Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 600: Slaying Dragons without Regrets in the Formation of All Beings! (Second updat

To obtain the Hidden Light Escape Yin Box and refine a substitute for Time Iron, all that is needed is Taiyi Yuanjin.

Luo Li has been refining the Hidden Light Yin Box these past few days. When he had nothing to do, he asked around and found that there was only one area in Chongxuan Sect where he could get Taiyi Yuanjin. That is to go to Lei Gang Small World, one of the blessed places of Chongxuan Sect. You can get Taiyi Yuanjin here, but it is quite dangerous.

The small world of Lei Gang is a world where countless thunder and lightning are generated all the time, and countless thunder spirits are born in it. Among these thunder spirits, there is a kind of soaring snake, which has been cultivated to the extreme, turning the snake into a dragon and evolving into a double-winged thunder dragon.

This two-winged thunder dragon was born from thunder. It is the supreme divine beast that condenses the thunder spirit of heaven and earth. He is born with the ability to control wind and thunder, travel thousands of miles in an instant, and is extremely powerful.

There are forty-nine reverse scales on the double-winged thunder dragon, which can be turned into Taiyi Yuanjin after being harvested and refined through secret methods.

But the thunder dragon in the small world of Lei Gang is simply the overlord of this world. It can control the wind and thunder and travel thousands of miles in an instant. Moreover, the thunder dragon is very cunning. When the Nascent Soul Master comes here, the thunder dragon will immediately merge into the world and turn into thousands of thunder spirits. You It can't be found at all. It can only appear if you are below the Nascent Soul. People want to slay dragons, and they also want to change their taste. The flesh and blood of monks is also the best delicacy for thunder dragons!

Luo Li just wanted to slay the dragon, kill the thunder dragon, collect the reverse scales, and refine Taiyi Yuanjin!

After getting the Hidden Light Escape Yin Box, Luo Li went to the small world of Lei Gang and paid the teleportation fee of three thousand spirit stones, and he was teleported to this world. This time, the world is filled with roaring divine thunder and eyeless thunderbolts. It is very dangerous. It is an unpopular blessed place in Chongxuan Sect, and few people are teleported here to collect raw materials.

This world, on the earth, is a vast expanse. Only some strange thunder bamboos and thunder pine exist, and nothing else exists. In the sky, thunder rolls, streaks of lightning pierce the sky, and light rain falls from time to time!

This is the small world of Lei Gang. As soon as Luo Li arrived here, three thunderbolts fell on his head. The thunder struck down. However, Luo Li's sea eels were killed with explosive force. In this sea area, all thunder and lightning were controlled by Luo Li. Control is like water, it is very difficult to hit Luo Li!

It was because of this that trump card Luo Li came to slay the dragon. Luo Li was looking for the Thunder Dragon here, but after searching here for a whole day, although he met seventeen or eighteen Thunder Spirits, Thunder Cranes, and Thunder Rats, he did not see the Thunder Dragon.

Luo Li shook his head. He didn't know where the thunder dragon was. Suddenly a figure appeared in the distance and flew towards him.

Unexpectedly, there was a monk here. Luo Li was stunned. The man flew in front of him, smiling but not smiling. When Luo Li saw it, he was stunned. It was Mo Yanlan!

Looking from a distance, Mo Yanlan has not been seen for many years. She is no longer the youthful look she once was. She has become extremely beautiful. She has a special charm that is elegant and clear. She suddenly looks like a fairy, and her every frown and smile is as perfect as poetry.

Luo Li couldn't help but feel shocked!

Mo Yanlan said: "Luo Li, can you find the Thunder Dragon?"

In the past few days, Luo Li was refining weapons and asking around for Taiyi Yuanjin. Mo Yanlan paid a little attention and knew what Luo Li wanted to do.

Luo Li shook his head and said: "I didn't find it. It's very dangerous here. You shouldn't come!"

Mo Yanlan said: "I have formed a golden elixir. The vision of the golden elixir is transformed into magical powers. The forest leads to the phoenix in the courtyard, and the spring returns to the dragon in the bamboo swamp. The wild xilan zither plays, and the mountain platform cinnamon wine. The smoke comes from far and near, and the fish and birds come and go. Meet. The trees are red, the mountains are ripe, the cliffs are green, the moss is thick, and other eight magical powers!

When you get here, the thunder dragon will not appear easily. I can lure it for you, but slaying the dragon is your own business! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister Yanlan. Leave the dragon slaying to me!"

Mo Yanlan said: "Okay! But Luo Li, please accompany me for a walk here first while I look for a place to lure the dragon."

The two of them walked forward in this small world of Lei Gang. In this world where thunder and lightning fell endlessly, they moved forward gracefully, one behind the other, and it was quite a feeling!

They chatted with each other, and it was one of the great pleasures of life to walk here with such a confidante!

After walking for dozens of miles, Mo Yanlan suddenly sang with her neck high:

"It's sudden, it's chatting, it's rumbling, it's confused, it's panic, it's grand, it's vast, it's vast. It means Nanshan Mountain, looking out to the East China Sea. The sky is rainbow in the cave, and it's like the cliff. …”

The song is generous and high-pitched, penetrating the clouds and spreading across the sky and the earth. Looking at the smoke and blue willows, with their green skirts hanging, their graceful figures, but they are also walking along the song, high-pitched and heroic, singing this high-pitched ballad, with an ancient style, and even more There is a kind of indescribable beauty!

Luo Li was completely crazy, immersed in this singing!

Following Mo Yanlan's singing, there was a roar in the sky in the distance, and a purple thunder pillar a hundred feet thick fell down! Where the thunder pillar fell, purple lightning twisted and flashed like snakes and dragons. Amidst the sizzling sound, purple thunder exploded. There was only a piece of purple lightning shining across the sky. This purple thunder light is so domineering that everything within its reach melts.

