Chapter 163 An Lushan’s ambition, Zhao Xuezhou’s mind!!

Zhao Xuezhou snorted coldly, but did not look at his daughter who came from behind, and then said lightly, “Sometimes the dead are more useful than the living. ”

Zhao Xuezhou’s eyes flashed with a faint cold glow swept over the palace maid forbidden army last night, like a secret poisonous snake ready to choose someone to devour at any time, the palace maid and the forbidden army immediately knelt down together, one by one the body trembled like a sieve chaff Zhao was surrounded by the palace maids to come, she naturally knew the meaning of her father in Yingzhou today, outside the palace, there is a father to lead the title of a great eunuch, the right to oversee the country, and in the palace, she controls everything in the palace, and her younger brother Zhao Fanri leads the forbidden army to secretly arrange everything, it can be said that the current Yingzhou, The palace maid guards in the palace, the civil and military officials in the upper court, are all people of his Zhao family, even though His Royal Highness is over twenty years old at the moment, but he is only a son, far less than the Yuanzi in her belly, so as long as Yuanzi is born, it is the death of the king who cannot shake the foundation of the Zhao family, “Father doesn’t have to be angry about this, a Li Cang, can you still overturn this day?” ”

“Whether it is the power of my Zhao family or the Tang army now, it is not something that a small son can shake.”

Zhao Xuezhou glanced at her and didn’t say much, “Check who entered and left the palace gate last night, a living corpse can’t disappear out of thin air like this, in addition, 50 more people will be transferred to the palace tonight.” ”

Although the disappearance of the king of Yingzhou made Zhao Xuezhou unexpected, it did not make him pay too much attention to it, just like the princess said, now the power of the Zhao family is in hand, and there is the support of the Tang army of Lord An, this world of Yingzhou is destined to be his Zhao family’s world, as for the disappeared king of Yingzhou, as Zhao Xuezhou knows, the current living corpse does not have the ability to infect others, so there is no need to care too much, “Li Cang has been kneeling outside the palace for a morning in order to ask for an audience, and at this time the king is gone, I am afraid it will be difficult to stabilize him. ”

Zhao Xuezhou turned around, his gaze seemed to be able to see through the palace doors kneeling outside the palace son Li Cang, three months ago, Princess Zhao was pregnant, which means that Zhao’s bloodline has the opportunity to become the only concubine of the king, Zhao Xuezhou is very happy in his heart, but at this time, the king died, the country cannot be without a king, it is to be the king who dies, the son of Yuan has not yet been born, then there is only one person who inherits the throne, that is, His Royal Highness Shuzi, of course, Zhao Xuezhou does not want to see this result, So when his daughter sent someone to inform him of the night of the king’s death, Zhao Xuezhou blocked the news in the palace and hid the matter.

Not only that, in order to drag the birth of Yuanzi, he sent people to collect the life and death grass that he had touched in the early years, and turned the king of Yingzhou into a living dead person with ancient methods, and the zombies that the life and death grass turned into were extremely peculiar, they were active at night and fell into a deep sleep during the day, so Zhao Xuezhou used the “comatose” King of Yingzhou not only to maintain his identity as a prison country, but also dragged the son Li Cang, only waiting for Yuanzi to be born, Yingzhou is his Zhao’s world, “Princess Songhua has come?” ”

Thinking of this, Zhao Xuezhou suddenly asked his daughter, although Princess Songhua is only a princess with a foreign surname of the Tang Court, but her identity is far more than that, at that time, An Lushan met the Tang Emperor for the first time, quite loved by the Tang Emperor and the noble concubines, so at the beginning of this year, An Lushan, who was then the envoy of Pinglu soldiers and horses, began his political career, and the Tang Emperor appointed An Lushan as the envoy of Fanyang Jiedu, ruled Youzhou, and concurrently served as an interview in Hebei, Pinglu Army and other envoys, and was already a feudal official, That is, the capital and the three northeastern provinces are all under the jurisdiction of An Lushan, with a command of 100,000 troops.

And Princess Songhua is the daughter of An Lushan, because An Lushan worships Yang Guifei as a godmother and Tang Emperor as a godfather, so she has the name of a princess.

As for why An Lushan’s daughter came to this Yingzhou City…

Zhao Xuezhou’s old eyes flashed a faint essence, and when he mentioned Princess Songhua, his attitude towards the proud lady of the Middle Hall also became a little more respectful, “Princess Songhua and her attendants arrived at the palace yesterday, and they should rest at Gyeongbokgung Palace at this time.” ”

Zhao Xuezhou nodded, Gyeongbokgung Palace is a new palace built by the king before his death, there are Qinghuilou, Xiangyuan Pavilion and Lotus Lake Pond, the scenery is the most in Yingzhou, and it will not be slow to arrange Princess Songhua there, but he originally used the Lotus Lake Pool as a place to dispose of the corpse when he was a graduate student in the future, but now it seems that he needs to find another place, “Gyeongbokgung Palace there to strengthen the garrison, don’t let the king rush Princess Songhua!” ”

Zhao Xuezhou instructed lightly, hearing this, Zhao Fanri immediately held his sword and held his fist, and said solemnly, “Understood!” ”

Immediately waved his hand and led the forbidden army behind him towards Gyeongbokgung Palace, “The palace is your territory, don’t let that son see any clues, in addition, I will visit Her Royal Highness the princess later, you find an excuse to send him away, a highness kneeling there into what a system!” ”

The nave nodded, also understanding the deep meaning of her father’s words, “The daughter understands.”

Zhao Xuezhou’s old face was gloomy, after taking a deep look at the Daoming Hall, he waved his sleeves and left here, although he did not move on the surface, but the King of Yingzhou quietly disappeared in the deep palace, which had to make him wary, the matter of life and death grass has a lot to do with it, involving his cooperation with An Lushan, once there is a business trip, not to mention what kind of situation Yingzhou City and surrounding tribes and Silla will evolve into, at least An Lushan will no longer allow the existence of Yingzhou Zhao, Yingzhou is located in the place where the three forces meet, The geographical location is quite sensitive, whether it is the Bohai Kingdom or the Tang Court or Silla is not its small Yingju City can provoke, and now the Tang Court is powerful, Bohai Kingdom and Silla are both Tang Court dependencies, if not for the Tang Court needs a buffer zone to maintain the stability of various tribes, Yingzhou City has long been eaten by Bohai State and Silla.

So now he can mess with anyone in Zhao Xuezhou, but he can’t mess with An Lushan, the soil emperor of Youzhou.

“There must be no accidents in the matter of life and death grass!”

With such a thought, Zhao Xuezhou left the Daoming Hall, as for those palace maids and guards kneeling on the ground, naturally there was a central hall and Zhao Fanri to deal with, PS: Because the plot needs, the historical things related to An Lushan have been slightly changed,

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