Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 601 Something happened in the southeast and the earth is shaking! (Third update, pl

Get Taiyi Yuanjin! Luo Li was very happy and said:!

"Great, great!"

Then he said to Mo Yanlan: "Thank you, Senior Sister Yanlan!"

Mo Yanlan nodded slightly and said, "I didn't help much, so why thank you!"

Luo Li said: "I don't bother you with anything. After I go back, I have to ask my senior sister to refine something for me."

Mo Yanlan happened to be good at refining weapons, so she was asking for help anyway, so she might as well continue to trouble her and refine iron sand for herself instead.

Mo Yanlan immediately said: "No problem, I will help you refine it when you get back!"

Luo Li said: "That's great, let's go!"

Luo Li was about to leave this place. He glanced around casually and looked at the place where the thunder dragon appeared. Suddenly Luo Li was stunned. He closed his eyes tightly, then suddenly opened them and looked carefully. He felt that before the thunder dragon appeared, Luo Li was about to leave. There are strange spell fluctuations here.

Under the divine eyes, there was nothing to hide, and Luo Li gradually discovered that there was something there!

He strode over, got there, and looked for the thing, but Luo Li couldn't find it. He couldn't help but frown, and started to explore the place with his imperial eyes!

However, the things here are cleverly hidden and difficult to find. Luo Li began to recite the mantra silently:

"The virtual eye has no illusions, the heavenly eye is invincible, the mind's eye is infinite, the holy eye is indestructible, the past, future, and present are all in the eyes! As far as the eyes can see, there is no secret in the world!"

As Luo Li silently recited the mantra, the surrounding scenery gradually began to change, and the place began to reverse. Things that happened here in the past began to appear in Luo Li's eyes!

Luo Li's eyes were like lamps, and his gaze was like a giant. As he watched, the scenery in front of him was gradually reversed. After about half an hour, he began to speed up.

In this Lei Gang world, thunder is rolling, countless people come here to hunt for treasures, fight, die, and leave victoriously...

Countless thunder spirits appear, countless thunder spirits die, life and death are like a dream!

The past continued, and suddenly, the world changed, and there was no longer any lightning. Luo Li stagnated, and saw an old man walking slowly to this point. It must have happened at least a million years ago!

At that time, this land was still an ordinary world, with nothing unusual and no lightning or thunder.

The old man Luo Li couldn't see his face at all, but he was coordinated, moved freely in his movements, and had a long breath. He wore cyan clothes in a neat and formal style. The stand-up collar and simple cuffs with buttons gave people a clean and neat feeling. .

The texture of the clothes is fine, smooth and spotless, straight but not stiff, and soft but wrinkle-free. The texture is extremely high-end. The textile technology and materials are all things Luo Li has never seen before.

He seemed to sigh and miss endlessly, and finally he shook his head and said:

"I'm leaving. I'm leaving this world. You're too violent and you can't survive the catastrophe. I can't take you to the fairy world. Just stay here and let your anger dissipate and wait for the right person!"

Then he turned back and looked in the direction of Mo Yanlan, and said: "Treat it well, it is a good boy!"

After saying that, he clasped his hands, and a ray of light fell on this place, and then he wrote a word. When he saw this word, Luo Li knew who he was instantly!

Tian Daozi, the founder of Daluo Jinxian Sect! Luo Li relied on the four words he left in Yao's old store to enter the realm of golden elixir!

When the light fell, a bolt of lightning began to appear on the ground, and the old man immediately dissipated. The thunder light kept rising and spread all over the world. This small world became the world of Lei Gang!

Luo Li's eyes hurt, and he couldn't see the past scenery anymore. His eyes were extremely painful, but it was gone in a blink of an eye!

Mo Yanlan walked to Luo Li and said, "What did you see?"

Luo Li said: "Opportunity! How long have I been watching here?"

Mo Yanlan said: "About three hours!"

Luo Li shook his head. Watching the past was too time-consuming. However, what exactly did the old man leave here?

Luo Li started to explore here, but Luo Li tried his best and couldn't find the thing.

Mo Yanlan said: "What are you looking for?"

Luo Li said: "Here, there is an ascended immortal who left a treasure behind. It is this treasure that formed this Lei Gang world! I want to find that treasure, he is destined to us!"

Mo Yanlan said: "Really? Wait a minute, my golden elixir vision and the eight great gods, Feng Yan, come from far and near, and they are specially used to find treasures!"

After saying that, Mo Yanlan began to sing softly. The song was soft and unreal, like a cradle song. Following this song, a bright light appeared on the earth!

Mo Yanlan reached over and pulled out a sword on the ground!

This sword is a long sword, three feet and three inches in length. It is all white and flawless, and its shape is elegant and refined. The billions of white lights on the sword come and go, making people's eyes full of flowers. Holding it in your hand, it feels as light as a feather and as heavy as a mountain, which makes people feel that this sword is mysterious.

On the sword body, there are five characters in ancient seal script: Shenxiao Taiyi Sword!

Mo Yanlan glanced at the sword, handed it to Luo Li, and said, "You found it, this is yours!"

Luo Li took the sword and used the identification spells, but all his identification spells were invalid, and he could not identify which level of divine sword this sword was!

Luo Li couldn't help being dumbfounded. He couldn't identify it. It was at least an eighth-level divine sword, and it might even be a ninth-level divine sword!

You must know that no one in the world can refine a ninth-level treasure. Zhongxuanzong can only refine a ninth-level magic weapon, Liuchuan Jueyi Cangran Blade, but he must hold an immortal cultivation conference and become famous!

This sword is definitely human! It is a rare treasure and hard to find in the world! !

But Luo Li still handed it to Mo Yanlan and said, "You found it, it belongs to you!"