In the thunder pillar, a thunder dragon slowly appeared! This dragon is about thirty feet in size, and its whole body is a deep deep purple. A brilliant purple thunder light keeps moving around its body. On its dragon body, there is a pair of wings, which slowly open, Covering a hundred feet radius.

This thunder dragon appeared in the thunder column, its purple eyes scrutinizing Mo Yanlan. In its eyes, there is a kind of greed, and it wants to eat the monks of these two groups. In its body, the power of endless thunder surges, revealing a kind of power that looks down on the world.

"So beautiful..." Mo Yanlan stopped singing and said softly!

There is also endless mana flowing in her body, and she is about to fight!

Luo Li said: "No, no, just watch!"

Then Luo Li raised his hand, and with a roar, a general riding a unicorn beast, holding a spear, appeared!

Then behind him, teams of soldiers slowly appeared and formed a battle formation, and one of them shouted:

"Fight, fight, fight!"

Thousands of people immediately followed suit: "Fight, fight, fight!"

Luo Li, the Forest of All Living Things has been promoted. If not now, when will it be!

Luo Li pointed at the Thunder Dragon and shouted: "Kill!"

Immediately, one thousand and one clones of the Forest of All Living Things rushed towards the Thunder Dragon!

The Thunder Dragon was not afraid of this sea of ​​people. A gleam of light flashed in his purple eyes, and a purple lightning about a hundred feet long and thick came out of his mouth and struck Luo Li.

It still understands the principle of shooting the horse first when shooting a man, and attacking the king first when capturing a thief! The purple lightning turned like a dragon, and it had come to Luo Li in the flashing lightning.

Mo Yanlan cast a spell to resist the lightning, but saw Luo Li casually pointed, and a sea area rose up and met the purple lightning. The mighty purple lightning disappeared silently in the air as soon as it touched the sea. Then, a purple sea eel appeared in the sea, swimming slowly!

This is the 25th killing sea eel explosion, which is specially used to break all thunder methods in the world!

Seeing that the attack was ineffective, Lei Long couldn't help but raise his head and roar. The sound of the dragon roar resounded through the sky. With this dragon roar, various thunder spirits appeared around and gathered here!

Thunder ape, thunder mouse, thunder eagle, thunder roc, thunder horse, thunder leopard...

At the call of Lei Long, all gathered here!

In the army formation, Jia Xu said: "Not good, attack, don't let them gather into a formation!"

Zhang Fei roared, like a thunderbolt resounding through the sky, all the thunder spirits were stagnant!

Dian Wei roared and rushed over first. Zhang Liao controlled the formation, and thousands of people rushed over!

As Luo Li entered the Jindan realm, the ten great clones of the thousand people also had the power of the Jindan. Although the other ordinary clones did not have the power of the Jindan, their strength was much greater than before. They flew into the air and rushed towards the Thunder Dragon!

The battle began, and the thousand people immediately surrounded the Thunder Dragon. Although those thunder spirits rushed over, they were only a group of three or five, without any formation. Facing this thousand-man battle formation, whether it was the turtle shield soldiers transformed by the giant turtle under the hegemony, the assassins transformed by the seven kinds of spirit butterflies, or the giant elephant soldiers transformed by the mighty mammoth of the Uncircular Heaven, they had only the fate of defeat!

The Thunder Dragon roared, and a purple lightning flash appeared out of thin air. The purple lightning flashes as thick as buckets intertwined, and the area within dozens of miles suddenly became a sea of ​​thunder.

But Luo Li immediately moved to the army formation and used the 25th killing sea eel explosion, not seeking to hurt the enemy, but only to defend, turning those purple thunders into sea eels in the sea eel explosion. Although there were many unlucky clones who were turned into ashes by the purple thunder, other clones immediately appeared and formed a thousand-man formation as soon as they were born and died. This purple thunder could not cause a devastating blow to the entire army formation!

Boom boom boom, the purple night thunder shook endlessly.

But the thunder dragon immediately began to bleed in the sky under the crazy attack of many clones.

Dian Wei's double halberds, every strike contained annihilation, and every strike a part of the thunder dragon disappeared quietly, annihilating the void. Xu Chu was blasting, wherever he went, with a knife and a hammer, everything was broken, roaring and exploding, nothing could stop it!

Zhang Fei pierced through, and under the eight-foot-long spear, a big hole was made. There was no force that could block this piercing. Jia Xu was in chaos. He controlled the power of the wind, twisted and chaotic, and had a hundred ingenious plans. He used the smallest force to exchange for the strongest lethality! Tian Feng was a poisonous tongue, using the art of word spirit command. Under his words, the Thunder Dragon stiffened from time to time! The Thunder Dragon roared, facing the thousands of people, bursting out endless divine thunder, and the battle roared! A great battle unfolded here, the sky and the earth roared, and thunder rolled! Zhang Fei roared, Dian Wei roared, and everyone attacked frantically, fighting, fighting, fighting! No matter how strong the Thunder Dragon was, he was surrounded by countless people. You hit me, I hit you, and the ant bit the elephant to death! After a long time, with a wail, the Thunder Dragon fell to the ground and was slaughtered by Luo Li and others! After the Thunder Dragon fell to the ground, his body dissipated. He was originally transformed by thunder and lightning. After death, he naturally turned into thunder and lightning. This is also the reason why no one came here. In the end, there was no gain from the hard battle. But Luo Li acted like lightning. He cut off the forty-nine scales before they disappeared, and refined them with a secret method. Immediately, seventeen glittering exotic metals appeared in his hands. This was Taiyi Yuanjin!

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