Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 681 A dead Taoist friend will not die a poor Taoist!

One hundred and ninety-six breaths!

The two demon gods returned quickly, the twenty-six people in the periphery transformed into true gods, eleven died, and the rest all fled!

Each of the two demon gods gathers the power of 625 people, which is equivalent to the True One of Returning to the Void. Holding a ninth-level treasure, it turns into a demon god with extremely fast escaping skills, and its escaping skills are as fast as lightning.

Facing such a powerful enemy, the True God Transformation Master is completely destined to be killed instantly. However, the monks who can cultivate to the realm of the God Transformation True Master are all old and slippery, unlike those in the valley, where they are very sudden and have nowhere to escape. They were surrounded by Huixu Zhenyi, but no one came to help them. They all died in extreme frustration!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the Divine Transformation Master on the periphery immediately turned around and ran away. He used the supreme escape technique to escape far away. The two demon gods had no time to catch up.

Of course, there was also a self-confident god who came to the door and faced him. The demon god's appearance was not very powerful at first glance. He wanted to give it a try, but he was killed immediately!

In the end, only eleven people were killed by the True God Transformation Master, but the remaining fifteen people either used blood escape or the ultimate escape technique to escape tens of thousands of miles away and withdrew from the battlefield without the strength to fight.

When the two demon gods returned, the two ninth-level treasures all disappeared. They immediately changed formations and turned into two Dao Zuns. Together with the other two Dao Zuns, they moved up and down three times to form a three-dimensional pyramid shape, which began to tilt toward the valley. Various attack spells!

The Demon God of Hunyuan Sect is good at close combat, while Dao Zun is good at long-distance combat!

Two hundred and thirteenth breath!

The pillar of true spiritual energy of the first dead god-incarnation god rose up, and the true energy was so vast that it could be seen from thousands of miles away!

The aftermath of the explosion swept into Suyu City. In an instant, the houses collapsed and turned into ashes. Hundreds of thousands of people died. And the entire Lingyu Mountain began to collapse. After this battle, this mountain is no longer there!

The entire Holy State is in complete chaos, the earth roars, mountains and rivers collapse, houses collapse, rivers change their courses, and floods spread!

This is Tianqing. So far, hundreds of thousands of mortals have died unexpectedly, and this is just the beginning!

In the future, the number of deaths will be more, but if Hunyuan Sect is destroyed, they will die even more!

Two hundred and thirty-six breaths!

The four Dao Lords transformed, divided into five, and turned into twenty Dao Lords, forming a strange battle formation. Around the teleportation place, they began to use more crazy tilting spells!

At this time, there are no longer restrictions on the original spells, various Hunyuan Sect strategic spells, armor-piercing glass cannon, armor-piercing soul-chasing kill, Vajra Hunyuan Hammer, and scorched earth explosion! Appear one by one!

The battle became more intense. During this period, Nascent Soul Lord, who was not protected by Hui Xu Zhenyi, began to fight back. Although True Lord Nascent Soul is very powerful, on this battlefield, all of them are just ants under Return to the Void!

Some Yuanying True Monarchs rushed towards the Taoist monks with their swords in all directions. The swords were fierce and fierce. They were monks from the Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect. However, before they had time to get close to the Taoist monks, they immediately turned into flying ashes in the bombardment of the magic. !

Some of the Nascent Soul Lords also cast spells and started to fight back. They were Five Elements Sect monks. However, compared to the spells of the Four Great Dao Masters, the two spells were not proportional at all, and they were immediately blown to pieces!

Some of the Nascent Soul Lords used zombies to summon gods and activate their divine power, but everything was meaningless. In the bombardment, they turned into blood mist!

Some Nascent Soul Lords immediately escaped, but they could not escape at all. Only by using spells such as Blood Escape and Divine Escape that damaged their roots to create powerful escape techniques could they escape thousands of miles away in an instant and escape from this flesh and blood battlefield. Those who Dao Zun completely ignores them. As long as you use escape techniques that damage his roots, then escape!

The four major returning to the void in the valley were motionless, like clay sculptures. They were just protecting their disciples, because they did not dare to move. The auras of the three major returning to the void of the Hunyuan Sect were right next to them!

Two hundred and sixty-seven breaths!

The teleportation array flashed with light, and a thousand people were teleported here. Among them were the ten great god-transforming true masters, a hundred Nascent Soul true kings, and the rest were all Jindan true masters!

These people had just appeared. They were all exhausted and their whole bodies were limp. This long-distance transmission consumes the most energy!

Before they had time to speak, countless spells bombarded them, including flames, golden thorns, giant mountains, seas of light, and two to three hundred Jindan Daoist people at once. Before they had time to react, they turned into ashes!

In this valley, the shouts and the roar of magic resounded throughout the world!

At the same time, ten of the twenty Taoist Masters instantly merged and turned into two demon gods. They entered the battlefield silently and killed the ten transformed gods who were teleported here. However, the ninth-level magic weapon they used ,Disappear!

The other ten Taoists did not stop at all, even if they accidentally hurt one of their own people, they did not stop at all! This was a complete massacre. The monks who were already exhausted after the teleportation died one after another under the bombardment of various spells!

Three hundred and forty-four breaths!

Eighty percent of the reinforcements teleported here have been destroyed. Except for the disciples of the four major return-to-empty guards, the other monks without return-to-empty guards either died or fled!

At this time, the fourth wave of teleportation teams is here!

At this moment, Nakong Demon Sect Huixu Zhenyi suddenly opened his eyes angrily, and when the opportunity came, he shouted: "Fight!"

Because in this wave of teleportation teams, there will be a Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect Returning to the Void True One. In the past, everything was just patience. Now that I have fully figured out the strength of the five major Returning to the Void and the Hunyuan Sect, why not fight? When!

