierce killing intent.

“Come well, cut!”

Seeing the One Sword Killing Immortals of Wuyunxian, Fang Qingshan’s eyes suddenly shined.

Before he specialized in Five Elements, the Sword Art method was not weaker than Way of Five Elements.

Repair Pure Yang Sword Secret Art, Space Escaping Sword Secret Art, even Celestial Emperor sword, Great Chaos Thunder Sword Art and so on.

Even if you start to walk all the way and merge into Five Elements, you can also use Five Elements to promote Sword Art.

Seeing the sword of Wuyunxian is seeing others do what one loves to do, one is inspired to try it again.

However, it is a pity that his own cultivation base is not enough. There is no sword eternal unit in the Eternal Heaven boat, but he cannot directly confirm Sword Art with Sword Art.

But using the Eternal Heaven boat to urge the death sickle is the same.

wu wu wu! !

Slashed down with a single knife, there is a yin and wind, the ghost shadow is dense, the Great Saint clean mandala flowers condensed out of thin air in midair, Yellow Springs, Ghost Sect, hell, hell. …..


all around The void seemed to shake violently.

The air made a dull sound suppressed.

It seems a bit frozen. Pieces of void, law, bio-transformed into powder at the speed visible to naked eye, drifting out all around.

all around The void tore at the sound, cutting out a fierce crack, which was born and shattered.

The Eternal Heaven boat was softly trembled, and it was unharmed immediately, and the space near the boat seemed unaffected at all, calm and tranquil.

Although the death sickle returned without success, it did not suffer any damage, only the attack was interrupted.

On the contrary, it was Wuyunxian, but the whole person was shaken back by the death sickle for more than a thousand feet. The hand holding the sword trembled, and the epidermis broke apart, and blood sprayed like a column.

In the end, although the Eternal Heaven boat cannot dominate the Quasi-Saint, it has an absolute advantage compared to Wuyunxian.

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