Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 682: Hunyuan defeats Yang Fawei!

Jin Sheng punched out, and above the nine heavens, whether it was the explosive air flow or the soaring spiritual energy pillars, everything stopped instantly. At this moment, they were all stagnated by the power of the Hunyuan Hammer. !

Wood God's Burst Sting, in the shadow of the Eight Gods' Return to the Void True One, countless thorn cones pierced through the phantoms of immortals and Buddhas. This cone has not yet pierced into the body, but it has already penetrated the back of the Eight Gods' Return to the Void True One. A huge vortex appeared, and a spike emerged!

The Emperor of Earth chops the ax with one palm, and there is no sound, because this palm has absorbed all the breath in the axe. With one stroke of the ax, there is no sound, it is just killing people, and there is no harm!

Just like that, the Return to the Void Shinichi of Yagami Temple let out a scream, his heart was punched out by Jin Sheng, his back was pierced by Wood God, and his head was chopped into pieces by Wood Emperor! But at the same time, Wood God groaned, and the opponent counterattacked before death, and Wood God was injured!

With a bang, the Return to Void True Yi turned into thousands of glass fragments, scattered across the world, and was directly vaporized by the three major Return to Void, killing him on the spot!

The violent attack of the Five Elements Sect's Returning to the Void Realm has arrived. Flames, ice, golden knives, boulders, and green trees are all coming. Each of them is like a real thing, containing endless power!

The Earth Emperor suddenly roared, and all the endless attacks changed direction and hit the Wood Emperor. At the same time, an altar appeared on the Wood Emperor!

The altar is an eighteen-story altar with a hollow structure. The inner and outer talismans compete to shine brightly. It exudes endless blurred pearlescent light, like a piece of bright moonlight, and the colorful brilliance is constantly changing, so beautiful that it makes people fascinated.

It was the ninth-level magic weapon, the Nine-Heaven Demon Seal, that turned the Qiankun Altar upside down. When the altar was taken out, it emitted a strange light. The inversion secret method was activated, and the endless attacks of the Five Elements Sect's Returning to the Void True One were immediately reversed and directed towards the Five Elements Sect's Returning to the Void True One!

At the same time, in the hands of Wood God, he took out a jade ruler in his left hand and a divine sword in his right hand!

When this jade ruler is taken out, a ray of light appears across the sky and the earth. As soon as this treasure is taken out, the heaven and the earth are colorless! In the entire world, there is only the endless True Yang Qi, which stretches across the sky and the earth. Apart from this, there is nothing else, it is the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler!

When the divine sword was taken out, it was like a ball of purple light, so pure that it seemed as if the Holy Spirit was singing and calling. This is the ninth-level magic weapon, the Immortal City Taiyi True Spirit Sword!

Jin Sheng also took out two ninth-level treasures. One is the ninth-level magic weapon Vinara Tianmo Red Blood Divine Flame Halberd, and the other is the ninth-level treasure Qiankun Supreme Tianjun Ten Square Stick!

The Demon God had just returned, and these two ninth-level treasures were passed back to the hands of the Golden Saint.

Just when the Earth Emperor was resisting the violent attack of the Five Elements Sect's Hui Xu Zhenyi, the two of them moved, jumped up, and rushed toward each other!

But they didn't care about the Five Elements Sect's Return to the Void Shinichi who was desperately sending out spells, nor the Undead Sect's Return to the Void Shinichi who was entangled with the devil. Instead, they pounced on Dayan Zongheng who had just been teleported and had not yet recovered. The sword sect returns to the virtual reality!

In an instant, the two people rushed over. The Wood God danced the Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler and cut off the Xiandu Taiyi True Spirit Sword. The Jin Sheng struck out with a stick, and then stabbed out with a halberd!

It looks like an extremely simple attack, but this is the seventh method of Hunyuan Sect, Hunyuan Qi. Each attack is equivalent to the full output of the five Five Method Holy Lands, and the bombardment of the entire Xiaoqian World. Each attack is equivalent to They commanded the power of the five worlds and came with a mad rush!

Moreover, not a single spell wave was leaked, and not even a speck of dust was stirred up. All the endless power hit the Void Returning True One with 10,000% concentration!

The Return to the Void True roared, and sixty-six thirty-six divine swords appeared on his body to protect him. This was the sword formation of the Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect!

But he had just teleported here and had not returned to normal state. The other party was close to him instantly. His sword array could not be deployed at all. These divine swords were all eighth level. Facing the bombardment of ninth level magic weapons, twelve of them suddenly The sword collapsed and shattered, revealing its flaw immediately!

Then a foot hit him in the face, and he suddenly let out a scream. In the midst of this scream, a halberd pierced his back, and then broke his arm with a stick!

In this scream, the Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect Huixu Zhenyi also turned into thousands of glass fragments and dissipated in the world. In Huixu Zhenyi's battle, there was no body. The loser turned into blood mist under the impact of power. Impossible, just turn into thousands of glass fragments and dissipate into the world!

In less than ten breaths, the Return to the Void True One was beaten to death by the two ancestors of Wood God and Gold Saint!

But the final blow of this return to the void, a divine sword, was inserted into Mu Shen's abdomen and penetrated directly. Wooden God was injured just now, and a flaw was immediately formed, so he did not escape the last blow and was stabbed again, but the other divine swords that were not broken were put away by Wooden God.

However, Mu Shen acted as if he had not been stabbed. The sword was inserted into his body, almost ignoring it, and blasted the Return to the Void True One. They went straight to the Five Elements Sect Return to the Void True One.

