“This is a typical Five Elements attribute type formation. I already know five of the nodes. As long as five people of the cultivation Five Elements attribute spiritual power hold down the five nodes at the same time, then the Senior Brother Fang will break them. Formation eye, one blow can break the formation.”

Kang Chang obviously had a plan in his heart. Hearing Fang Qingshan asked, he said one after another.

“If this is the case, let’s do it!”

Fang Qingshan nodded.

This method of breaking the formation is the same as the method of Hongjun, Laozi and the others breaking Immortal Beheading Sword Formation. It is the simplest and most practical method.

Immediately, Kang Chang picked four out of the crowd behind him, and there was no one among them, standing at the five nodes in front of the formation.


Kang Chang issued the order, and five people shot at the same time.

But one after another is either domineering, intrepid, no stronghold one cannot overcome, or smart, changeable, weird, or ethereal, free, free, or peaceful, mellow, wide-ranging And profound, or dark, cold, and violent True Qi swarmed toward the five nodes, and instantly the guard formation of the entire Cave Mansion couldn’t help but stagnate.


Fang Qingshan has long been waiting for the opportunity. Seeing the formation weak spot appeared, it was also a thunderbolt blow. Take out the reincarnation cone directly, a little far away.

Only listen to whoosh sound, the great array is broken.

Fang Qingshan and the others are both immortal powerhouses. They are familiar with the formation. They found the node according to local conditions. The formation has gone through a catastrophe, and it has long been broken. The most important thing is that no one is hosting it. This allowed them to easily break open.

hong long long!

The door of Cave Mansion opened, and the sound seemed heavy, rolling over, and there was a sense of vicissitudes of time passing by, as the stone gate was pushed open, a weird breath came out, a little dull.

It is a kind of decayed, decadent, barren, and broken breath, mixed with Yin Qi and ghost qi.

Feeling this scene, everyone’s hearts suddenly chilled, No way! The Cave Mansion will not be ruined, so, aren’t they busy all the time?

Although I have bad guesses in my heart, I even want to rush in to see what is going on and how much is left.

But out of caution, everyone did not rush in, but after careful confirmation, there was no danger before they filed in.

One step away is the sky moat.

Everyone took one step, as if stepping into the air from the edge of a ten thousand zhang cliff, their bodies turned into meteors and they fell straight down.

No, there is still room for folding and moving around this gate.

Everyone was heart startled, thinking that they had fallen into a trap, or were ambushed, subconsciously took out body protection’s Divine Ability and Sacred Jewel. A heart raised his throat, and his body was tight, ready for a thunderbolt blow.

Fang Qingshan is not in a hurry. Every time he encounters a major event, he will condense his breath. The most important thing is to have a bottom in his heart, so he is not in a hurry, but he is promoted to a realm of ancient well without ripples. The whole body is bright and masterpiece, and the fairy sounds are curled.

Meditation, concentration, visualization.

next moment, darkness strikes, no sense.

Opening his eyes again, he has changed the world.

The expected danger not at all hits, and everyone’s hanging heart is immediately let go. It’s just that the environment in front of them doesn’t at all make them feel better.

Everyone looked at each other and walked in with a sense of anxiety. The Cave Mansion was dark and messy. Although it was better than the outside, it was also a bitter wind.

Fortunately, the situation is not serious, especially the more you go inside, the better.

Seeing this, Kang Chang and the others felt really relieved. Put your heart down.

However, Fang Qingshan felt that something was wrong, and felt a little weird and uneasy in his heart. But this is just a faint sensation, not even a whim.

Fang Qingshan can only secretly thought that he was a suspicious ghost, so he didn’t mention it.

Along the way, the more you go inside, the better the situation is. It seems that Cave Mansion is only damaged on the periphery. Come to the core of Cave Mansion. Everyone was even brighter, the lakes and mountains, the water shadows floating in the sky, the greenery and the daisies, boundless vast.

Various heavenly materials and earthly treasures abound, and the quality is far above the outside world. There are only a few of the top Level 1 and they are all treasured varieties with special effects, most of which are Level 2. Even also to have one Level 3 spirit root.

For a time, Fang Qingshan’s doubts in his heart were also relieved. After all, Scarlet Clouds Sect’s extermination battle, even the heaven and earth mountains and rivers have been diverted, and the owner is dead. If there is no one in Cave Mansion A little bit of damage is weird.

With such thoughts in my heart, looking at the scene in front of me, I see it in my eyes, I am happy in my heart.

Especially he did not expect that here also to have one Level 3 spirit root.

Although it is not Level 3 Supreme Treasure, it is obviously more precious than Level 3 Supreme Treasure.

However, this is also a matter of the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom.

However, even if you skip the Level 3 spirit root, the Level 3 Supreme Treasure is better.

Level 3 alone is enough to make Fang Qingshan and the others breathe.

After all, Level 3 treasure is the standard equipment of the god emperor, but not all god emperors have it.

“It seems that this time is right.”

Fang Qingshan and the others secretly thought at the same time.

Moreover, this is just outside the palace, and the things in the palace are not worse than here.

But I can see that the palace is fragrant, the building is frightened, the pictures depict animals, and the immortal spirit is painted. The wisps of auspicious light hung from above, condensed into a copper lamp, purple ling, and the golden wind blows, Jingle.

He pointed it into a sword, swiped his eyes, and used the pupil technique, and he could clearly sense that in the deepest part of those palaces, there was one after another soaring light flying and hovering like a dragon. , Spirituality is full. Obviously, there must be a treasure among them, and at least it is ranked Level 3.

Because, those treasures are pure and advanced compared to the dormant beads that Fang Qingshan has just obtained, and they are also inconsistent compared with the Level 3 spirit root in the periphery.

“Let’s go!”

Seeing this scene, other people can’t hold back wherever they are. Impatients want to rush over.


Fang Qingshan is of course no exception, but after taking a step, his heart suddenly thumped, stopped in mid-air, and called out urgently Living in the crowd, speak,

“Besides, I’m not busy, I don’t think something is right.”

“Senior Brother Fang is too cautious.”

Liu Mei , That is, the disciple who looked like Demon Sect demonic girl behind Kang Chang said with a smile.

“Yeah, yeah!”

The cultivation of Buddhism, Wang Run, a disciple dressed as a monk, also echoed the Tao.

Speaking of which, among the crowd, he is the most worried.

Because, he seemed to sense that there was an inexplicable voice in summon himself. He knew that this should be a great opportunity.

If it can be obtained, let alone an immortal cultivator, it may not be impossible to be a breakthrough god emperor.

Other people hearing this, all echoed.

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