Eternal Heaven boat!

For this treasure, Hongjun has seen it.

At the time of the Dragon Phoenix catastrophe, the mosquito man drove this treasure incarnation scavenger and scraped the sea of ​​blood.

Only before, he just thought it was just a top-level Innate Sacred Jewel level of treasure. At most it is just Innate Supreme Treasure.

At this moment, it seems to be misleading.

Don’t say ordinary Innate Supreme Treasure, even the Three Treasures of the Open Heaven are impossible to reach such a point.

Be aware that although the Innate Wufangqi only breaks through the Innate Supreme Treasure, it may not be comparable to the Kaitian Three Treasures in terms of background.

But the defensive power is still above Primal Chaos Bell, and it is not much better than Yin-Yang Symbol. Even if there is a gap, it is not very big.

Fang Qingshan used Hunyuan’s cultivation base to urge the Five Elements flag before, but it was just a stalemate for a while and couldn’t stand it.

And now, relying on the Eternal Heaven boat, there is a strong tendency to resist the courtesy. This is how Hongjun is not surprised.

This treasure is weird. It depends on the situation. At most, it is only at the Innate Supreme Treasure level, but in terms of formidable power, it is not weak Chaos Sacred Jewel.

And compared to the Chaos Sacred Jewel, this treasure is more mysterious.

After all, although the Chaos Sacred Jewel is powerful, the spiritual power that needs to be consumed is not generally large if it wants to be activated.

And the Eternal Heaven boat does not seem to consume too much spiritual power.

In spite of this, Hongjun only paid a little attention to it.

Because no matter how mysterious the Eternal Heaven boat is, where is his rank.

If you have already breached Innate Supreme Treasure and reached the Chaos Sacred Jewel level, once the breath is revealed, I am afraid Heavenly Way will jump out first.

On the contrary, Hongjun is a little bit unhappy about Fang Qingshan’s cultivation base breakthrough.

“It seems that the last time he was Mingxiu plank road, dark Chencang.”

There was a wave of fluctuations in Hongjun’s heart. Fang Qingshan was treating Great Desolate sentient beings and treating him as a monkey. Fooled.

“It’s a pity!”

I can’t hide from the first day of junior high school, but not to the 15th. After all, it was exposed.

Although they played Nuwa, they were completely unprepared and won a phased victory.

Unfortunately for him, it is like Monkey Sun in the hands of Buddha, unable to find Five Fingers Mountain.

Hongjun shook the head, and the fluctuating mood soon subsided.

In the end, the world still depends on strength to speak.

In the Great Desolate, except for the Donghai, how about the others even if they are breakthrough Hunyuan?

Although Hunyuan is good, it is only good.

Under Saint, all are ants.

Under Heavenly Way, Saint is also an ant.

“The birth of Celestial Court is the general trend of Great Desolate. You don’t know the number of days, and you act against the sky. You should be punished!”

Hongjun looked around for a week and glanced indifferently Zuwu and Fang Qingshan, the mosquitoes, their first words were punishment.

“Witches should cut a layer of fate.”

“hmph, what is the general trend, Great Desolate is created by the Father God, and my witches are as it should be by rights Ruler, Monster Race is shameless, stealing good fortune, and dare to say that I am acting against the sky, the ancestor is unfair, I will not accept it.”

Fang Qingshan hasn’t spoken yet, the ancestor witch can’t bear it anymore.

What the general trend is, they don’t recognize these. In their eyes, only Pangu and the interests of the witch clan, contrary to these two points, will not work for them.

To actually want to cut off the fate of their witch clan, it is simply wishful thinking.

Although their witches do not have Primordial Spirit, their merit is not at all as big as other monks.

But it does not mean that it is useless. See how, the previous establishment of the clan, the added virtue, at least can improve the cultivation base.

And even if it’s useless at all, that’s something of their witch clan, why dare to take it away?


Don’t look at Hongjun since Sanctification, he hasn’t taken care of the things in Great Desolate, that’s because he felt unnecessary.

When he really wants to intervene, that’s the golden rule, the law is easy to say.

Regardless of whether you recognize it or not, as long as he recognizes things, there is only obedience.

Go against the general trend of Heavenly Way, and dare to talk to myself like this, it is simply not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

Hongjun is lightly snorted, but in the ears of Zu Wu, it is like Purple Heaven Divine Thunder. Even the most powerful Dijiang, the candle nine shades can’t help but dizzy and eyes blurred, dazed, weaker The co-workers and the others are even more faltering, one staggers and falls to the ground.

It is Hongjun’s view that they are protagonists of this calamity, and there are still things that will fall on them in the future. This is a small punishment.

Otherwise, with Hongjun’s cultivation base, he can kill the ancestor witch and the others by simply using his hands and feet.

“Is Dao Ancestor trying to overpower people?”

The other Ancestor Witches were more or less hit, but Hou Tu was not affected much.

The reason for this is that she is still carrying the evolutionary underworld on her body. Six Roads of Samsara’s great cause and effect. If she accidentally hurts her and causes problems with Six Roads of Samsara, it is Hongjun. I can’t eat it and walk around.

“God will do this.”

Hongjun hearing this is just a lightly saying.

“Providence? Providence is Lich both sides suffer, Saint Linfan, steal the fate of all living beings! Providence is the balance of Heavenly Way, treat all living beings as chess pieces, and be manipulated like puppets! Providence is… ….”

Fang Qingshan hearing this, could not help being sneaked.

“Didn’t expect, you actually have such a good fortune to break through Hunyuan, but it breaks the balance of Heavenly Way, when you seal a calamity!”

Hong Jun He hadn’t found Fang Qingshan to settle the account and punish him, he heard Fang Qingshan speak, and before he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, like Buddha Kingdom in the Palm, actually wanted to capture Fang Qingshan and then seal it.

“Oh, I jumped out of your control and ruined your plan. To deal with me, I just said clearly, why bother to be a bitch and set up an archway.”

Fang Qingshan said without cutting,

“What the Heavenly Way is about, it is just to satisfy your selfish desires, even the descendants of Pangu, I think you are the ones who are perverse and want to arrest me. , Just so, I also want to try how powerful Hongjun is after he Dao, so I dare to use Great Desolate sentient beings as pawns.”


A sound of golden ming sounded, followed by a dark sickle across the sky. Vaguely you can hear countless souls howling on the knife.

Suddenly, thousands of terrifying murderous auras burst out. On the blade, there seem to be traces of blood-colored murderous agglomeration in the wild, between heaven and earth, all around in the sky, the vast Slaughter Qi, as if being drawn by a kind of terrifying, has continuously gathered from all directions.

For a time, half of the sky seemed to be reflected blood red.

At the same time, a terrifying murderous intention burst into full bloom, and it was more substantial than the previous use of the Yuantu Abi Sword by the mosquitoes, not only because of the problem of the death sickle, but also The level of cultivation base.

An invisible will instantly locked Hong Jun.


Death sickle collided with Hongjun’s hands, but it was like hitting cotton, without exerting any effort. Hongjun’s palm was like water ripples, rippled, and the death sickle was As if caught in the mud, the sharp attack power was resolved with no difficulty.

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