About the Hunyuan bottleneck, in fact, as long as it reaches the Daluo Peak, it can be sensed.

After all, Great Desolate, before Hongjun, simply did not have the realm of Quasi-Saint.

However, although Da Luo Peak can feel the bottleneck of Hunyuan, but it can only be seen from a distance, goes towards the mountain but runs to death the horse, and when it is close, it is still million miles apart.

And breakthrough Quasi-Saint, reaching Quasi-Saint Peak, even Sub Saint, this feeling is much clearer, and you can even touch him.

Just like seeing Mount Tai and Xiaotianxia, ​​if you don’t really touch the bottleneck itself/main body, you simply won’t know how solid this bottleneck is.

Because of this, this bottleneck can be said to have blocked 99% of Quasi-Saint Peak from the door, preventing them from entering.

Amazing talents, like Ancestral Dragon, Supreme Unity, Zhen Yuanzi and the others, can only helpless.

Although their Divine Ability is boundless, spiritual power is boundless, Supreme Treasure is countless, but they simply cannot break this big net.

The force of restraint makes them like fish in the net, struggling constantly, but the more they struggle, the tighter the restraint.

Therefore, in addition to the Heavenly Way Plot against, Fang Qingshan, the Mosquito Dao Ren, and World Tree Avatar breakthrough Hun Yuan are destined to fall due to Heavenly Way plot against.

Fang Qingshan used a Hongmeng Purple Qi, and the mosquito man put on an Innate Supreme Treasure. Although the price paid by the World Tree Avatar was a bit smaller, it was only relatively speaking, plus Fang Qingshan and his predecessors planted trees to enjoy the shade.

Otherwise, Ancestral Dragon, Supreme Unity and the others are his lessons.

Fortunately, at this moment, heaven and earth are all in the same force. Through this time, they gather world fame, step on the opponent’s position, and fate is as magnificent as a dragon, but they see the breakthrough. Hopefully, he immediately used the energy of breastfeeding and attacked the bottleneck giant net again and again.

hong long long!

For a time, whether it was the failure of the previous ring or the victory, the ten people under Hunyuan, Fuxi, Asura Sovereign, Chi You, and the others began to directly breakthrough.

It’s not that they don’t want to find a quiet place. They just don’t let slip an opportunity. They don’t come here anymore. Now is the best time for breakthrough. If they miss it, they want to have such a good opportunity again, I’m afraid It will not be possible to meet in a lifetime.

As for whether someone with a gloomy mind will destroy it?

They are not at all worried at this point.

What does Shilai heaven and earth have the same force? It means that everything will come true if you want, and if you die, you will not succeed even if someone tries to destroy it, and you can’t help them.

For a while, rising winds, scudding clouds, heaven and earth changed color.

The imposing manner on the ten people of Zhen Yuanzi is like the waves of the sea, wave after wave, wave after wave.

In a spurt of energy, it will fail again and exhausted after three.

At this time, everyone has tried their best, fate merits, as well as the secret law of breakthrough Hunyuan, etc. The Eight Immortals cross the sea and each show Divine Ability.

Ang! !

I only saw the natural phenomenon evolved by fate, or dragon, or phoenix, or sword, or human, or other, all of which used all means, suddenly appeared in front of the bottleneck net, and tried their best They were either torn, or cut, or attacked a little, fiercely trying to finish their work, and completely tore out the huge unbreakable net.

Good guys, although they are just fate charges, the power that bursts out, the people under Hunyuan, including those who once defeated them in the battle against the sky to win Queen Mother, Yaochi, Dragon Mother and The others all have a strategic withdrawal.

Because, at this moment, the coercion on them has actually crossed Sub Saint, almost as if they had just entered the first level.

The infinite power, the infinite potential, the gathering of people’s hopes, the blessing of heaven and earth, torn it off crazily, the net of bottleneck as stable as Mount Tai above the head seems to be the next moment Was torn to pieces.

Before, not to mention the big fluctuations, it was the big net without slight shaking, but at this moment it was violently shaking, and the one after another line of the structure was uncertain.

“Good guys, didn’t expect just won the ring match. After that, they will have a breakthrough.”

“Although Tianlu Chance has already said However, there will be a chance for a breakthrough Hunyuan, but I didn’t expect it to come so soon.”

“If they all break through the Hunyuan, then Great Desolate will be lively.”

“Everyone’s breakthrough is probably impossible. Although everyone is attacking bottleneck together, there is a difference between superior and inferior.”

“Yes, yes, those who have won the ring before seem to be even more fierce and stamina. It’s a little longer.”


The melon-eaters who were still happy for Great Desolate’s victory in the ring, but didn’t want to. When Chi You ten people hit Hunyuan bottleneck in public, the excitement in their hearts can be imagined.

Such a grand occasion is rare in Great Desolate, and Saint was born like a market.

Regardless of how excited other people look at it, it is the ten people involved, but at the moment they don’t have the mind to care about them.

Although their cultivation base has already reached the point where it can’t advance, this time it used the breakthrough secret law and immeasurable fates to hit the bottleneck.

But this bottleneck is still not so shocking.

hong long long! !

bottleneck is constantly shaking. It seems that the next moment will crack.

However, this is just appearance, just seems, just next moment.

Especially, Fuxi, Haotian and the others who had failed before felt weak in their successors, and their faces were hard to see bursting.

If there is no such good opportunity to break through, let alone whether there will be a chance in the future, the blow to their confidence will undoubtedly be a disaster.

The road of cultivator, although the emphasis is on wealth, companion, techniques and land, one’s temperament is also very important. The Great Way is the only one, and the Great Way is the only one who has no confidence in himself. It’s definitely not far.

“I don’t believe it, trifling bottleneck can still stop me, open, open, open!!!”

Everyone broke out with their strongest power almost at the same time.

“Tear it!!”

“Tear the bottleneck!!!”

“Break the shackles!!!”

With this At the same time, in the Great Desolate, Dragon Race, even Dragon Race once commanded the scaly clan, the star clan, the creatures blessed by the stars, the blood sea Asura clan, the underworld, the witch lineage, etc., all the creatures related to the ten people look to the sky Fist and roar, with unyielding faith in his eyes.

This is another effect of Renwang. It can give people a hand. Although it may not be effective, it can be the last straw to crush the camel.

Thousands of people are one mind, united as one, and directly burst out the most persistent roar, with infinite belief. Converge directly on the fate natural phenomenon. Turned into infinite power.

The web of bottleneck keeps shaking. The rays of light are uncertain.


At this moment, a wave of joy can’t help but everyone, including Fang Qingshan and Hong Jun, raised their eyebrows.

They are a little better. Everyone under Hunyuan feels a great joy from the bloodline, and tears of excitement are streaming down their faces involuntarily.

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