Sake has a red face, and money is touching.

The treasure is in front, and the jewels are squinting, not who, they can suppress the greed in the heart, and it is normal to lose the normal heart.

This is especially true for those who are already short of resources. A penny can stump heroes, let alone these heaven and earth Supreme Treasure.

It is Fang Qingshan, if it weren’t for the unprovoked whim in his heart, I’m afraid he would have stepped in too.

“Actually, I also feel this way. It’s better to be more careful.”

It is that Kang Chang has a rare treasure in his hand, which is similar to Jiang Mingyue’s physique, and he also felt it. There was a bad feeling in the dark, just like Fang Qingshan, can be understood, but not described, and there is no real evidence, so I had to say.

“I’ve been here, don’t fall in the sewer.”

“I think the two Senior Brothers really worry about it. The so-called confront soldiers with generals and stem water With earth, as long as we deal with it carefully, with the abilities of Fang Qingshan and Senior Brother Kang, there will be no accidents.”

Meng Changchun, the disciple of Taoism Taoism, said indifferently.

“Although this is the Core Zone, but if you want to come, the emperor should be sealed in the palace. There will be no major problems now.”

Kang Chang and Fang Qingshan Hearing what he said, I think this is the truth. Under normal circumstances, the ultimate giants are in the most critical and critical places, such as the guards of the Level 3 Supreme Treasure. Although it has already reached the Core Zone, it is not the most important after all. The place.

Besides, neither of them found the problem. It’s not a solution to keep delaying like this, so I have to take one step and count one step.

The two looked at each other and nodded.

Now the willow eyebrows and the others suddenly raised their eyebrows and rushed over without saying a word.

Resources, wealth, cultivation base…

At this moment, they only feel these things rolling towards them.

Fang Qingshan and Kang Chang looked at each other when they saw this. They couldn’t help but shrugged, and followed them.

This time, Fang Qingshan is not the same as before, as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves, don’t let go of anything you see, but go straight to the core Level 3 spirit root.

For one thing, I used to be troubled by the sea, but Wushan is not a cloud, and Level 3 spirit root is in front. How can I take care of this?

Of course, the most important thing is that he is not alone in seeking secret secrets at this time. He eats meat by himself, so he has to let people drink soup, otherwise he seems too greedy.

Just walking along, Fang Qingshan found that something was wrong, because there seemed to be no end to this road. The distance between myself and the destination does not seem to be shortened at all.

The most important thing is that the more you go, the more peaceful the mood of everyone is. There is no previous impatient at all. It seems that all around heavenly materials and earthly treasures are just a passing scene to them. . One by one became pure-hearted and lacking desires and desires.

“Not good!”

Fang Qingshan’s heart suddenly slammed.

With a movement in my heart, Primal Chaos Bell suddenly appeared above my head, and the clock hammer was swinging, whether it was Sun, Moon and Stars, Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, or the mountains within the body of the clock. The Great Desolate all races, all kinds of scenes are circulating, like walking a horse and a tower, dreamy and blurred.

Five-color light shines on All Heaven, and Chaos Saint is terrifying the world.

dang dang!! !

A series of Yellow Bell Great Sound’s sounds suddenly broke the previous state of people in their twilight days, and everything was unhappy.

Good guy, he almost got caught.

For a time, Fang Qingshan’s face was ugly and tight.

After that, something that made his face even more serious happened.

He had already reminded him, and also took out Primal Chaos Bell, the movement was so loud, but the side Kang Chang, the willow eyebrows in front, and the others didn’t react at all.

Fang Qingshan eyes shrank, stretched out his hand and grabbed at the side Kang Chang. But I don’t want it, like a flower in a mirror, moon reflected in the water, and it’s empty. It turned out that this Kang Chang beside him was replaced by a phantom at some point.

Fang Qingshan took a breath.

What a great formation!

Let myself fall into it unconsciously, and then quietly separate the people, and actually turn out one after another realistic phantom. Of course, this is also Fang Qingshan and Kang Chang and the others are unfamiliar. Otherwise, I’m afraid the clue has already been discovered, but even so, it’s pretty good.

Then there is that this formation can actually affect people’s minds unconsciously, making people wantless and wantless. In the end, will the four be empty, or even death ends all one’s troubles?

I don’t know if Fang Qingshan broke free from the influence of the formation, or touched the phantom, or for other reasons, the scene before him seemed like a dreamlike bubble, and it was vanished in an instant. It’s another scene.

But it can be seen that in front, it seems far away, I don’t know how much time and space it is separated, and it seems to be very close, where it seems to be within reach, a lotus flower is swaying.

This lotus is not comparable to the 30 Grade 6 Creation Azure Lotus in the inheritance brand in Fang Qingshan’s mind, let alone the eternal Azure Lotus.

But it is far above the karma red lotus in his hands, it is not a concept of grade at all.

The whole body exudes the taste of Golden Lotus of merit, the Sanskrit sound is bursting, and the Buddha rhyme is rich.

Fang Qingshan knows that this is one Level 3 spirit root, the breath he felt before should be this thing.

The scene right now is a ghost created by this Supreme Treasure.

Back then, the master of Cave Mansion, based on this treasure, arranged this great array of bliss lotus embryos.

So even though the owner died, the Cave Mansion was also damaged, but because of the specificity of the Level 3 spirit root, the formation was well preserved, so that Fang Qingshan and the others fell into formation unconsciously. Without knowing it.

Fang Qingshan did not panic even though he was caught in the formation.

For one thing, based on his temperament, it’s just normal to be in danger. Besides, panic doesn’t help solve the problem, but it makes the situation worse.

Furthermore, although this formation looks very good, it does not at all give him the feeling of being too dangerous. Fang Qingshan is arrogant to be able to break the formation, so he is not panicked.

To break the battle, there are nothing more than two methods, technology flow and violence flow.

Technology flow is like unlocking a lock. As long as there is a key, it is just a matter of inserting, turning, and violent, it is equivalent to smashing the door, requiring infinite power, single force subduing for ten sessions.

If you rely on the technology flow, you need to have a good understanding of the formation, adapt to local conditions, hit the snake and fight seven inches, and unlock the formation by cracking the formation mark, node, and formation eye, so that it will not hurt the formation itself