whiz whiz whiz! ! !

It was less than a quarter of an hour after Fang Qingshan and Jiang Bawang left.

In Chaos World near the title tower, hundreds of escapes flew in.

There is Divine Ability, there is Sacred Jewel, there is spaceship……

In addition to this sideworld influence spy, all other Great Influence stay here to search for information.

“The title tower is so dynamic, it must be the title of purple again.”

“Yes, and the title of purple is definitely a top-level existence.”

“I don’t know, who is it, loose cultivator, or a descendant of Great Influence.”

“I haven’t heard that Great Influence has produced an outstanding descendant recently!”


The entire group rushed to the title tower as quickly as possible, but found that apart from the title tower and the title monument, Liao was uninhabited.

“Huh? There is no one?”

“Walking so fast, obviously I don’t want to expose myself.”

“It seems that it should be a loose cultivator It’s up.”

“Bi’an Hou, Bi’an Hou, it seems that this is the new Heaven’s Chosen.”

“Forget it, send the news back, pay attention to it. Heaven’s Chosen, just check them one by one.”


For a time, countless pieces of information were sent to all directions centered on this.

Following, the entire All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, the immeasurable void shook.

After all, this is an emperor Heaven’s Chosen, as long as there is no accident, it must be an emperor.

Furthermore, it looks like it should be born as a loose cultivator. If it is able to win over, once it grows up, it will be of great benefit to Paragon’s top ranking existence.

So, they naturally want to let the forces behind them start first, take the lead, and take this Heaven’s Chosen as a disciple.

Unfortunately, they think too much.

Fang Qingshan has long agreed to join Daoyimen.

Although he may have a better choice now, but Jiang Mingyue recommended him first, which is regarded as a kindness, and then Jiang Bawang saved him again, which is regarded as a life-saving virtue. For the sake of this kindness, he will not change sect, otherwise, the original mind will not pass this level.

Furthermore, other sects may not be good.

After all, the atmosphere of Daoyimen is relatively good, and the structure of the door is not rigid, because there is no emperor-level Old Ancestor, the resources in the door are willing to tilt, and change to a sect, even if it is better than Daoyi. The door is powerful, but it may not be good.

Besides, only what suits you is the best.

After joining Daoyimen, Fang Qingshan prepared to dormant for a period of time, to improve his knowledge, to supplement his understanding of All Heavens and Myriad Worlds, and to prepare for the immortal catastrophe.

So, he won’t go out to hang around, this can be considered to avoid the limelight!

Therefore, these people are really busy trying to investigate.

In the vast void, a silhouette that looks like a dust from a distance flashes out of thin air. This second is still near Chaos World, and the next second has crossed a small half of Chaos World. I don’t know the distance.

This is not by the side, it is the empty spaceship controlled by King Jiang.

Hidden his breath, and after his figure was far away from the title tower, King Jiang did not slow down, on the contrary, he opened the fastest mode as always.

Travel through the void!

This effect is somewhat similar to a wormhole. The Space Principle is used.

In fact, this kind of effect is a form of spaceship developed by powerful people inspired by wormholes.

Although the speed of intermediate and low-level spaceship void shuttles is slower than that of Level 1 wormholes, it is also faster than so close, yet worlds apart, and Huahong Yujian flies faster.

Leaving the title tower, King Jiang controlled the spaceship and sailed in the void for an unknown amount of time. He even took a short rest no fewer than ten times in the middle.

With his cultivation base, he can’t stand the consumption and needs supplementary rest. It can be imagined how long and how far the spaceship flies.

At a certain moment, dark cracks slowly opened, and displayed on the void, like a black lightning, escaping terrifying black light.

next moment, a spaceship flew out of it, and soon stopped.

Ahead is a huge Chaos World. Compared with Pangu Chaos World, it is like the difference between Great Desolate and Chaos.

This is the place where Tao Yimen is located, the Tao of Chaos World. It can be regarded as one of the ancient Chaos World.

Chaos World of Tao is named after Tao Yimen. This is the lair of Daoyimen, Place of Origin, and the entire world belongs to Daoyimen. In Chaos World, there are no other forces except Daoyimen.

It’s not that there are other forces. There are also various sects and many small forces, but they are all true inheritance of Dao Yimen, established by the disciples of Elder. Equivalent to is a branch of Daoyimen that’s all.

It’s as if Daoyimen is an empire, and the land is closed.

Actually, although this is the home of Daoyimen, Place of Origin, where the ancestral land is located.

But the core of Daoyimen was not here, but Chaos World, which was more advanced and ranked higher.

It’s just that with the fall of the Old Ancestor of Daoyimen, Daoyimen a wise man submits to circumstances, voluntarily retreat, knowing that the land is human, people and land are lost, and people and land are lost. The truth of Jie De, did not occupy the previous site and let it go, but returned directly to the ancestral land.

Although it is not comparable to the mountain gate where the original core is located.

But for Daoyimen, it is more suitable for Daoyimen disciples.

Because the entire world is full of Dao Rhyme, just like a special cultivator Heavenly Paradise, the cultivator Dao Yimen’s cultivation technique twice the results for half the effort.

“Are you here?”

As soon as the spaceship stopped, Fang Qingshan entire group came out.

After navigating in the void for so long, they have long been a little impatient. Although they can retreat, hundreds of years are just a nap for ordinary immortal. , Let alone these Hunyuan, immortal giants.

The closing time is too short, and the non-closing time is too slow.


The three Jiang Mingyue nodded,

“Finally came back.”

Looking around.

But it can be seen that the entire Taos World is like a pyramid.

At the very top, there is a faint glow. It is a land no smaller than Pangu Chaos World. It is suspended in the air and covered with a layer of starlight. It is the Heavenly Cycle Star. Brilliant, really beautiful.

That is the core headquarters of Daoyimen.

It is divided into three plates, earth, ocean and sky.

There are pavilions, tall buildings, and large mountains and lakes. The scenery is picturesque, and there are many unknown rare birds and animals, various heavenly materials and earthly treasures, top spirit roots, and countless more Daoyimen disciples came and went.

Below, row upon row is a Great Desolate World, all around. There are big and small, from far to near.

Underneath is Great Thousand Worlds, underneath, is Zhongqian, Xiaoqian, all around is the vast void of the universe.

“Let’s go, let me report to the headquarters first.”

As he said, Jiang Bawang waved his hand and brought Fang Qingshan close to the barrier of the Tao of Chaos World.

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