Like natural disasters, dangerous places are the same, and they are also classified into Level 4.

The difference is that the weakest natural disasters are the immortal start, and if dangerously, the classification is the same as heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

The weakest one can only trap Hunyuan. It is Level 1 and Hunyuan-level. The strongest, like the dangerous place where the Old Ancestor of Dao Yimen rushed, was the Divine Emperor. Will fall, this is Level 4, is God Emperor Level.

As for whether there is something more powerful than the God Emperor Level, it seems that there is no dangerous place at the level of annihilating the world and natural disasters.

Even if the God Emperor Level of the cream of the crop is dangerously ground, the battlefield of the emperor has not yet reached the point of extinction and natural disasters, and it still makes Divine Emperor unable to move a single step at most, and it is almost alive.

However, like natural disasters and cultivation bases, the same level has strengths and weaknesses between dangerous places.

Weak, at most it is a bit troublesome for Hunyuan Early-Stage, but just be careful, it shouldn’t be difficult.

As for the more difficult, it is very dangerous for the existence of Immortal Grade. Like Wan Beast Mountain, this dangerous place is between Hunyuan and Immortal Grade.

The reason for this is because it is too dangerous for the Hunyuan level, almost nine deaths and still alive, and too simple for the immortal level.

Too dangerous for the Hunyuan-level is easy to understand, and too simple for the immortal-level, but it is not just about difficulty.

To judge the level of a dangerous place, there is usually only one criterion, and that is the degree of its threat.

If it can threaten Hunyuan, it is Hunyuan level, and if it can threaten immortality, it is immortal level.

But in fact, in addition to difficulty, there is another measure, and that is benefit.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

The danger is no exception.

Although dangerous places are dangerous, sentient beings will still fully going towards the mountain although knowing that it has tigers, not bold, but profitable.

Therefore, in addition to the disadvantages and dangers, there are benefits and gains in the standard of consideration.

Needless to say the drawbacks, it refers to the degree of danger here, and see which level can pose a threat. Hunyuan-level dangerous places generally only pose a threat to Hunyuan’s cultivation base.

Benefits and gains are the value of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, specialties, and even ominous beasts. Generally speaking, Hunyuan-level dangerous places and internal benefits are suitable for Hunyuan realm. , Almost useless to immortal realm.

However, Wan Beast Mountain is somewhat different.

The benefits here are limited to Hunyuan, even if there are some that are helpful to immortality, there are few.

But the degree of danger, not to mention the Hunyuan, is the immortal Early-Stage, and even the mid-term came here, almost the ending of nine deaths and still alive.

Payment and gain are not proportional.

So, here is somewhere between Hunyuan and Immortal.

It is also for this reason. Since ancient times, very few people have set foot on the Mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Too dangerous for the weak, and too small for powerhouse.

The food is tasteless, but it is a pity to discard it. In the end, Wan Beast Mountain gradually became a tasteless existence.

However, for the mosquito person and World Tree Avatar, it is a better place.

First of all, because of the degree of danger, few people are willing to come here.

If there are fewer people, there will be less development, and less development means abundant resources.

Other places, even if it is easier or rich in resources, can’t stand the crowd.

So, the first benefit is the big gain.

The second advantage is that there are fewer people here, which means less competition, less competition, which means that they only need to pay attention to the dangerous itself/main body instead of adding more Focus on people.

Risk through dangerous places, sometimes people are more dangerous than land. After all, painting dragons and tigers is difficult to draw bones. Sometimes, for the sake of a little benefit, it is father and son, and it is not uncommon for brother to turn against each other.

The third advantage is that although the dangerous place is dangerous, it is for other people, but for the two mosquitoes, it couldn’t be easier.

Don’t look at their cultivation base is not very high, but they can’t stand up to their strong combat power.

The most important thing is that they are sitting on the Eternal Heaven boat, which can be suppressed by ordinary late immortality. You can run rampantly, push horizontally, and the entire Ten Thousand Beast Mountain is dangerous.

Therefore, for them, Wan Beast Mountain has nothing but gains and no disadvantages, just like entering their back garden.

If such a place does not come, where can we go?

Entering the dangerous land of Wan Beast Mountain is like entering another world.

The most obvious feeling is the roar of the beast. As soon as you enter it, you can hear the sounds of dragon roar Great Lake and Phoenix Cry of the Nine Heavens.

Then, a boundless breath rushed towards him, as if he hadn’t been found in ancient times.

The red sun is like a huge Fireball, burning raging flames, hanging in the sky, beams of light like swords, lasing the earth, spreading blazing heat all over the world. You can vaguely see a golden crow flying in it.

Yes, the big day of Wan Beast Mountain is actually a Golden Crow of fire attribute. It is the existence of the highest mountain of Ten Thousand Beasts, and the cultivation base has reached the Peak of Mid-immortality. However, he has been in a deep sleep period, as long as he does not provoke him, there is no danger.

Entering the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, the Mosquito Man and the World Tree Avatar can be said to have opened their eyes.

Good guy, the peaks one after another, there is a rush of wildness, or splitting, or scorching, or high, high and low, like sharp teeth, such as long sword, grinding with water and light , There is a sharp piercing into the eyebrow.

There are ominous beasts from time to time, and my eyes are cold.

Entering the Myriad Beasts Mountain Range, it took a quarter of an hour to advance less than ten kilometers, definitely on the outer periphery.

But he has blazed a bloody road, wherever he went.

Along the way, the mosquito-passengers saw a lot of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, although they are only Level 1, and not to mention Level 2, even Level 1 high grade is rare, but it is enough Surprising. After all, we don’t talk about the cabbage on the street here, but there is one plant almost every few steps. Everywhere, many horrible to see.

However, it is also surprising that the ominous beast is proportional to heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

The ominous beast here is simply three steps with one post, five steps with one post, and there are too many floods.

Moreover, the cultivation base is not low, basically above the mixed element, and many of them are in groups.

Seeing this scene, I have to make the two mosquito people feel that they are indeed Myriad Beasts Mountain Range.

No wonder this place is deadly for Primordial Chaos Realm.

This is only the periphery of the periphery, but it is already so dangerous. Not to mention the Hunyuan Early-Stage. Enter here in the mid-term, or even the late-stage. I am afraid that there is no way to even the middle part of Wan Beast Mountain. You can’t get in.

However, for World Tree Avatar and Mosquito Man, this place is definitely an unprecedented treasure.

“Here it is.”

The mosquito man and the World Tree Avatar sighed with surprise at the same time.

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