Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,475 The Divine Dragon Palace in the Tianlong Palace!

Xiao Shan is the demon lord's avatar and has an innate sense of demon spirits. He brought Luo Li to the palace.

Arriving at this palace, Xiaoshan said: "I can feel that the remaining demon spirits are hiding here!"

Luo Li nodded, and he looked at the palace. This palace was located within the entire Crystal Palace. Its location was not obvious. It was a warehouse, abandoned palace, and other buildings.

But for some reason, Luo Li had the feeling that this place was very ancient and had the same feeling as his own soul.

Luo Li stepped forward and entered the palace.

The palace door is just an ordinary iron lock. Lock it and smash it open with a light blow.

Entering the palace, there are all kinds of broken furniture piled up inside, as well as some repair materials. It is indeed a waste warehouse.

When he came inside, Xiaoshan frowned and said, "It's strange, why can't I feel its existence?"

"It doesn't make sense. Why did he lose track of him when he got here?"

Luo Li was stunned and said, "Has it discovered us?"

Xiaoshan shook his head and said: "No, no, I just can't find any trace of him, but he is here!"

After saying that, Xiaoshan closed his eyes and began to cast spells to search. Luo Li waited aside. After waiting for a long time, there was no movement.

Xiaoshan suddenly opened his eyes and said: "I can't find it, this guy is missing!" ◎, w●ww.

Luo Li sighed in his heart, it was not a good thing for the demon spirit to escape.

This thing is extremely cunning. It has repeatedly destroyed the spiritual world for countless years, but it has not been killed. It is very powerful.

This time, he ate too many people and couldn't digest them, so he came to seek death. As a result, he was struck by the Earth Immortal, and those remnants were destroyed along with the clone. Although the main body became weaker, it was completely free and regained its sanity.

This guy knows he exists. In the future, he will definitely seek revenge on himself, which is very dangerous!

Thinking of this, Luo Li stretched out his hand, and a ray of light flashed across, and all the tattered furniture in the hall was shattered.

Suddenly, the entire hall became extremely cool and empty. But there are no living creatures here.

It seems that the demon spirit really escaped!

Xiaoshan bit her lip and was very unwilling. Suddenly she said: "I know, I know!"

Luo Li was stunned and asked, "What do you know?"

Xiao Shan said: "I know, that demon spirit is not actually a demon spirit!"

Luo Li asked: "What do you mean!"

Xiaoshan said: "Fake, fake! He is not a demon spirit at all, his essence is actually a fairy spirit. He just has a demonic energy on his appearance and disguises himself as a demon spirit!

otherwise. I can definitely find his traces. Only in this way can he avoid me!

It may be the practice of some immortals, under the banner of demon spirits, doing things in this primitive world of spiritual land that they cannot do in the immortal world. "

Luo Li suddenly thought of a sentence: "Use people to make gods!"

No, exactly. It should be using humans to make immortals!

Pretending to be a demon spirit, using mortals from the spiritual world to practice magic!

Luo Li shook his head and said: "Forget it, if you can't find it, you can't find it. Let's go!"

At this time, the shouts of killing were loud outside. Many monks are frantically robbing the Tianlong Palace, and the entire Tianlong Palace is in catastrophe. Luo Li plans to go outside and get some for himself.

He and Xiao Shan were about to leave here. On the last step out of the palace, Luo Li suddenly stopped and said:

"Why do I feel like something is wrong with this palace?"

After saying that, he returned and said: "There must be a treasure here, absolutely, absolutely!"

Luo Li started to search, but the palace was all emptied by Luo Li, and there was nothing in it.

Luo Li frowned. He was unwilling to give up and continued to search. Suddenly he discovered something. This palace was very old. There were no gorgeous decorations. It was made of pure blue stone. The stone marks were mottled and there was moss on it. Maybe the treasure was not there. In the palace, and this palace is the treasure?

Thinking of this, Luo Li gave the palace a light blow.

Under this blow, ordinary palaces were shattered and collapsed. However, the palace here was completely unscathed by this blow!

The ancient mottled stone cannot be broken no matter how you cast spells.

Luo Li's eyes lit up!

Just when he wanted to continue investigating, a Tianlong Palace servant suddenly walked up in the distance.

This handyman was wearing rags and holding a broom in his hand. He was very old and looked as if he was going to die soon. He was the servant who swept the floors of Tianlong Palace.

He looked at Luo Li, as if he couldn't stand any longer, but Luo Li looked at him warily and asked:


The old man shook his head and said, "No, I'm just a sweeper!"

Luo Li smiled and said, "Treasure keeper?"

The old man's eyes suddenly lit up, his belly grew endlessly, and he suddenly looked like a pregnant woman. Then he said: "Now that you know, go to hell!"

As he spoke, a powerful thought suddenly erupted from the old man, and a dragon roar rose, breaking through the Tianlong Palace, breaking through the sea, and soaring into the sky!

This heroic dragon roar suddenly sounded across the world!

It's like the Nine Heavenly Dragon descending from the sky, looking down at all living beings, and choosing its prey!

