It’s not easy to get, so cherish it.

This is a saying that cannot be passed lightly.

Because of the power of the Void Thief, most of the secret law obtained by the Demon Palace is robbed, so it is not too cherished. As long as the price is paid, it can be exchanged, and no oath is required. Not to be spread.

The secret law of Poison God Hou and the others is too easy to come by, plus it is a bet, there is no restriction and backlash, therefore, they easily make a promise.

However, what they can take out is definitely only ordinary secret law, and the trick of pressing the bottom box will not be taken out.

Regarding this, both Hongjun and Fang Qingshan understand clearly in the mind, but don’t care much.

What they need is the ordinary secret law of thousands hammers, hundred refinements, not the so-called stunts.

Because only the secret law that has been widely spread and has been circulating for a long time is the secret law that can stand the test and will not cause major problems.

Only this thing is malleable enough.

For them, only the secret law that suits them best is the best secret law.

And this ordinary secret law just allows them to comprehend their own secret law according to their actual situation.

If it is the kind of tall secret law, Hongjun and the others have to consider whether it is suitable for them. And cultivation is also very troublesome.

“Back then, I also left my own Chaos World and traveled to All Heavens and Myriad Worlds. Unfortunately, the cultivation base was too low, and even the other Chaos World did not arrive. I just met an immeasurable in the way. The gathering point of sky received some public news. If it weren’t for good luck, it would have been reduced to loess.”

After Fang Qingshan, raising eyebrows also gave a faint explanation.

Hongjun’s eyes flashed. He did not expect that the Eternal Heaven ark in Fang Qingshan’s hand was not only a powerful combat power, but also a comprehensive heaven ark, and Yang Eyebrow had already left the present before. Fang Chaos World.

Compared with them, I am a little bit of a sit-in.

If it weren’t for the arrival of the poisonous god, Great Way warned that he still knew nothing about the immeasurable void.

“It seems that the immediate matter has been dealt with, and I should go out and have a look.”

Hongjun thought to himself.

Four essential things for cultivating Taoism are wealth, companion, techniques and land, apart from this. It also needs an enlightenment word, human law and earth, and heaven follows Dao and Way Law. If you talk too much, you can’t work behind closed doors, you need to go out, experienced and knowledgeable.

Hongjun is the lord of the Great Desolate Heavenly Way. The entire Great Desolate is his lair. He also has a jade disc in his hand. A treasure such as Purple Heaven Palace is indispensable.

If he defeated the god of poison, he knew all kinds of secret laws from him, and the law would not be lacking in a short time, at least before his breakthrough was immortal.

The only thing is the couple, the entire Great Desolate, now the only one who can barely discuss the truth with himself, I am afraid, is raising his eyebrows.

In addition to raising eyebrows, Fang Qingshan is not good either. He is afraid of Fang Qingshan only because of the Eternal Heaven boat, which is his fighting power. In terms of understanding the Tao, Fang Qingshan is still far behind. After all, he has only mixed Yuan middle-stage in the cultivation base, and even the Nascent Soul Late Stage has not broken through. However, Hongjun himself has broken through to Hunyuan Peak.

But when you raise your eyebrows, you are hostile to yourself.

For a while, Hongjun felt lonely at the top.

“Didn’t expect that the two Fellow Daoists also have an understanding of the immeasurable void, and the raised eyebrow Fellow Daoist traveled to All Heaven, which really impressed Hongjun.”

Hong Jun sighed and said,

“However, Poison God and the others are powerful, but we should not undervalue oneself because of this. Since they can stand out in the Great Desolate, naturally there are Their abilities, poison gods and the others didn’t come out of Great Desolate and Chaos World? Although we have inferior experience and secret law compared with them, we may not have no advantages. At least in Sacred Jewel, we have It’s even better.”

Hongjun still didn’t want to immediately agree to Fang Qingshan’s trio to join in, so he continued to use the procrastination.

“The difference between Daozu’s words, if it is Three Purities, it’s okay to say. They have three treasures of open heaven, Immortal Beheading Sword Formation, heaven and earth Exquisite Pagoda. Yin-Yang Symbol and Pan ancient banner are chaos. Supreme Treasure, Immortal Beheading Sword Formation is not the four sages, the Profound Yellow Pagoda stands on the top of the head and Innate is unbeaten. These Sacred Jewels are placed in All Heavens and Myriad Worlds and are also the top choice, but the introduction of Zhunti and Nuwa have What?”

Fang Qingshan shook the head,

“Although Nuwa has a golden wheel of merit, but it is still short of the ignition time, it is even worse if the two are introduced. Innate Treasure, Innate Treasure may indeed be scarce, but at least the missing treasure is Supreme Treasure, the top Innate Sacred Jewel, they may not have it, but there is definitely a top Sacred Jewel that is comparable to it. It is inferior to others in every aspect. What did they get to win?”

First, they will mention the standard and the others belittle it. Of course, it is not a belittle, it is to seek truth from facts.

Then said the key point of the problem.

“I know what Hongjun Fellow Daoist is afraid of. You don’t want us to participate in the war, but you don’t want us to obtain secret law, cultivation base breakthrough, and pose a greater threat to you.”

“Actually, Fellow Daoist doesn’t have to worry at all, because this is a matter of combining both benefits, and splitting both disadvantages.”

“Fellow Daoist doesn’t want to think about it. If you don’t use us, you are just a swordsman. Dancing, the odds of winning are slim. When the time comes, you won’t get the benefits, but you have to pay a lot. Under Saint, all are ants, but under immortality, Hunyuan is also ants. If you lose a lot, you will lose more than you gain. “

“And we can get benefits, Fellow Daoist can also get greater benefits, our cultivation base has improved, Fellow Daoist cultivation base also as the tide rises, the boat floats, so why bother I missed the opportunity because I was afraid of us?”

“In addition, what I need to tell Fellow Daoist is that you are targeting us until now, not we are targeting you.”

“That’s because you don’t have absolute certainty. If you change your side, can you let others sleep soundly on the side of the couch?”

Since Fang Qingshan, they all said it to this point, Hongjun is also blunt. .

“Fellow Daoist don’t worry about this.”

Hearing that Hongjun was really jealous of them, Yang Mei and Fang Qingshan couldn’t help but look at each other to say with a smile.


Seeing this, Hongjun was puzzled, wondering what else the two of them had.

“Fellow Daoist, since we are deeply jealous, back then I wanted to drive the raised eyebrow Fellow Daoist out of Great Desolate, but now it is completely unnecessary.”

Fang Qingshan said with a smile ,

“Haven’t Fellow Daoist noticed that I have been paving the way for Asura Sovereign most recently?”

“Paving the way?”

Hear this Words, Hongjun had a faint guess in his heart.

Because if Fang Qingshan is in the Great Desolate, with his cultivation base and power, he can completely bless the Asura clan.

Only when he passed away can he pave the way.

“passed away?”

Thinking of this, Hongjun suddenly stared wide-eyed.

With Fang Qingshan’s cultivation base, it must be impossible to hang up silently. There is only one reason, leaving Great Desolate, even chaos.

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