For Fang Qingshan’s decision, Kang Chang hearing this also secretly sighed in relief. At the same time, his eyes are full of surprises. As for other people, they naturally look envious. Don’t look at his calm before, but in fact, he also has Several points of anxiety, in the end wealth is moving, who knows how Fang Qingshan makes a decision?

It’s just that he knows that silence is better than sound. If Fang Qingshan is willing to uphold fairness, it’s the same whether he opens his mouth or not. If he is really fascinated by what is in front of him, Kang Chang has nothing else. Good law.

In the final analysis, although he has played a role, he can gain something from Fang Qingshan.

It’s just that, even so, if Fang Qingshan really took something to dismiss himself, Kang Chang would never regard Fang Qingshan as his biggest opponent anymore.

Because a person who cannot control his own mind, it is impossible to go far.

The worst result did not happen. At this moment, I sincerely appreciate Fang Qingshan’s magnificence. He can save others by himself and face these things. Although he will not eat alone, he can’t do it. Qingshan is so free and easy.

If it is him, he can share a treasure at most, and it is the treasure with the weakest value to others. Wanting to be like Fang Qingshan, almost half and half, that is simply a dream, fantasy story.

However, Fang Qingshan not only allows him to rub the cultivation technique, but he can also choose among treasures. Although the Level 3 spirit root of Bliss Lotus is excluded, it is already pretty good.

If Fang Qingshan is still willing to share the lotus of Bliss, I am afraid that Kang Chang will not only secretly admire and appreciate it, but will be suspicious of ghosts, wondering if he has any conspiracy, and even secretly scold him for being a fool .

“Many thanks Senior Brother, then I’m welcome, I’ll take pill medicine and Baojian!”

Kang Chang first thanked Fang Qingshan, and then almost didn’t do it Any hesitation, I chose Baojian and Pill Medicine.

I chose the sword because it is considered the five treasures, except for the existence of the most valuable lotus flower.

Five treasures, divided according to value, the lotus of bliss is definitely ranked first, this is undoubtedly something, second is the sword, third is the pill medicine, followed by the cultivation technique, and finally is By the building.

The lotus of bliss, the sword and the like, needless to say, the reason why the cultivation technique is only ranked in front of the sutra building is because for Fang Qingshan and the others, it is not necessary.

Daoyimen, Great Way Palace, God Sovereign Level’s cultivation technique is not as good as that of Hunyuan and Immortal, but there are hundreds of them.

It’s just that if you want to get these cultivation techniques, you need to pay a certain price.

Not everyone is like Fang Qingshan, who needs to read a lot of books, many forces, as long as they have a Divine Art, they can inherit orderly.

So, it’s okay for the cultivation technique of this god to fall in the hands of Fang Qingshan, and it’s really not so valuable in the hands of Kang Chang, but if it’s placed outside, the situation is quite different. , Especially for many small forces, the Level 3 Supreme Treasure may not be changed. Because of this cultivation technique, you can cultivate the emperor with a steady flow. With Level 3 Supreme Treasure alone, without the corresponding strength, I am afraid it is an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime, it’s a calamity, not a blessing .

Not to mention these. Besides, although the grade of the sword has fallen, it is not that it cannot be repaired. In particular, there is a sword mound at the Taoist Gate to repair it, but it is only a matter of time.

When the time comes, Kang Family has another Level 3 Supreme Treasure suppressed. It is of great help to the improvement of the strength of the entire family. It is even possible that this Supreme Treasure will be handed over to Kang Chang after being repaired.

After all, he is the face of this Kang Family.

So, if you haven’t entered the emperor, you have Level 3 Supreme Treasure, which is placed in the Taoist gate, which will make many emperors envy.

As for pill medicine, although it has no effect on the Emperor Peak, it is of great benefit to the Emperor Early-Stage in the middle and even later stages, at least it will shorten their time by nearly a million years. Especially for the God Emperor Early-Stage, it has the effect of breaking obstacles.

Pill medicine, which can work on the emperor, is more precious than the ordinary Level 3 Supreme Treasure.

Although he is a consumable, in the final analysis, Level 3 Sacred Jewel increases combat power, while pill medicine improves the cultivation base.

Tao is the root, strength is the last.

Great Way is the root, blindly believe in power, superstition power, I am afraid it’s a calamity, not a blessing.

If there were only swords and pill medicine, Kang Chang would even choose pill medicine instead of swords.

After all, Level 3 Supreme Treasure and Kang Family are not without it, but the pill medicine that enhances the cultivation base is really as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

With strength, you can naturally get treasure relatively easily.

Without strength, even if you get treasure, virtue is not coordinated, it is trembling with fear, such as walking on thin ice, accidentally, it is consigned to eternal damnation.

However, Fang Qingshan doesn’t really care about this.

After all, the most precious lotus of Bliss has been in his bag.

This thing is Level 3 Supreme Treasure, which is the first Level 3 Supreme Treasure obtained by Fang Qingshan. In the past, he also saw the creation of Azure Lotus, Splitting Heaven Ax and good fortune jade discs in the brand of Primordial Spirit, and even had Chaos Orbs in his hands. Now, he finally has his own Level 3 treasure.

Moreover, Bliss Lotus is not just a simple thing like Level 3 Supreme Treasure.

He played a very important role for Fang Qingshan to perfect the Great Way Azure Lotus visualization. If the Great Way Azure Lotus visualization map is improved, it can speed up Fang Qingshan’s cultivator.

There is one more point, and that is about the promotion of Eternal Heaven Boat.

The Eternal Heaven boat has reached the Supreme level, and the next step is breakthrough immortality.

It’s just the promotion of Eternal Heaven Boat, which consumes resources very much. In addition, Fang Qingshan’s Eternal Heaven boat is a mutation level, and it is even more difficult to break through.

Nowadays, at least Level 2 Supreme Treasure must be integrated into the eternal Divine Furnace unit, and it also needs to be a special Supreme Treasure, such as a dormant bead.

This is the Divine Furnace unit, and the most important thing is actually the Tianzhou body.

At that time, Fang Qingshan promoted the Tianzhou body into the corpse of the chaotic Demon God, the merit Golden Lotus, the power of will and so on.

However, as the level of Tianzhou is getting higher and higher, the speed of improvement is somewhat unable to keep up with the rhythm. The Divine Furnace unit can also be integrated into the higher-level Supreme Treasure, can it be replaced?

Although it is said that there is a steady flow tempering, as Tianzhou advances, the eternal blessing can increase. But for Fang Qingshan, it was too slow.

Now, Fang Qingshan’s cultivation base has reached the peak of the late immortal stage, and Tianzhou only breaks through Paragon, and is almost unable to keep up with his own progress.

So, he needs to speed up Tianzhou’s promotion speed.

At least before you break through the emperor, you must be promoted to immortality, otherwise, the catastrophe of the emperor will be a huge difficulty.

And if you have the Lotus of Bliss, it’s different. If you can integrate this treasure into the Tianzhou body, just fill the eternal Divine Furnace unit again, and Tianzhou’s promotion to immortality is almost where water flows, a canal is formed.

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