The Five Elements Sect returned to the virtual world and immediately screamed. In an instant, the whole person turned into five rays of rays of light, rising from the void and scattering in all directions. These five rays of rays of light flew into the air and began to differentiate again, turning into twenty-five and one hundred and two. Fifteen, six hundred and twenty-five...

Thousands of rays of light dissipated in the sky, and Huixu Zhenyi escaped!

The Immortal Sect's Return to the Void Shinichi was not so lucky. He was entangled by the demon god. Although he saw that the situation was not good, he immediately struggled out and tried to escape, but he was immediately surrounded by the three major Return to the Void!

The four of them disappeared in an instant, and then there was a roar and an explosion thousands of miles away on the sea!

The Six Great Returns to the Void attacked, the Kongmo Sect and the Five Elements Sect returned to the void and escaped, the Eight Gods Temple and the Dayan Zongheng Sword sect returned to the void and died in battle, the Immortal Sect returned to the void and was surrounded, and the last return to the void was the Supreme Heavenly Dao Sect's return to the void. Shinichi, but as the finisher, he will be the last one to teleport here to avoid the battle.

After returning to the void to leave this place, many of the monks from the alliance also rushed towards the teleportation array, wanting to leave here together like the monks from the Sky Demon Sect. However, except for the monks from the Sky Demon Sect, the other monks in the teleportation array could not teleport at all. They immediately Fleeing in all directions.

At this time, the demon god who was entangled with the Immortal Sect's Return to the Void Realm slowly got up, and saw a strange black color appearing all over the demon god's body, which was a terrifying phenomenon caused by an unknown poison!

Among them came the words of Patriarch Tianya:

"No, we have been poisoned by the corpse poison of the Immortal Sect, which cannot be eliminated. Please reorganize the Dao Demon Formation to eliminate this poison together!"

Patriarch Yuchen's voice shouted: "Okay, reorganize immediately!"

In an instant, all the Tao Demon formations were disintegrated into twenty 125-man formations, and then reassembled, but this time the demon god where the Tianya Patriarch was, and the other Tao Demons, each exchanged 125-man formations. Formation to dilute the toxicity!

The poison of 625 people will be decomposed by 2,500 people. They will only be injured but not poisoned to death!

After regrouping, Luo Li immediately felt numbness in his body, and unknown toxins invaded his body. This was the corpse poison brought by the exchange of a large array after regrouping. He immediately cast a spell to expel it. Luo Li's body was strong and very powerful. The poison dissipates quickly.

Then another toxin invaded. This was the corpse poison that others had not had time to resolve. It was passed to him, and Luo Li continued to resolve it. Just like that, everyone gathered firewood and the flames were high. Finally, all the corpse poison that the demon had been hit by dissipated.

During this period, the Hunyuan Sect's attack weakened, and almost all the alliance monks here escaped. However, the teleportation continued, and the fifth batch of monks was here!

The attack was very sudden, and the teleportation array was in the far east. The other escaping monks could not convey the news immediately. The distance was too far, and even sending a message by flying talisman would take time! It wasn't until the escaping monks from the Sky Demon Sect appeared in the teleportation array on the other side that the seventh batch of monks who were about to teleport knew they were ambushed over there!

At this time, the fifth batch of monks arrived, but at this time the Return to the Void True One had already left the battlefield. The strongest one on the battlefield was the Transformation God True Lord.

Then Luo Li heard Patriarch Yuchen shout:

"Activate the Forest of All Living Beings, all the clones to protect you, come for me! Kill without mercy!"

After giving the order, countless clones of living beings appeared beside all the Taoist Demon Gods, including giant bears, birds, spiritual beasts, magic weapons, war demons, giants, sea beasts, fire spirits, and virtual beings. spirit!

Then the forest clone rushed towards the valley and fought with the monk who had just been teleported here and hadn't figured out what was going on!

Within a radius of a hundred miles, there are millions of clones of living beings from the Hunyuan Sect everywhere, covering the sky and the earth.

The monk who was teleported over immediately fell into a sea of ​​people, and the True God Transformation among them was immediately attacked and killed by the demon!

In a bloody battle, countless clones of the living beings of the Hunyuan Sect were destroyed. Many of them were broken into pieces by the spells of their own people during the battle between the two sides. But a new clone automatically appeared next to the Hunyuan Sect monk and charged inside again!

After the sixth batch of monks, the teleportation array was completely dim. The opponent was on the other side and destroyed the teleportation array. At this point, the enemy will no longer come to reinforce!

At this time, the battle has spread over thousands of miles, and there are monks fighting and fleeing everywhere. The Hunyuan Sect's Dao Demon Formation has decomposed into a group of twenty-five, chasing and killing them everywhere.

At this moment, there was a violent explosion above the South China Sea. There were the battlefields of the four major Huixu. There was only one possibility for such a phenomenon, that is, Huixu Zhenyi could not control his own power, and the outcome was about to happen.

Sure enough, Jin Sheng Zhenyi's voice came from the Hunyuan Sect's main channel!

With a hint of hoarseness, Jin Sheng shouted: "The Ancient Bones of the Immortal Sect, Shinichi, is dead!

I, the Hunyuan Sect, won! "

Suddenly, countless cheers rang out from these Dao Lord Demon Gods!

Mu Shen continued to shout:

"Don't ask for heaven and earth, don't ask for ancestors, don't ask for gods and demons, just ask for yourself!"

"We are just ordinary people. We don't seek immortality. We live in the world. We only strive for one breath! Fight, fight, fight!"

Immediately everyone started shouting! The sound was so loud that many alliance monks immediately knew that they had failed, they had completely failed, and they had no choice but to flee! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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