Chapter 175: The Formation of Second-Order Zombies, Dilemma!!

Yusu rushed towards the location of Zhang Full Moon while thinking about the matter of the life and death grass, the insects parasitizing on the life and death grass are very mysterious and special, and they cannot grow into adult insects in the natural environment, and its IQ is very high and extremely sensitive to temperature, it hates high temperatures, and when parasitizing in the corpse, it often chooses to control the corpse when the temperature is low, but it needs to pass a very high temperature to make the larvae grow into a complete body, in the original drama of the kingdom, the old imperial doctor’s student Dan’er died because he was eaten by the king’s corpse, the old imperial doctor begged Zhao Xuezhou to let him bring Dan’er’s body back to his hometown for burial, and Zhao Xuezhou, who was not aware that the zombie was infected, agreed to the request of the old imperial doctor, so the old imperial doctor returned to the medical hall with Dan’er who hatched a worm egg, but who knew that the male protagonist disguised Dan’er’s body as venison that night, lied that he had obtained it from hunting in the mountains, and cooked it and divided it with the wounded patients who had gathered in the medical hall for a few days of hunger, and can only say that he was born in a troubled world and couldn’t help himself, just to survive, High temperature boiling provides a lot of heat energy for the eggs and larvae of the living and dead grass, so that the larvae further evolve and become complete adult worms, complete adult worms are extremely terrible, after being invaded by adult insects, patients can become a monster who only knows to eat living animals after just a few breaths, this zombie is extremely infectious, and the eggs bred by adult worms and the eggs bred by the larvae before will be completely different from the original parasitic eggs on the back of the leaves of the life and death grass after hatching. To grow from larvae to complete adult worms require a great heat supply, but the eggs reproduced by adults do not have this limitation, the larvae hatched by adults will quickly grow into adults in the dead corpse, so when the male protagonist divides the cooked broth to the patients in the medical hall, a batch of extremely terrifying second-order zombies are created, once the second-order zombies scratch or gnaw the living, in an instant, they can already have another second-order zombie, there is almost no time interval in between, and the last pass ten, ten pass hundred…

“How can such creatures exist in the mortal world?”

Yu Su shook his head, even he was extremely puzzled by this, the insects parasitizing on the life and death grass had exceeded the laws of mortal creatures, but were like alien invading creatures.


“Catch her!”

As the shouts sounded, the Praetorian guards who were searching nearby and the soldiers patrolling the streets immediately rushed towards the shout, boom~!

A Praetorian Guard wearing a purple guard’s clothes suddenly flew out of a wooden house, along with a lot of wooden table debris, Zhang Manyue held a dagger, put the dagger on the neck of another Praetorian Guard, and threatened the opposite Praetorian Guard to slowly walk out of the wooden house, “You can’t leave, quickly put down the dagger and suffer less flesh and skin!” ”

Seeing that the surrounding Janissaries rushed over, and even the nearby patrols also surrounded them, the Praetorian Guard who was forced back by Zhang Manyue from the wooden house immediately turned inward, Zhang Manyue did not speak, but held the dagger tightly against the neck of the guard, vigilantly looking around, three Praetorian Guards, one was subdued by her with a dagger, and one was kicked out by her, and the last one was this young general in front of him who still looked like a relatively high military merit, but unfortunately there were too many Praetorian Guards around, otherwise she still had the opportunity to use the hostage in her hand to escape, Thirteen Praetorian Guards, seven Zhongyang Army soldiers, and the Praetorian Guards with the rank of senior military general glanced at the number of people around them, then put the long knife in his hand into the scabbard, and coldly ordered, “This person is suspected of being an anti-thief, the general has an order, catch her!” ”

He waved his hand towards Zhang Manyue, and did not care that the hostages in Zhang Manyue’s hands saw this scene, Zhang Manyue’s face changed slightly, and then a series of knife drawing sounds sounded, in the crowd of shouts of killing, more than a dozen long knives and halberds immediately erected, facing more than a dozen long knives and halberds, Zhang Manyue’s expression was extremely nervous, but at this moment, heh~!

A breaking wind suddenly sounded behind the Praetorian Guard of the Senior Military Attaché, followed by a bang!

Under Zhang Manyue’s stunned gaze, a flying sword sheath smashed on the body of the senior military attaché, and even he himself was smashed out, overwhelming many soldiers who were surrounding Zhang Manyue, “Oops~!” ”

Suddenly a scream sounded, the Praetorian Guard and the soldiers fell down, each of them failed to stand up for a while, obviously not lightly hit, the first to bear the brunt of the Praetorian Guard with the rank of senior military attaché was spraying blood from his mouth at this time, and then opened his mouth and tilted his head and passed out, only to see that there was still a thick look of stunned on his face, this guy in front of his eyes, did not find out what he was attacked.

Qingyun, which was loaded into the scabbard, just smashed into the crowd, and the figure of Yusu not far away swept over, “Qingyun! ”

Seeing Yu Su’s figure, Zhang Manyue’s eyes lit up instantly, Yu Su swept in front of Zhang Manyue, and smoothly carried the hostage in her hand with one hand and smashed it to the crowd behind her, and then gently raised her toes, and the Qingyun that fell on the ground soared into the air and was caught by his hand, Yu Su turned around, poof~!

Shun pulled Qingyun out of the scabbard, the long sword was raised obliquely, protecting Zhang Manyue behind him, Yu Su looked at the few soldiers and guards in front of him with flat eyes, when he just came over, he had already noticed that a Praetorian General was riding a horse with a group of cavalry towards here, thinking that he came to Zhang Manyue, “Qingyun big brother, why are you here?” ”

Looking at Yusu who protected himself behind him, Zhang Manyue was overjoyed and surprised in his heart, happy that Yusu was able to rush over to save himself at this critical moment, and was shocked that at this time, the city gate guard could only enter and exit, and Yusu almost ruined his life by doing so.

“Brother Qingyun, you shouldn’t have come…”

Zhang Manyue bit her lips lightly, a complex look mixed with anxiety and emotion appeared between her elegant eyebrows, she knew very well that these people in front of her were naturally not Yu Su’s opponents, but now the situation in the city, there are heavy troops guarded at the city gate, and it is impossible to get out, and staying in the city, Yu Su and her are only a matter of time before they are caught, Yu Su, who is facing away from her, noticed Zhang Manyue’s abnormality, but did not speak, just shook his head gently, “Drive!” ”



Unfortunately, as Yu Su expected, the cavalry that he had noticed earlier also rushed over at this time, and the Praetorian General took twenty of his subordinates and turned over and dismounted, “General! ”

One of the Praetorian Guards hurried forward to salute.

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