The so-called yes, the enemy is extremely jealous when they meet.

But this kind of thing not at all happened to Hongjun and Fang Qingshan.

Everyone is a cultivator, a successful expert.

Whether it is Hongjun, Fang Qingshan, or raising eyebrows, they are all powerhouses dedicated to breakthrough immortal realm. Controlling emotions is just a piece of cake.

Compared to not taking revenge overnight, they prefer to be happy and angry, but they also believe in listening to thunder in a silent place. If you don’t do it, you will definitely decide when you do it, that is, plan and move. .

Therefore, when the two parties met, they appeared to be extremely harmonious, and there was no sound of killing. Those who didn’t know thought that they were old friends, and they were very close to each other.

“Yangmei and Fang Qingshan, two Fellow Daoists, come here, let the humble house shine, please!”

Although I can’t wait to take the two now, it’s just If you think about it in secret, let alone whether it can be done, just because the enemy is now, he may still be able to use them to raise his eyebrows, and Hongjun will impossible to destroy the Great Wall.

Unload the mill to kill the donkey, and the rabbit will kill the dog to cook. Then you have to unload the mill and kill the donkey and cook the dog after you kill the rabbit.

Therefore, on the surface, it seems that I don’t remember the enmity between them for a long time, and there is no fear of the two raised eyebrows, just like visiting relatives and friends. After Yang eyebrow and Fang Qingshan arrived, Hongjun personally Welcome out Purple Heaven Palace.

“Hehe, if Purple Heaven Palace can only be called a humble house, then the entire Great Desolate has become a poor mountain and bad water?”

For Hongjun’s attitude, raise eyebrows and Fang Qingshan can’t understand it better. After all, the person who knows you best is not your friends or relatives, but the enemy, know yourself and know your enemy, before you can fight every battle without defeat.

Fortunately, they are also jackals of the same tribe, but one mountain can’t be shared by two tigers, so in the end it is not a fight for life and death, only one side retreats.

As a greeting, under the leadership of Hongjun, the two walked into Purple Heaven Palace. Fang Qingshan was a revisit an old haunt. After entering Purple Heaven Palace, he saw the familiar scene, and his heart would inevitably rise. There was a feeling of emotion.

I think that back then, he started gaining fame and fortune here, competing for futons, listening to the sermon three times, Divided Treasure Cliff winning treasure, etc.

Unfortunately, things have remained the same, but people have changed now.

Then he practiced the first Innate Supreme Treasure, a breakthrough Hunyuan. After that, Eternal Heaven was promoted and even tricked Hongjun, so that he still has lingering fears about himself.

I stabilized my mind, raised my eyebrows and Fang Qingshan looked at each other, and directly asked straight to the point.

“Hongjun Fellow Daoist, I heard that Foreign Domain visitors are coming from the chaos, which poses a great threat to Great Desolate and Chaos World?”

” Although the two of me don’t pay much attention to Great Desolate things, it was our own Chaos World who was born. The so-called world’s rise and fall are all responsible, and our own Chaos World’s safety is unshirkable.”

“So, I heard of Fellow Daoist There is not enough manpower and the quality is uneven, and I am here to help.”

“The two Fellow Daoists have made Hongjun admire for their bravery.”

For the two raised eyebrows, Hongjun couldn’t help snort disdainfully, What kind of help, devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence, is not to get a share.

On the surface, Hongjun first admired it, and then changed the conversation.

“However, the trivial matter is not to bother the two Fellow Daoists. The so-called slaughter knife , Poison God Hou and the others, I have arranged the way to deal with it. With Three Purities, Houtu, Luohu and the others, I won’t bother with the two Fellow Daoists.”

Although Fang Qingshan The two have a greater chance of winning, and he is also more inclined to let them take the shots, but Hongjun certainly can’t agree as soon as he comes up. Even more how, he has to look at the sprint situation of the lead and the others before making a conclusion.

“Oh? But how did I hear that this is not the case, Hongjun Fellow Daoist, we are not outsiders, you don’t have to hide it, it’s hard for a clever woman to cook without rice!”

Seeing that Hongjun seemed to be indulgent, or wanted to gain more benefits, Fang Qingshan didn’t want to play Tai Chi with him, so he pointed it out.

“Poison God Hou and the others realm is not high, but in the end it comes from the immeasurable void, and it comes from the strength of the void thieves like the Wusheng Demon Palace.”

“To other forces , I don’t know much, but I have to say a few words about this Void Thief.”

“These people wander in the void all year round, and they usually live by robbery. They are All Heavens and Myriad. Worlds travellers hate the existence most, but they are helpless.”

“Because not only is the backer behind them, they are not weaker than those Great Influences, but their own strength is also outstanding. At least in the same class, there is an invincible existence, especially during Life and Death Battle, even many people can skipping grades to challenge, which is not inferior to those of the Upright Sect great sect disciples.”

” Although Three Purities and the others is good, it is not enough to get Zhunti and Nuwa. Not to mention that they don’t have Supreme Treasure in their hands, and the cultivation base is not enough. It is just the experience of fighting, the courage to fight for life and death, etc. Comparing it with it is tantamount to as different as heaven and earth.”

“Therefore, if Hongjun Fellow Daoist uses them, he is suspected of falling in the sewer.”

“This matter is that’s all when it is normal, and if you lose, you lose. Quan is an experience, a lesson, but this time is related to the entire Great Desolate. The interests of Chaos are not. Negligence must spare no effort and be foolproof.”

“Even more how, the poisonous god and the others have Fellow Daoist in their hands to avoid the five evils of heaven and man, breakthrough the secret law of immortal realm, this But it must not be missed. Is Fellow Daoist willing to watch the great opportunity die in front of his eyes?”

“The two Fellow Daoists are right, but it doesn’t take the two of them to worry about it. Shanren has his own clever plan, but if two Fellow Daoists are really used, the old Dao will not be swollen and fatty.”

Hong Jun First, he nodded, without any embarrassment of being exposed, and did not say absolute, then suddenly asked,

“Listening to the meaning of the two Fellow Daoists, I seem to have a good understanding of the immeasurable void. “

“Good! “

Fang Qingshan has nothing to conceal about this,

“I don’t know much about it, but I also know something. After all, Fellow Daoist knows that I use the Eternal Heaven ark in my hand, and it is also a comprehensive heaven ark. Sometimes I will encounter the cultivator of the immeasurable void that happens to enter the market. However, I can get very little news from them. There are few, especially those secret laws. The so-called law is not spread to six ears, and the Tao cannot be spread lightly. It is a pity. “

Speaking of this, Fang Qingshan couldn’t help being sighed.

Don’t say avoiding the five decays of heaven and man, the secret law of breakthrough immortal realm is the cultivator method of ordinary Hunyuan realm. After so many years, Fang Qingshan hasn’t collected much.

As for the poisonous gods and the others, why dare you to spread the secrets of these cultivation techniques, but it is because the Demon Palace of Wusheng is different from the normal gate great sect. , Except for the truly unique good things, other things are not valued.

As for the true exclusive stunts, simply will not be placed in the Hidden Scripture Pavilion, and even if they are put in, they are not poisonous. and the others can be redeemed by those with a cultivation base.

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