The lotus of bliss is in harmony with the Golden Lotus attribute of merit. The defense is amazing, but it is the only way to enhance the body.

As for other treasures, it is also very good.

That piece of sutra has the foundation of Level 3 Supreme Treasure. Although it is the bottom of Level 3 Supreme Treasure, there are three points even worse?

Fang Qingshan, even if it is not repaired, and given to the mosquito person to swallow it, it will be enough for him to make up for it.

Of course, this is Fang Qingshan. If anyone from Buddhism, even if not from Buddhism, knows that he is so reckless waste of natural resources, I don’t know if they will come together to attack.

Even if Jing Zhuang is attacking and defending Supreme Treasure, even if its grade drops, it still has the foundation of Level 3 Supreme Treasure?

Even if you don’t need it, you can still exchange it.

Unfortunately, this is destined to be something they don’t know.

In fact, even if they know, if they are in Fang Qingshan’s condition, I am afraid they will do the same.

After all, the innate talent of the mosquito man is really a bit old.

Exchange a piece of Sacred Jewel that is not of much use for itself in exchange for the advanced by leaps and bounds of the cultivation base. I am afraid that whoever is willing to do it after changing it.

There is also the cultivation method of the god emperor, which is also a gain that cannot be ignored for Fang Qingshan.

Although the ranking value is only fourth, it is only ahead of the Jingzhu.

But that’s only because Fang Qingshan is concerned, and Fang Qingshan needs to read extensively because of his own cultivation technique.

But this does not mean that this thing is useless.

After all, his cultivation base has reached the Peak of the late immortality, and the emperor is in sight.

The next thing to do is to upgrade the cultivation base, upgrade the Avatar cultivation base, and upgrade the Eternal Heaven boat level.

The most critical point is to perfect the God Emperor Chapter of All Heaven.

Because of the decision of Myriad Realms, Fang Qingshan is now much easier to perfect the God Emperor. Just adapt it according to the framework decided by Myriad Realms to suit yourself, and then keep filling it.

However, the most important thing is to read books and learn from each other.

So, he needs a lot of god emperor cultivation techniques for his reference.

God Sovereign Level’s cultivation technique, I am afraid that there are too many in Tao Yimen, and one more is a surprise.

Furthermore, the cultivation technique in Daoyimen is not free.


After the God Emperor Cave Mansion, Fang Qingshan and the others ceased, and they could only watch the roar in the Akasaka Realm.

It’s not that they don’t want to continue to scrape, but that they have more than enough energy.

Not to mention Fang Qingshan itself/main body and the Eternal Heaven boat have been hit harder than ever. Even if you get a lot of good things, it still takes time to repair. Without Kang Chang’s talisman hole cards alone, Fang Qingshan is in full swing and has no bottom in his heart.

After all, he has tested the gap between himself and the emperor, and it is really not something he can deal with now. It may be accidentally consigned to eternal damnation.

So, in the next few days, they will stay in a secluded place, while taking a break from Maintaining Health, while waiting for the end of the trial.

As for why not just pinch the token and send it out?

Isn’t it because you can continue to scrape resources in case the injury is healed, even if you don’t go to the God Emperor Cave Mansion, the resources of other ordinary places are rarely seen in the outside world, and they have gone out. The results are frozen. If someone else breaks out and you don’t make it to the top 100, it’s terrible. At least there is still a chance to deal with it.


1 month later, in the realm of Chixiao!

Fang Qingshan stood with his hands behind, looking at all the scenes all around memorably, reluctantly, and even gave birth to a feeling of staying.

After all, the harvest this time in just one month, excluding the treasures of Level 3 spirit root, bliss lotus, etc., is the harvest of Level 2 treasure alone, far more than the last time the mosquito man and the others sweep dangerous places.

Actually, this is normal. After all, what kind of cultivation base was the mosquito person and the others last time, what was the level of the dangerous place that was swept away, and what kind of cultivation base are they now?

The harvest is naturally incomparable.

Behind Fang Qingshan are Kang Chang, Wang Run and the others. The expressions at this moment are almost exactly the same as him, not just him, they don’t want to be like that.

If you can stay in the Akasaka Realm, I am afraid that the probability of the common disciple breakthrough will increase by three levels. As for Fang Qingshan, Kang Chang and the others, I am afraid it will also shorten the time for an unknown amount of time.

Unfortunately, I just think about it, not just them, many gods want to stay in it, but is it really possible? Sect is obviously not going to allow this to happen.

Is it not a coincidence at this time, you still want to stay inside? They can’t even get in.

Regardless of what Fang Qingshan and the others think in their hearts, they say that as soon as the time comes, the blue sky will split, the cloud light will collapse, and a vast force will come and fill the space.

next moment, the body protection token in his hand smashed into pieces and turned into a Guiding Immortal Light, shrouding them, straight into the sky.

Not long after, Fang Qingshan and the others only felt that the world was spinning, there was a time-space warped trance, when they opened their eyes again, they had already returned to the Tao of Chaos World.

The vigorous trial of the Akasaka Realm came to an end.

Because of the waves caused by Fang Qingshan, he was ultimately the leader. Others have gained and some have failed, but in any case, Daoyimen seems to be thriving, at least they dare to fight for the emperor. Such a mood alone is enough to make people sigh.

Above the stars.

Auspicious light and aura envelops, the bell is ringing and the sky is clearer.

Imparting Skill Elder Zhuge Jin looked at the disciples teleported out from the Akasaka Realm with satisfaction.

For this group of people, Tian Capital comes from the past well-known figures, which can be described as the embodiment of Dao Yimen fate have accumulated knowledge and deliver it slowly.

The more important thing is that Fang Qingshan is the target, the leader, and other disciples are stimulated, turning pressure into motivation, and constantly developing their potential.

No, because Fang Qingshan broke into the God Emperor Cave Mansion, this time, in the Scarlet Heaven Realm, the God Emperor Cave Mansion was almost selected for nearly ten.

Regardless of the final result, whether they have gained, or been repelled, or other conditions, but they can face the emperor directly, they have already won.

Because of this harvest, no amount of resources can be exchanged.

Zhu Gejin’s pure white as jade’s big hand gently lifted up, and the star catalogue suspended in the red sky realm suddenly fell into his hand,

Then he pushed, hong The sound of long long erupted again, and the Chixiao Realm escaped into the space-time fault again, waiting for the next opening.

oh la la ,

Zhu Gejin lightly shook the catalog in her hand, and in an instant, the hundred brightest stars suddenly turned into streamers, with lightning speed. Falling into Fang Qingshan and the others.

Needless to say, these people are obviously the top 100 in the trials of the Akasaka Realm.

Swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe, swipe,

With the addition of starlight, it seems like fate is prosperous, a Dao Yimen disciple who passed the trial can’t help letting go Own imposing manner.

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