Chapter 176 Raw Capture!!

The Praetorian General surnamed Jin ignored the subordinates who came up, he ran straight into the other party, and then glanced at Yu Su and the Praetorian Guard who fell to the ground beside Yu Su with a gloomy face, “The thief is so daring, he dares to commit murder in the city.” ”

“What are you still stunned for, take down this thief, dead or alive!”

General Jin immediately scolded his subordinates on both sides, since Eunuch Zhao did not ask about this matter, then he had nothing to worry about, he didn’t need to live when he wanted to come to the princess, seeing Yusu protecting Zhang Manyue like a calf, he directly characterized Yusu as a fellow thief with a gloomy face, and under General Jin’s reprimand, the forbidden army that was originally still hesitant immediately shouted to kill, “Kill!!” ”


The bright and shaky knife light staggered towards Yusu and Zhang Manyue’s body, the force shown by Yusu just now did deter these guards and soldiers, but the arrival of General Jin and his subordinates immediately dispelled these soldiers’ fear of Yusu, facing dozens of long knife guards rushing up, Yusu’s face was calm and very leisurely, Qingyun was held by him with a sword flower in his hand, the sword pointed straight at General Jin outside the heavy figure, seeing this scene, General Jin also narrowed his eyes, His eyes stared directly at Yusu, who was surrounded by heavy soldiers, one wearing a mask and a scarf mask, “a person who pretends to be a ghost and hides his head and tail.” ”


General Jin grinned, spit fiercely on the ground, did not put Yu Su’s actions in his eyes at all, the corners of Yu Su’s mouth gradually rose, on the other side, seeing all the Praetorian guards slashed over with knives, Zhang Manyue’s small face was tight, quickly turned around and Yu Su back to back, holding a dagger and staring at the people around him vigilantly, but just when Zhang Manyue was about to desperately protect Yu Su’s back, a hand suddenly reached out and grabbed her hand, and then grabbed her waist, Zhang Manyue was slightly shocked in his heart, It’s just that at this time, the Praetorian Guards have already slashed over, “Kill~!” ”

In the shouts of the guards, without waiting for Zhang Manyue to react, Yu Su behind him rushed out with Zhang Manyue in his arms, “Brother Qingyun is dangerous…”

Zhang Manyue’s reminder Yusu didn’t care, he just glanced at General Jin faintly, and then saw that his hand holding Qingyun suddenly loosened, what everyone didn’t expect was that Qingyun, who pointed at General Jin, suddenly looked like an off-string arrow, only leaving an afterimage in the air and rushed out, passing along the way, seven or eight guards were rushed out before they could see what happened.

Qingyun sealed his throat with a sword, several people did not know why they died until death, blood splashed the faces of the surrounding Praetorian Guards, General Jin inserted the combat knife into the ground, folded his hands on the handle of the knife and immediately stood in a horizontal posture, just spit on Yusu He didn’t straighten his chest and just saw this scene, Qingyun Jian sealed seven or eight forbidden troops in a row, and then still went straight to him, General Jin, whose face was full of contempt and disdain a second ago, suddenly changed his face drastically, “Stop him!” Stop him!!! ”

General Jin, who was shocked into a cold sweat behind his back, did not hesitate to pull the two guards beside him over to block in front of him, poof~poof~!

Two consecutive slight throat cutting sounds sounded in General Jin’s ears, General Jin suddenly trembled, sweaty hair stood upside down, the sword blade that passed through the body was close to General Jin’s neck, General Jin’s forehead was majestic, looking at the blade on his neck, his heart was suddenly shrouded in a murderous intent, bang ~ bang ~

The body fell to the ground, General Jin heard the sound and looked, when the two guards fell to the ground, a look of horror, full of frightened General Jin first saw the silver mask in front of him, Qingyun sword was held by Yu Su in his hand, the blade was only half an inch away from General Jin’s throat, grunting ~

General Jin’s gaze finally stopped on Qingyun’s sword blade, swallowed saliva just at the moment when Qingyun’s sword came out, Yu Su followed with Zhang Manyue, there was Qingyun in front to open the way, Yu Su only took the corpse behind to sweep the tail, he was an extraordinary person, the reaction of these ordinary sergeants, speed, etc. were far less than the cultivators, in Yu Su’s eyes, these advent swords were like slowed down ten times the action movie, the corpses sealed by Qingyun were all swept by him and smashed into the crowd behind him, as for the oncoming swords, They were all broken by Yu Su’s fingers, the body of the thunder tribulation can be damaged by extraordinary soldiers, even if the hand does not hold a sword, Yu Su can also meet the blade with his bare hands, Yu Su and Zhang Manyue also appeared in front of General Jin almost synchronously with the Qingyun sword, Zhang Manyue did not react to what happened, she only remembered that Yusu Lou held her waist, and then her eyes were empty, and when it was clear again, she was inexplicably brought out of the forbidden army by Yusu, not only Zhang Manyue was startled, but even the forbidden army surrounding him was also startled, Especially the forbidden army that stopped in front of Yusu and them, it was just a blink of an eye, the seven or eight brothers around them all fell to the ground, all of them were sealed by a sword, and their faces were also pasted with human blood, they only felt a chill in their necks, and a chill rose behind them, “General, General!” ”

The forbidden soldiers all used long knives in front of them, nervously looking at their own generals, they rescued General Jin, but as soon as they saw Yu Su, they were afraid to approach Yu Su and slapped the two guards left and right with Qingyun, and General Jin who was covered behind the corpse appeared in front of his eyes, “You, you have to think clearly, I am the Praetorian Guard General of the Yingzhou Royal Palace, if you kill me, Eunuch Zhao will not let you go!” ”

General Jin looked away from the Qingyun sword, turned to look at Yusu and Zhang Manyue, and said tremblingly, huh?

Hearing this, the Qingyun in Yu Su’s hand was a little closer, and a blood line appeared on General Jin’s neck and began to ooze blood, “Wait, wait a minute!!” ”

General Jin panicked, “I’m not threatening you, if you kill me, you will definitely not be able to leave Yingzhou City!” But with me, I can send you out of town! ”

General Jin looked at Yu Su nervously, now his life and death are only between the other party’s thoughts, so he can’t help but be nervous, “Damn, you shouldn’t be nosy, kill a Confucian and kill and kill what that nosy thing to do, it’s not my duty to suppress bandits.” ”

“And they have already entered the palace, so they shouldn’t come back!”

General Jin secretly scolded himself in his heart for looking for death, originally the bandits were none of his business, he was just ordered to track down the Confucian conspiracy in the city, no matter how it didn’t involve Zhang Manyue’s body, only blamed himself for death, before leaving, he glanced at Zhang Manyue more, and he had already left, but ran back because of the quick success, Yusu did not speak, but looked at Zhang Manyue’s body who was still shocked, and General Jin’s gaze also focused on Zhang Manyue’s body with Yusu’s gaze, It seems that his life and death are in the hands of this female thief,

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