Mo Yanlan shook her head, handed the sword back, and said, "No, you found this, I don't want it!"

Luo Li shook his head, handed it over again, and said, "No, you must keep it. He is destined to you, and senior Liu Jian gave a hint!"

Mo Yanlan continued to shake her head. She didn't want it. Suddenly, the sword turned into a bolt of lightning, which was injected into the center of Mo Yanlan's eyebrows and disappeared instantly. As she watched, a thunder and lightning symbol appeared faintly between Mo Yanlan's eyebrows, and then disappeared. The divine sword automatically found Lord, I chose Mo Yanlan.

Mo Yanlan looked at Luo Li, bit her lower lip, and said, "Thank you!"

When other people saw such a treasure, they immediately turned against each other and snatched the treasure, but Luo Li was not moved at all.

Finally, he gave it to Mo Yanlan.

Luo Li smiled and said, "I have to thank you! Let's go, I have something to do when I get back, and you have to refine a replacement iron sand for me!"

The two people left this world and the sword disappeared. In the entire Lei Gang world, the never-ending thunder clouds gradually began to dissipate. Countless thunder spirits began to extinguish one by one. The Lei Gang all over the world gradually turned into nothingness, revealing the original world. form!

Then heavy rain started pouring down, but there was not a single thunder. After the heavy rain, the sky became bright, and a lot of green grass was seen growing on the earth.

Soon, Chongxuanzong discovered the changes in the world, but no one knew why there was such a change. This place lost its value as a blessed land, and finally became the food base of Chongxuanzong. Some mortals came to live here, open up wasteland, farm, and recuperate to provide supplies for Chongxuanzong. Spirit Valley!

Luo Li and the two returned to the Hunyuan Sect's headquarters. Mo Yanlan put away Luo Li's Taiyi Yuanjin and refined it to replace iron sand for Luo Li.

Luo Li couldn't exert any effort during this refining process and could only wait. He was in the main hall, waiting for Mo Yanlan to refine it.

In the main hall, in addition to Luo Li, there were eight or nine monks from the Hunyuan Sect, sitting here leisurely.

Among them, Master Da Feng liked the tea ceremony the most. He brewed spiritual tea for everyone, and everyone sat around him, drinking this delicious spiritual tea!

After drinking tea, everyone can chat about anything and everything. You can discuss your cultivation experience, talk about the past, talk about the past and the present. The atmosphere is very harmonious and comfortable!

While chatting, Brother Beichuan, who was suddenly drinking tea with him, stood up suddenly, his expression changed dramatically, and he looked at his waist!

There was a clear sound on his body, and the long sword on his waist suddenly emitted white light and turned into a sword.

The man was dressed in white, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and a face like a crown jewel. Although he looked like a young man, as soon as you looked at him, you knew that he was an old man who had gone through vicissitudes of life. There was an indescribable loneliness in his figure.

Luo Li was stunned when he saw him. This was Jin Sheng Zhenyi, but why was he here and transformed into Senior Brother Beichuan's long sword?

As soon as Jin Shengzhen appeared, he jumped up, burst out with endless power, flew high into the sky, and then looked toward the southeast!

In the main hall, countless figures appeared, all of them monks from the Hunyuan Sect. They felt something was abnormal here. Everyone was extremely surprised when they saw Jin Shengzhenyi appear. Only the Patriarch Tianya looked calm, and he was also dead. Look to the southeast!

Then Luo Li saw figures flying up one after another in the market of Chongxuan Sect!

These figures, like Jin Shengzhenyi, are flying high into the sky!

Senior Brother Qizhu said from the side: "The Great Li Zhenyi of the Out-of-Body Sect! The Great Compassionate True Buddha of the Rakshasa Vajra Sect! The sick scholar of the Seven Kills Sect! The Peony Fairy of the Fragrant Jie Yu Sect! Mr. Wuding of the Void and Misty Sect!..."

As he read out a person's name, Luo Li knew that those people were all Return to the Void True One!

These people are all the True Masters of the sect who came to assist in boxing. They all came here secretly. Except for a few people, the other ordinary disciples have no idea!

Then I looked again and saw another figure flying up. They were all looking to the southeast!

Seeing these figures, Senior Brother Qizhu was also stunned, and then said: "Purple Sun Holy Emperor of the Sun Palace? Old Man Tianhua of the Demon Transformation Sect? Jin Lei Zhenyi of the Thunder Demon Sect? Mr. Dawei of the Haoran Zhengqi Sect..."

Senior Brother Qizhu counted thirteen Return to the Void True Ones in one breath. These people are not here to help. They are here secretly, preparing to destroy this grand ceremony!

But I don’t know what happened in the southeast. These Void True Ones appeared one by one!

In the mountain gate of Chongxuan Sect, eight True Ones slowly flew up. At the same time, the city of Chongxuan Sect, the Chongxuan Mountains with a radius of thousands of miles, and the countless mountains and rivers thousands of miles away, the spiritual energy gathered, and a Arrays appeared one by one, and restrictions were activated one by one!

As soon as so many Void Return Trues appeared, Chongxuan Sect became angry and began to activate the mountain-protecting formation!

Suddenly, Jin Sheng Zhenyi spoke as if he was saying something, contacting the distance, and so did the other Zhenyi, and then someone flashed out and rushed to the southeast!

Following one person's movement, all the returning true ones present immediately flew towards the southeast one by one. In the blink of an eye, except for the eight great true ones of Chongxuan Sect, there was no true one in the sky!

As soon as he takes action, there will be a heavenly calamity. Immediately in the sky above this city, thunder rolls, thunderstorm pours, and a heavenly calamity appears!

Luo Li also looked to the southeast, wondering what big thing happened there that caused the heaven and earth to move!

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