Hearing the roar of the Sky Demon Sect's Return to the Void Shinichi, and seeing those Shinichi taking action, Zhenzhen Yuchen couldn't help but shout: "We won!"

As soon as he shouted these words, Luo Li was stunned. How could the other party win if he takes action?

Following the roar of the Sky Demon Sect's Return to the Void True One, the remaining three True Ones took action together. They went straight to the two demon gods who had massacred many monks in the valley!

The Immortal Palace of Ten Thousand Immortals and countless Immortal Buddhas appeared on the body of the Eight Gods Guan Hui Xu Zhenyi, appearing in his body-protecting golden light, as if the divine palace had descended and all the immortals had returned to their places!

The Immortal Sect's Return to the Void True One has no magic fluctuations or dazzling brilliance on his body. Instead, he is like the most ordinary and weakest zombie master. With a slight leap, he flies to the side of a demon god and reaches out to grab him!

The Five Elements Sect Returning to the Void Zhenyi stretched out his hand and blasted out the Five Elements spells crazily, overwhelming the ten Dao Dao Masters outside with one man. Finally, the bombardment of the Hunyuan Sect's spells all over the world disappeared completely under his counterattack!

The Kong Demon Sect's Return to the Void Realm swept away all the Kong Demon Sect's disciples with a sudden movement, and then he suddenly got into the teleportation array, teleported backwards, and disappeared without a trace!

He escaped! When reinforcements appeared in his alliance and victory was imminent, he escaped!

Luo Li was completely stupid. Not only was he stupid, but everyone on the battlefield was also stupid. No one expected that the Sky Demon Sect's Return to the Void True One would actually escape without a trace with all his disciples!

But Zhenzun Yuchen shouted: "Sure enough, he escaped, hahaha! We won!"

The Sky Demon Sect and the Hunyuan Sect have been fighting for nearly a hundred thousand years, and the enemy knows them best! The one who knows the Sky Demon Sect best is the Hunyuan Sect, and the one who knows the Hunyuan Sect best is the Kong Demon Sect!

At the beginning of the battle, the three great masters of the Hunyuan Sect, Huixu Zhenyi, completely locked their endless fighting spirit on the Kongmo Sect Huixu Zhenyi.

They don't care about the other three returning to the void. Even if the three returning to the void take action to fight against the Dao Lord Demon God, they won't care. They just bite the empty demon sect's returning to the void true one.

This kind of bite can only be felt by the monks of these two sects. The other three sects have no feeling at all. They just know that Jin Sheng of Hunyuan Sect and others are lurking nearby and may take action at any time.

Kong Mo Sect's Hui Xu Zhenyi always feels the terrible pressure. As long as he takes action from Hui Xu, the other three major Hui Xu will spare no effort to kill him at any cost. This is certain, those lunatics from the Hunyuan Sect can do it!

Even if the Hunyuan Sect is destroyed, even if the three major members of the Hunyuan Sect return to the void and die in battle, they will drag themselves to death together before they die!

If you die, the Hunyuan Sect will be destroyed, you will be avenged for yourself, the world will collapse, and the fairy will go to the lower world. Don’t worry about your own business. If you die, there will be nothing!

Therefore, I must not die, and my Taoist friend will not die as a poor Taoist!

At this time, the fifth return to the void appears. At this point, the return to the void must take action! At this moment, Kong Mo Sect Hui Xu Zhenyi immediately decided to run away!

As long as you run away, the three major Huixu Sect masters of Hunyuan Sect will not attack you!

Just live on by yourself. As long as you live, no matter how old he is, no matter what the overall situation is, just go to hell!

You must live!

If he were the True One from another sect, he might have other choices, but he is a monk from the Sky Demon Sect!

The Sky Demon Sect likes to escape far away with one blow and escape without a trace. After fighting with the Hunyuan Sect for 100,000 years, they will run away when they fight. Moreover, when escaping, they will cross the river and demolish the bridge, leaving their allies to block the sword. This has become their instinct, Liang That's it for the state wars!

So at this critical moment, the Sky Demon Sect Huixu Zhenyi escaped and took all the Kong Demon Sect disciples with him to escape.

The monks of the Sky Demon Sect are never in danger and always leave a sliver of hope. They secretly added a reverse function to the teleportation circle, and he used this to escape.

The Sky Demon Sect returned to the void and fled away. In an instant, three figures appeared. They were the Golden Saint, the Wood God, and the Earth Emperor!

The three of them appeared silently next to the Eight Gods Temple Hui Xu Zhenyi, surrounded him, Jin Sheng punched, Hunyuan Hammer! The wood god transformed into countless spiked vines all over his body, and rushed into the Immortal Palace of Ten Thousand Dao. It was the Penetrating Armor Cone, and the countless spiked vines transformed into countless Dao soldiers to fight against the thousands of immortals and Buddhas in the Immortal Palace. The Tuhuang has a right hand, like holding a huge ax and chopping it down from the sky, Pangu Ax!

The Eight Gods Guan Huixu Zhenyi immediately shouted: "Fellow Guhu Daoist, save me!"

Hui Xu Zhenyi, who pounced on the Hunyuan Sect Demon God like a zombie, immediately turned around and was about to save the Eight Gods Guan Hui Xu Zhenyi, but the Demon God jumped up and hugged him tightly, preventing him from going to the rescue!

The Five Elements Sect's Returning to the Void True One also turned around and blasted endless Five Elements spells at the Golden Saint, the Wood God, and the Earth Emperor! However, the three of them resisted completely, trading injuries for injuries, and used all their strength to kill the Eight Gods Returning to the Void True One!

In an instant, the Golden Saint punched, the Wood God stabbed, and the Earth Emperor chopped his axe! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!)

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