In an instant, all the monks in Tianlong Palace felt shuddering! This kind of fear comes completely from the heart, the true response deep in the heart, in this dragon's roar, with endless pressure, the pressure that destroys the world and devours all living beings!

Following this dragon roar, the old man opened his mouth and spat out!

The belly like a pregnant woman immediately suppressed her suffocation, and then spit out a ray of light in his mouth.

This brilliance swept over. This was the dragon's breath that destroyed all living beings. It was spitting out towards Luo Li with an unstoppable force.

The scope of this dragon's breath is extremely wide, with a radius of thousands of feet, all covered by this dragon's breath!

Within the scope of this dragon's breath, everything is decomposed, whether it is the monks who are robbing, or the disciples who are guarding the Tianlong Palace, they rob the items and treasures of the Tianlong Palace they are guarding, and all of them fly into ashes in this spit.

In a blink of an eye, there are three or four other palaces on the land of thousands of feet to the left and right of this palace. Hundreds of monks, following the dragon's breath, all disappeared and turned into flying ashes.

Only this ancient palace stands here unscathed.

And before that palace. A ray of light rising slowly!

This light is like smoke, like fog, like light and song.

It was Luo Li's original power that turned into a round shield, firmly protecting Luo Li and blocking this terrifying dragon's breath!

Seeing that the light was still there, the old man opened his mouth to inhale again, his belly became bigger again, and he was about to breathe out dragon breath again!

Luo Li just smiled. Said: "It is disrespectful to come and not return!"

Suddenly, next to Luo Li, the transparent glazed light rose up and swayed suddenly, like the morning sun or the dusk mist.

A light, gentle breeze blows towards my face, with a gentleness that is as heavy as a mountain. It also implies that the road is vast and vast, as long as you encounter it. There is a feeling that this force is irresistible!

Suddenly the glazed light collided with the old man's breath!

The two faced each other, and the two forces began to collide and dissolve. break down!

The old man's dragon breath gradually dissipated under the impact of Luo Li's supreme power.

But Luo Li said hesitantly!

This old man's dragon breath is both in quality and quantity. They are all inferior to Luo Li's power, but the opponent's dragon breath can compete with Luo Li's power. Although the confrontation is quickly eliminated, there is a cold true meaning hidden in the dragon breath. , with a kind of domineering pressure that is indestructible and indestructible!

This is the additional effect brought by the opponent's spell.

If you have this spell, your attacks will be even better!

Thinking of this, Luo Li's glazed brilliance was about to turn the old man into ashes, disappearing in a flash and disappearing silently.

Luo Li moved and was behind the old man in an instant, punching him.

This punch did not kill the old man, but knocked him unconscious. Then, Luo Li reached out and touched the top of his head, and began to use the power of the Origin to collect souls!

The dragon's breath method is very powerful and must be learned.

Under the power of Yuanshi, Luo Li knew everything about the old man, and learned the dragon's breath method, but he couldn't help but frown.

This old man is not from Tianlong Palace, but a disciple of Shenlong Sect.

The palace here is the crisis storage of Shenlong Sect. Many sects in the immortal world have a strong sense of crisis. Many immortal sects are prepared for danger in times of peace and have laid out chess pieces in advance!

The Shenlong Sect is also unavoidable. Although the Shenlong Sect is now the middle sect of the immortal world, if one day the sect encounters a catastrophe, how will it rise again?

This palace is one of the reserve resources for the re-emergence of the Dragon Sect. The entire palace is built with a strange stone. This stone is called the Lingshu Immortal Shadow Stone. It is one of the resources that immortals particularly need to build the immortal world.

This palace is deliberately hidden in the ancient world of spiritual earth. Immortals are not allowed to enter here. Even if the Shenlong Sect is destroyed, the disciples of the younger generation can rely on this spiritual shadow stone to quickly rise again in the immortal world.

In fact, this palace is a special dojo, hidden in the ancient world of spiritual earth, not in the Tianlong Palace. The Shenlong Sect has various regulations on this crisis reserve resource to prevent various possible accidents.

However, rules are dead and people are alive!

Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, the Shenlong Sect has become increasingly powerful in the immortal world. So what's the crisis? The Shenlong Sect disciples who were responsible for guarding this treasure house gradually became slack and came to the Tianlong Palace built by the younger disciples to enjoy peace and happiness.

These guarding disciples are all dead warriors. The highest state is the Mahayana. They will not be able to ascend in their lifetime and will die sooner or later. Who doesn’t want to enjoy a few more days of happiness before death?

So this palace was moved to Tianlong Palace. As time went by, no one cared about it. Who knew that Tianlong Palace would encounter a catastrophe today.

In fact, there was no problem if a catastrophe occurred in the Tianlong Palace. Even if the Tianlong Palace was shattered, no one would care about this broken palace.

But no one expected that the real body of the demon spirit would hide here.

The demon spirit was destroyed and its true form was hidden. In this daze, it naturally wanted to choose the safest place. This is the safest place, so it hid here and attracted Luo Li!

Originally, the old man would not take action no matter how destroyed Tianlong Palace was. Who knew, but unfortunately Luo Li discovered the secret of this place and he had to take action!


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