“The Dao Ancestor made a move.”

“Fang Qingshan is over.”

“It’s a pity, although I have achieved Hunyuan, I can’t recognize the number of days.”


First, Monster Race set up Celestial Court, and the merits were added, and ten Quasi-Saints and three Quasi-Saint Peaks were instantly added.

Following is the Wu clan slapped the face, and sent troops to Celestial Court.

I thought it was just a farce, but I never thought that the strength of the Wu Clan was actually better than Monster Race.

Finally, the appearances of Heavenly Cycle Star chen great array and both Heavenly God great array made it difficult for everyone.

The most incredible thing for them is that Fang Qingshan actually broke through Hunyuan, and the cultivation base is far above Nuwa.

In the end, there was even the Holy Fall. If they hadn’t had a good heart, it would scare them to death.

Fortunately, Dao Ancestor appeared, everything will end.

In Great Desolate, Daozu is respected, there is nothing he can’t solve. This is the consensus of everyone.


Regardless of other people’s feelings, as soon as Hongjun appeared, the coercion was locked on the Wu Clan and Fang Qingshan, the mosquito man.

What is Hongjun and the others, even if he does not bless the Heavenly Way, if he specifically targets one person, it is not something ordinary Hunyuan can resist.

The first thing I can’t support is the Pangu real body derived from the twelve ancestors’ witch power. Although this Pangu real body is powerful, it is only the cultivation base of Hunyuan 2-Layer, and it is not The original cultivation base was composed of a combination. How could it withstand Hongjun’s suppression, shook his body suddenly, collapsed with a crash, and turned into the twelve ancestor witch again.


Dijiang and the others Pangu’s real body was broken, just as the Heavenly Cycle Star Chen great array of the previous Dijun and the others was broken. Under the influence, he was backlashed. They opened their mouths and spewed a mouthful of blood, staggered under their feet, fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time.

Following, it was Mosquito Dao Ren and Fang Qingshan. The moment Hongjun appeared, Fang Qingshan sacrificed the Five Elements flag. Unfortunately, the gap between the two was too big, although he In progress, but compared with Hongjun’s progress, it is simply as different as heaven and earth.

So, it is obviously impossible to do the old things about Purple Heaven Palace.

The pressure is on, and the fleshly body Primordial Spirit instantly makes a crack crack sound, as if Buzhou Mountain is suppressed and overwhelmed. The Innate Supreme Treasure Five Elements flag hovering above their heads is even more shaky and dim.

“Get up!”

Fortunately, Fang Qingshan’s cultivation base comes from his own little by little cultivation, not from Pangu’s true body that relies on formation, and fleshly body Primordial Spirit At the same time breakthrough, decathlon, almost no obvious weakness.

In addition to Innate’s defense of the Supreme Treasure Five Elements flag, this is the Life Source Sacred Jewel that fits the Life Source Great Way.

It gave him another breath. Otherwise, it’s just a sudden, not to mention being beaten up, at least there is no time to resist.

With time to prepare, Fang Qingshan naturally impossible without the ability to resist.

“Eternal Heaven boat, town!”

As he shouted all over, a heaven boat descended in a bang for 33 days.

The eternal spirit Thunder Emperor and the thunder-gathering tower in the depths of the Bi An, the eternal thunder pool, burst out with bright divine light. With a bang, shatter void, isolating the coercion that was engulfing Fang Qingshan mosquito person.

But the thirty-three days of emptiness was torn apart, and a terrifying crack of ten thousand zhang was torn apart. In that crack, there were terrifying space fragments everywhere, countless The blade was flying, and the blade was so sharp that even if the ordinary Golden Immortal rushed in, it would be instantly twisted into dust.

You must know that thirty-three days is one of the Great Desolate three realms, with remote antiquity starry sky blessing outside, and thirty-three days great array guarding inside. The stability of the space can be imagined. It can be torn apart like this Barrier, and it is not an attack, just coming, the formidable power of the Eternal Heaven boat is naturally self-evident.

But at first it was a hideous tentacles, shining with a sharp edge, followed by a deck, a frame, a seat, a ballista, an arrow tower, a magic tower, a turret, and then like the sky Column-like masts, world-like sails, although there are only a few floors, but a ship building that feels like 33 days…

Three Purities, the guide Zhunti Nuwa couldn’t help being sucked in a cold breath at the moment when he witnessed the arrival of the vast sky boat. It was simply not an ordinary shock.

Especially Nuwa, now I am finally myself, when I was thinking about dealing with Fang Qingshan, where did my heart palpitations come from?

In the face of such a Tianzhou, Nuwa felt a life and death crisis.

Although Eternal Heaven boat has not yet advanced to supreme.

But because the eternal Divine Furnace unit once again incorporates the life and death bottle gourd, the powerful Sacred Jewel such as the beast breaking the drum, and the Tianzhou body incorporates the Chaos bloodstone such Top Grade Material, Tianzhou almost Has reached the point where water overflows when it is full.

If the Eternal Heaven boat used to be able to contend with the power of the first 3-floors of the Hunyuan at most, it could escape by chance at most before the Hunyuan 6-Layer.

So now, the strength of the Eternal Heaven boat has been turned upside down. It can counteract the power of Hunyuan 6-Layer. There is a great chance of escape in the hands of Hunyuan 7-Layer. As for 7-Layer The above is wishful thinking.

The later, the bigger the gap.

The gap between Hunyuan 7-Layer and 8-Layer, although only a small realm in the small realm, is bigger than the gap between Hunyuan’s three-layer and 7-Layer.

However, once the Eternal Heaven boat is transformed, from Wushuang to supreme, then it is not a problem to contend with Hunyuan 8-Layer, even Hunyuan 9-Layer, as for Hunyuan ten layers, then It’s another new heaven and earth, but it can’t be beaten, isn’t it still possible to escape, but it’s not in the slightest power to fight back.

Before Hongjun merged into Heavenly Way, he was nothing more than the Hunyuan Early-Stage Peak, that is, the Hunyuan three-layer Peak.

After joining together, the cultivation base advanced by leaps and bounds, but now it has only reached the Hunyuan 7-Layer, and just broke through the Nascent Soul Late Stage.

However, because he fits well, he can borrow the power of Heavenly Way like Saint.

Because of his self/main body cultivation base is great, coupled with his body fit, the borrowed power is much more powerful than Saint.

With full burst, you can reach at least the tenth level of Hunyuan.

If you fully cooperate with Heavenly Way, even if you come to a Heavenly Way level expert, you must return in low spirits after failing in Great Desolate.

However, in that case, the entire Great Desolate may be extremely unlucky.

After all, Saint’s destructive power is so powerful, it can break heaven and earth.

Not to mention the power of the Heavenly Way level.

However, now it is just Hongjun’s aura.

So with the share of the Eternal Heaven boat, Fang Qingshan stands upright on the spot like a green pine.


Seeing Fang Qingshan once again resisted his pressure, Hong Jun was surprised.

The last time I relied on the Big Five Elements Innate formation diagram and Heavenly Cycle Star formation diagram.

This time there is another Heavenly Ark Supreme Treasure. The good things in Fang Qingshan’s hands are really endless.

Hongjun couldn’t help but reveal a strange expression in his eyes.

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