When you come to Chaos World of Tao, the first thing you see is a simple stone gate.

There is no moiré on the surface, just like ordinary bluestone casting.

There is no auspicious cloud and light, and there is no golden lotus in the smallpox.

Looking from a distance, there is still some illusion, seeming true seems false, seeming far and near.

Those who don’t know, thought it was an ordinary stone gate, except for the larger one, nothing special.

However, is there a simple gate that can stand outside the heaven and earth void?

The Gate of Tianwei!

Yes, this gate is called the Gate of Tianwei.

If you want to enter the Tao’s Chaos World, you can only go through here. It’s not impossible to pass through other places. It just needs to break the world barrier, and once you try to break the world barrier, you have to face it. The world will, and the double blow of Dao Yi Men.

In fact, every world is like this. If you want to leave and enter this sideworld, the easiest way is to pass through the gate of heaven. Otherwise, you want to break through the barriers of the world, not to mention that it is too difficult. The important thing is to cause heaven and earth backlash.

After all, the world is like the same house, and the Gate of Tianwei is the main entrance. Who would like the kind of person who climbs over the wall, climbs the window and lifts the tiles?

The same is true in Great Desolate. The existence of Thirty-three Days and Heavenly Cycle Star, in a sense, guards the Gate of Heavenly Dimension.

The most important thing is that this door is connected to the entire world. In terms of grade, I am afraid it will not be lower than Level 4.

One man is the gate, but one man is not open.

When I came to the gate, I was surprised to see that there was still someone else, an old man who was wading by the gate and napping.

The old man has a bunch of short, hard mustaches, a pair of tan eyes sunken in his eye sockets, and he has tousled gray hair.

Slightly squinted, lying on the rocking chair, there was a moment, and there was a moment of swaying, looking very leisurely, there was a table in front of him, on the table there was a plate of fruits and a cup Qing tea, smelled, it feels relaxed and joyful, obviously not a thing.

“I have seen Mr. Tan!”

Jiang Mingyue, Jiang Bawang, and Uncle Wang walked over together, and gave a salute respectfully and called.

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan and Yang Eyebrow looked at each other and squinted at the same time.

The old man in front of him looks no different from an ordinary old man. They can’t feel the slightest powerhouse aura.

However, you can see the door here.

Don’t underestimate the gate, the so-called Sect Chancellor Former Grade 7 Official, you also have to look at where the gate is.

For example, in the South Heaven Gate in Great Desolate, it is Four Great Heavenly Kings who watch the gate.

The same is true here.

Even more how, Jiang Mingyue and Uncle Wang are also that’s all, the true inheritance disciple of Jiangba King Keshi Daoyimen, and it is still the top true inheritance, even if you can’t win the Sect Master in the future The position is at least the real power Elder, especially the First Aristocratic Family and Jiang Family. Such an identity is respectful to this old man, and he knows everything from a glimpse. The identity and strength of this person is absolutely appalling.

The two dared not neglect, they also followed Jiang Bawang and gave a salute.

Actually, just as Fang Qingshan and Yangmei guessed, this person is indeed no small thing.

Don’t say Jiang Bawang anymore, he is the real power figure of the Taoist sect today, and even Sect Master has to be courteous to meet him.

This is not only because of seniority, but also because of strength.

Although there are not many people who have actually seen him take a shot in Daoyimen, they all know that this person is at least a god emperor, and he is also a giant of the god emperor Peak.

“Oh, it’s your two sisters, are you back here?”

The janitor seemed to be awakened, slightly opened his eyes and saw that it was the two of Jiang Bawang. There was still no extra expression on the face, and it was still careless, as for Uncle Wang, he was directly ignored by him subconsciously.

Uncle Wang has no objection to this, not to mention that he is only a Dao Protector now, even when he was once an Outer Sect Disciple, he did not fall into the eyes of Senior.

Tan Lao took a sip of the tea on the table, then glanced at Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei, a trace of bright light flashed through his eyes,

“Newcomer? Not bad!”

And this look is much more obvious than the feeling when I first saw Jiang Bawang.

Fang Qingshan and Yang Mei only feel that they have no secrets in front of others.

When Jiang Bawang peeped at them, Sacred Jewel protected them and took the initiative to cover them. However, at this moment, whether it was Chaos Orb, All Heavens Chessboard, Eternal Heaven Boat, and Green Willow Stick, there was nothing at all. There was movement, it seemed that spirituality was obliterated, and it fell into silence.

About this, the two of them felt awe-inspiring.

Fortunately, the old man, like Jiang Bawang, not at all, pays too much attention, and after confirming that it is not a bad-hearted person, he let them go.

Yes, the existence of old people is not only to guard the gate of Tianwei, but also to prevent people with harboring malicious intentions from entering the Chaos World of Tao.

His senior cultivation has a secret law, and he can easily judge whether a person is good or evil, whether he has bad intentions, or has a plan.

After listening to Senior’s words, King Jiang immediately nodded and answered, still respectfully speaking.

“Yes, this time the little girl went out, good luck, and happened to meet two Junior Brothers. They are very talented, especially Junior Brother Fang is above the disciples. Therefore, I specifically recommend joining Daoyimen .”

“Yes, two of them are here to watch.”

If other people listened to Jiang Bawang’s words, only if he was humble.

But the old man nodded naturally, apparently seeing something.

However, although Fang Qingshan and raising eyebrows are very good, but Senior also not at all pay more attention, what Senior expert sees extraordinary talents, rush to accept disciples, magical artifact Spirit Pill don’t pay for it. , There is no such thing at all.

Genius, only those who have not grown up are geniuses, and those who have grown up are called big brothers.

And there are too many accidents on the cultivator’s road. If you don’t grow up for a day, you may die halfway.

“Okay, let’s all go in! Don’t disturb old fogey going to bed.”

Speaking, the old man unceremoniously began to rush people.


Speaking, King Jiang took the Fang Qingshan entire group through the Tianwei Gate.

At this moment, King Jiang let out a long sigh. Relaxed for a while, obviously, he was also nervous before.

“Senior Brother Jiang, who is this Senior?”

Seeing this, Fang Qingshan asked curiously.

“Others may not understand Tan Lao. I also accidentally heard what Old Ancestor said. He is a figure of the same era as Old Ancestor.”

Jiang Bawang Explained with emotion.

Fang Qingshan and raising eyebrows hearing this are frowned first, and then reacted, the former Old Ancestor mentioned by Jiang Bawang should refer to Jiang Family Old Ancestor, and the latter Old Ancestor should refer to Daoyimen The Divine Emperor Old Ancestor.

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