Similar to the ten battles under Hunyuan, at the beginning of the Great Desolate, the party won to make a good beginning, but was immediately followed by the poison god and the others to win back and overtake.

Heavenspan and Lao Tzu are good, but they lost two games in a row.

Seeing this scene, the mentality of Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning has been balanced a lot.

At first, he was still upset, angry, embarrassed, all kinds of negative emotions, mixed feelings.

But now, he is a little lucky.

Although he didn’t even play, he lost face.

But at any rate, I didn’t lose in front of so many people, even more how, the loss is not only face, but also fate.

It doesn’t matter what Heavenly Lord of Primordial Beginning thinks. Although Lao Tzu and Heavenspan lost two games in a row, they are not at all the same as the previous one.

The last game was a tie with the god of poison and the others. In addition to winning against Heavenspan and Lao Tzu, this game won against World Tree Avatar, Mosquito Man, Hou Tu and When Luo Hu was four of them, they were all defeated.

“Damn it!”

Getting the final result, the poisonous god and the others suddenly sank.

Three rounds, one draw and one loss, even if you want to draw, you need to win the last one, otherwise, failure is doomed.

And once it fails?

Thinking of this result, the poisonous god and the others felt a heartbreaking feeling in their hearts.

People are not as good as heaven.

Before facing the people of Great Desolate, I knew that they had no immortal combat power, Poison God Hou and the others, except for the somewhat dreaded Great Desolate Heavenly Way and Hongjun. .

With a balanced arena, with two wins in three games, even if Hongjun loses in that game, it will not control the overall situation. In the end, how can they win the game and think they can sit back and relax. Now they can only pay for their actions.

I won’t talk about it under Hunyuan. Didn’t expect Hunyuan Early-Stage to be so good. The appearance of the title Hunyuan actually one after another refreshed their three views.

At the moment, we can only watch the final match against Yuan middle-stage.

This time, the god of poison, Mrs. Baihua, and the woodcutter took action. If there were no battles in the first two rounds, they would still be very confident, but now, there is nothing left.

Sure enough, facing Hongjun, raising eyebrows, Fang Qingshan three people.

Even the strongest poison god did not please them in their hands, even if the cultivation base of Hongjun and Yangmei was suppressed.

But they really have no advantage at all.

Experience, Divine Ability, Sacred Jewel, secret law……

And after seeing Fang Qingshan took out Eternal Heaven boat, the poisonous god Hou and the others His face is even harder to see the explosion.

Hey guys, isn’t Pangu Chaos World a nascent Chaos World, a remote place?

How come the title Hunyuan comes out one by one, that’s all, and there are even good things like Eternal Heaven Boat?

Eternal Heaven, the owner of the boat, no matter what his birth or his cultivation base, he is regarded as a decent figure looking at the entire immeasurable void.

Because as long as they don’t fall halfway, it’s not too easy to become a giant.

Unfortunately, it is hard to buy a daughter.

Fortunately, even if they lose the ring, they still get more benefits than sending the news back.

This is also the abacus made by Poison God Hou and the others. Anyway, they will not suffer.

When! when! when! !

The bells ringing through the ages are in the ring, in Great Desolate, in the entire Pangu chaos, covering Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the world of the sands of the Ganges, so that all creatures can hear clearly. To.

“Pangu Chaos World and Wusheng Demon Palace started a two-world battle between the poisonous gods. Under Hunyuan, the two sides were tied. Hunyuan Early-Stage and Hunyuan middle-stage, both with Great Desolate won two games in three games. Since then, Great Desolate has won the final victory!”

The familiar and stalwart voice sounded in the sky again with a touch of joy.

Why are you happy?

Actually, it is very simple. The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit.

Eternal Azure Lotus will also be pleased with the addition of Eternal Heaven boats and the promotion of Eternal Heaven boats.

Great Way is no exception.

The two sides are fighting in the arena, and the Great Way provides a balanced place. Although others don’t know how complicated the relationship is, there must be unknown interests in it.

Therefore, it is only reasonable to show a trace of joy.


“We won!”

“There is nothing great about people who are infinite void!”

“Yeah, yeah,”


With the announcement of the Great Way of Balance, all those who watched the battle were boiling, a kind of unique The pride of Pangu Chaos World, a sense of pride suddenly emerged.


At the same time, since the ring match is over, the Balanced Great Way will naturally take back the ring.

Everyone felt that the sky was spinning and dizzy, and they all appeared in the Great Desolate, but the whole ring turned into a stream of light disappeared.

Fang Qingshan and the others turned a blind eye to this, because then it was time to truly enjoy the fruits of victory.

In this regard, everyone is looking forward to it.

After all, there is a secret law that avoids the five evils of heaven and man, breakthrough immortality.

This is very important for Hongjun and Yang Mei who have reached Hunyuan Peak and Fang Qingshan who have high aspirations.

And once the breakthrough is immortal, it is placed in the immeasurable void, and it is also considered the number one person in All Heavens and Myriad Worlds.



But I heard a cracking sound, the sound of the column collapsed one after another.

But it was because the god of poison and the others lost the arena and fate lost.

If you have a cultivation base profound and are good at the number of breaths, you can easily find out that the top of their heads like the sun at high noon at this moment is like the sun at high noon. The pillar of fire beacon is cut in half at this moment.

And these fates are distributed according to a certain amount of credit to the Great Desolate everyone who participated in the ring competition. Even the lost Fuxi, Lao Tzu and the others have it, just a few. .

I feel that the previously lost fates have been made up again. I and the others couldn’t help but sighed in relief secretly, but people are more dead than people, and you can still shop around, compare with Asura Sovereign and the others , The little joy that had just risen disappeared instantly.

The natural response to their discomfort is the ecstasy of Asura Sovereign and the others.

Before they won the ring battle, fate was added, and they already felt the hope of breakthrough.

This time there is another fate coming, but everyone sees that fate is on the top of their heads, and they continue to absorb massive amounts of fate, soaring at a speed visible to naked eye, just a few breaths, the evolved fate natural phenomenon has been covered The sky obscures the sun.


In a moment, it seems to have reached a certain limit, or touched a shackle, these fate natural phenomena swayed into the sky, suddenly, towards in the sky rushed away.

hong long long! !

In the middle of the flight, he was restrained by a huge net.

This website is not aside, it is Hunyuan bottleneck.

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