Fang Qingshan needs to supplement knowledge, accumulate basic knowledge, and at the same time avoid the limelight, so he has been immersed in Tao Yimen with concentration and hard cultivation. No, hard cultivation is not counted. Closed-door cultivation is okay. Read the book. Talking, meditating, and becoming an otaku.

Although he was dormant, the Mosquito Man and World Tree Avatar were not idle. Following the meaning of Fang Qingshan, the two left Chaos World together and traveled together in All Heaven. , Witness all kinds of customs.

Firstly, it is the so-called practice. Although Fang Qingshan has seen most of the first floor of the Great Way Palace, it is only theoretical knowledge. Only by combining theory with practice can the effect be maximized. The deity is not easy to wander around now, the same is true when Avatar goes out.

At the same time, the two of them are also on missions.

One is to look for the Storm Sword Order.

The preaching of the Sword Emperor Storm is an event of infinite void. It’s like in the Great Desolate, Hongjun Purple Heaven Palace speaks. Almost all people under the Divine Emperor are rushing.

As for the Divine Emperor, there is no who comes.

If the king does not see the king, this can be considered unwritten rules.

For one thing, it may not be weaker than others, but it may not be embarrassing.

Fang Qingshan was inadequately prepared during the previous eternal blessings. It was also in order to lay a solid foundation and missed the perfect opportunity to perfect the immortal chapter of All Heaven. So we need to seize this extremely rare good chance.

There are only two ways to go to Fuyuan Mountain to listen to the Taoism.

One is that Good Fortune Mountain happens to appear in the vicinity, which can be entered simply without a storm sword.

However, this method depends on fate. And it’s a pie in the sky, a fate from treasure.

The other one is the Storm Sword Order. With this treasure, no matter where you are in All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, as long as you crush the token, you can be teleported to Fuyuan Mountain.

Every one hundred years before the opening of Good Fortune Mountain, there will be eight thousand and one hundred storm sword orders flowing out, as long as Good Fortune deep people can get it.

Although this depends on fate, it is much better than the previous method.

In addition to the Storm Sword, the Mosquito Man and World Tree Avatar have other tasks.

One is to scrape resources, the Eternal Heaven boat breakthrough Supreme level, really consumes Fang Qingshan’s treasure world thoroughly.

Next, whether it is the mosquito person, the World Tree Avatar, even the Fang Qingshan breakthrough immortal cultivator, or the Eternal Heaven boat to continue to advance, all need resources.

If you don’t accumulate resources anymore, let alone Fang Qingshan, their cultivator will be a problem.

Although you can rely on meditation and cultivation, the speed is like a person who is used to high-speed rail, how can he enjoy the carriage?

There is also an effort to improve the cultivation base.

Today, Eternal Heaven boat breakthrough Supreme level, Fang Qingshan cultivation base has reached Hunyuan Peak, and it can be breakthrough immortal at any time.

And what about Mosquito Man and World Tree Avatar?

The cultivation base of the two has not even reached the Peak of Hunyuan. As an Avatar, the distance from the deity is getting wider, which is not a good thing.

So, trying to improve the cultivation base is on the agenda.

It’s just that now the resources are gone, and working behind closed doors is an impossible result. Therefore, the two only have to travel to All Heaven to meet the chances.

However, Fang Qingshan handed the Eternal Heaven boat to them for the safety of the two.

If you want to come here, as long as you don’t rush into those Danger Land and high-level dangerous places, and you don’t encounter experts above Nascent Soul Late Stage, there will be no problem with the safety of the two of them.

Although the Eternal Heaven boat is there, it is only a life-saving card for the two. If everything depends on the Eternal Heaven boat, it will not have the effect of experience.

On the other hand, even with the Eternal Heaven boat, they are impossible to leave too far away.

So, it is said to travel to All Heaven, but it is actually walking around Chaos World all around.

However, this range is large enough.

For the mission of the mosquito man and the World Tree Avatar.

Not to mention the Storm Sword Order, this is really all luck.

Although it seems that there is a much greater chance of appearing around Fuyuanshan.

But you must know All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, how big the immeasurable void is, and the Storm Sword Order is not even 10,000 yuan, and the odds are even more than the previous at worst.

It is the breakthrough cultivation base and the accumulation of resources. It is not difficult to say but not easy to say.

It’s not difficult to say, because the deity Fang Qingshan has already broken through the Hunyuan Peak and has a certain understanding of immortality. They have no barriers to breakthrough. As long as the resources keep up, the breakthrough is where water flows, a canal is formed thing.

And for the mosquito person, his breakthrough simply has no bottleneck, as long as there are enough and good enough resources.

So, in the final analysis, it still lies in resources.

The easiest way to get resources is naturally to grab them.

The so-called horse without night, grass and fat, and people without windfall and wealth.

However, Fang Qingshan’s heart, Dao, can’t do things like doing nothing and snatching for no reason, and then they want to rob, using the cultivation base of the two mosquitoes. What benefits can you get?

Grabbing the loose cultivator, the harvest is small, and the great sect is robbed, and I don’t know how to die.

This is why it is not easy to say.

Fortunately, there is one last way, and that is adventure.

Enter all kinds of dangerous places to explore, you may die in it, but as long as you don’t die and come out, you will definitely be rewarded.

Just like those mortals looking for sunken ships in the vast ocean. You may be lost in the ocean, but if you really find a sunken ship, you won’t have to worry about it in your life.

With the geographical location in the Great Way Palace, the two men of the mosquitoes understand clearly in the mind about the danger of Chaos World.

After careful consideration, the mosquito man and the World Tree Avatar finally locked the target on Wan Beast Mountain.

Yes, it is Wan Beast Mountain, not Longevity Mountain. It is not the dojo of Zhen Yuanzi in the Great Desolate, but the ten thousand beasts breaking the array.

The so-called Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, as the name suggests, is a dangerous place where beasts gather.

The natural disasters in the immeasurable void are actually divided into levels, which are similar to the cultivation base level, and are divided into Level 4.

Because the weakest natural disasters can threaten the immortal powerhouse, level 1 is the immortal natural disaster, that is, all immortal grades can pose a threat. Under immortality, almost nine deaths and still alive.

The second is the natural disaster that can threaten the emperor, which is regarded as God Sovereign Level natural disaster.

The third nature is the God Emperor Level natural disaster.

As for the fourth, it is a natural disaster. Can destroy the entire immeasurable void, the natural disaster of All Heavens and Myriad Worlds.

However, this natural disaster only exists in the legend. It seems that there was one time when the Hongmeng was broken. However, the record of that time was almost only a few words. Some people speculated that it might still be when All Heaven died. There will be, only this moment, and I don’t know when it will come.

In addition, just like the difference between normal and title in the cultivation base, natural disasters are also different between the same level.

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