Since Chapter 164 is useless, let’s deal with it!!

No matter how the Yingzhou royal city changes, Yusu has already returned to Zhang Manyue’s small village, and early the next morning, with a babbling, the door of the log cabin opened, Yusu walked out of the wooden house wearing a plain clothes, stretched out a lazy waist towards the mountains and forests in front of him, took a deep breath of the fresh morning air, Yu Su suddenly felt that his heart was clear, and even the scene of last night’s diaphragm was forgotten outside the nine snow clouds, just when Yu Su was ready to use Qingyun to practice swords in the courtyard, familiar with the mortal sword techniques that the system had previously rewarded, But seeing that Zhang Manyue got up earlier than him, Yu Su, who was standing at the door, paused, Zhang Manyue was still dressed yesterday, seeing that her outfit should have risen before dawn, “Brother Qingyun, it’s early!” ”

Zhang Manyue smiled at Yusu full of spirit, but saw that Yusu was still wearing a mask, and a trace of disappointment flowed through the corners of his eyes, Yusu nodded in response, she was carrying a copper basin, holding half a basin of water and a coarse cloth to enter Yusu’s house, seeing this, Yusu standing at the door was surprised but did not forget to get out of the way, when passing by Yusu’s side, “Don’t forget to wear a mask early in the morning…”

Zhang Manyue looked up at Yu Su’s face, and couldn’t help but muttered in a low voice, Zhang Manyue, as the eldest sister of the village, did not have the leisure to wash the water for Yu Su early in the morning, and the reason why she came so early today was to take advantage of Yu Su’s sleeping sleep to see his appearance under the mask.

It’s a pity that Yu Su got up earlier, and just got up and put the mask on, so that Zhang Manyue was disappointed, although her voice was small, but she still couldn’t hide Yu Su’s hearing, hearing this, the corners of Yu Su’s mouth standing at the door raised slightly, after entering the house, Zhang Manyue put the copper basin aside, “Brother Qingyun, come and wash your face.” ”

She said with a smile, her voice was crisp and pleasant, ‘I don’t believe you wash your face and wear a mask Zhang Manyue thinks so, Yu Su’s martial arts are very high, and it doesn’t look old, which makes Zhang Manyue, a little sister who is used to fighting and killing, very curious, and Yu Su carries a sword with him, it must be a swordsman, and now there is a big general in the Tang Court not far away, it is rumored that the general can throw the sword into the clouds, with a height of tens of zhang, lead the hand to hold the sheath, and the sword can also penetrate the air and return to the scabbard, “I don’t know if Qingyun can be so powerful…”

Zhang Manyue waited for half a ring and did not see Yu Su answer her, so he turned his head and looked at Yu Su suspiciously, but saw Yu Su holding the sword in both hands, leaning in front of the door frame and only looking at her with a smile, Zhang Manyue’s careful thinking how to hide Yu Su, meet Yu Su’s playful gaze, Zhang Manyue’s small face froze, and suddenly felt that he was seen through by the other party, “Hehe~”

“Oh, that, I’ll take you to breakfast when you’re done washing your face.”

Zhang Manyue scratched his head to hide his embarrassment, Yu Su stayed in the village for a few days in a row, and he didn’t go out much in the past few days, staying in the courtyard to practice swords or cultivate the Taiyi Purple Court Sutra, although the progress of his own cultivation could not catch up with the system’s point infusion, but now he has lost his dependence on points in the middle of the Jindan, at least the nourishment provided by this side of the world has been difficult for him to make a breakthrough, so instead of being idle, it is better to study more immortal techniques in the Taiyi Purple Court Sutra, “Even if there is a systematic reward, But I’m afraid that the Yuan Baby is already the limit of the earth. ”

After observing the Taiyi Ziting Sutra for a while, Yu Su got up and secretly said, “Host: Yu Su (Intermediate Thunder Tribulation Body)

Major Exercises: Taiyi Ziting Sutra.

Cultivation: Jindan mid-period.

Points: 76205.

Starry Sky Teleportation: 1.

Divine power: Heavenly seal, palm thunder.

Props: Immortal Weapon, Houtian Magic Treasure, Merit Bead, Immortal Weapon, Starry Sky Shuttle, Lower Grade Spirit Weapon, Two Yi Array Plate, Upper Grade Magic Weapon Breath Mask, Middle Grade Magic Weapon Qingyun Sword, Devil Pestle Gold, King Kong Sword Purple, Chiyan Fruit ×1, Jade Bone Fruit ×2, Ning Shenhua × 9, Silver Leaf Grass × 49, Lower Grade Jade Medal ×1870, Copper Money Sword Blue Sword, Centennial Peach Wood Sword Blue Several, Yellow Table Paper Several. ”

The system allows him to obtain points by means of super or killing, and then exchange points for spiritual power to enhance his strength, but others do not have this ability, so it can be inferred that whether it is the Eastern God Domain or the Western God Domain, the highest godhead should not exceed the realm of the middle stage of Jindan, this is still the case that Yu Su counted those ancient gods born from heaven and earth, “In this way, then I only need to step by step and wait for the arrival of great changes in heaven and earth.” ”

The highest combat power of this side of the world will not exceed the mid-Jindan realm, and he can’t break through the current realm in a short time, so Yusu is not in a hurry, and suddenly relaxed, at least he doesn’t have to have a sense of urgency in his heart every moment like when he first came here.

On the other side, just when Yusu and Zhang Manyue were living peacefully in the village, Yingzhou City, since the King of Yingzhou was burned into nothingness by a talisman fire by Yusu that night, in the next period of time, whether it was the courtiers or the son of the world, Li Cang, had never seen the king, even the figure of the king sleeping in the hospital bed, for a long time, the folk rumors also completely made the faction that supported Li Cang firm the conjecture in their hearts, and the Yingzhou Zhao clan concealed the fact that the king died, and wanted to use this to monopolize the dynasty, almost became the consensus of Li Cang’s family, “Recently, the voices in the city about the death of the great king have become louder, especially those Confucianists, who have openly posted notices, claiming…”

A forbidden soldier knelt on the ground, endured for a moment and spoke, “What do you claim? ”

On the opposite side of the forbidden army, Zhao Fanri was expressionless, sitting cross-legged at the desk and looking at the book of soldiers in his hand, the forbidden army looked up at Zhao Fanri and quickly lowered his head, swallowed his saliva, and finally said hard, “They claim that the Yingzhou Zhao clan covered the sky with one hand, concealed the fact that the king died, and tried to reverse the situation and hang the yin and yang.” ”

“They also said that since the death of the great king has become a fact, they hope that His Royal Highness Shizi will ascend the throne as soon as possible, rectify the chaos in time, and return to the court in the past!”

Hearing the words of the forbidden army, Zhao Fanri’s gaze moved away from the book of soldiers and turned to look down, “Anyway?” ”


Putting down the book of soldiers in his hand, a cold glint flashed in Zhao Fanri’s eyes, “What else will these Confucians do besides arching fire to create momentum?” ”

“Since it’s useless, let’s deal with it.”

Zhao Fanri squinted his eyes, and his voice was cold.

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