Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1475 Even an immortal must kneel!

The demon spirit rose into the sky, left here, and headed straight into the distance.

Not far from this abyss, in the earth, a figure suddenly appeared, crawling out from the ground, it was Luo Li.

The escape formation is imaginary and deceives the demon spirits.

The real Luo Li is hiding near the abyss of the earth. He is betting that if this demon spirit gets his plan, he will take action immediately and will not really look for him.

Sure enough, Luo Li's bet was right!

The demon spirit left, Luo Li let out a long breath, and said:

"Okay, the plan is ready, let's see the results!"

After saying that, he was not in a hurry to leave, but came to the side of the abyss and jumped into the abyss.

In this abyss, where the demon spirit has lived for more than a year and such a powerful being, there must be something good left behind.

Luo Li entered the abyss. The place was filled with evil spirits and endless filth, but life was powerful. Maybe there was life here that could survive.

The life that survives is a treasure of heaven and earth! Priceless!

Luo Li began to search, and sure enough, he found three strange grasses at the bottom of the abyss.

These three strange grasses look like lotus flowers, each one seems to be made of jade, crystal clear, emitting little golden light, extremely magnificent. The white petals also seem to be dyed with golden light, and the lotus pods are yellow, studded with snow-white lotus seeds, which are as warm as jade.

This is the Jade-Hearted Lotus from the Demonic Abyss. The lotus grows out of the mud but remains unstained. Unfortunately, this Jade-Hearted Lotus is too rare and cannot be made into a spiritual structure. It can only be sold, but the price is extremely high. It is rare to find it. You can at least exchange it for a three-piece Immortal treasures above the rank.

Luo Li was extremely happy and summoned Xiaoxue from the hidden spirit bag, letting her collect it.

Xiaoxue, the Goddess of Life, has the power of life source and can perfectly collect the Jade Heart Lotus, the core of the earth.

It's a pity that the Earth Core Jade Heart Lotus cannot be placed in the storage space of the Immortal Realm. This is also the reason why it cannot construct spiritual structures and can only collect them manually.

After collecting it, Luo Li left here. Once again, he came to the thorny land outside and used the pathfinding technique. Pass easily.

After passing through, Luo Li rose into the air and headed straight for Tianlong Palace!

In the North Sea region, there is a sea area. The entire sea area is surrounded by fog, and ordinary monks cannot enter at all.

In the sea, there is a crystal palace. This is Tianlong Palace!

The entire Crystal Palace is composed of countless palace complexes. The Pearl Palace and Shell Tower have endless fairyland, and a layer of golden clouds covers it, separating the sea water.

Those palaces have different shapes, but each one stands majestically and is extremely huge. Each one shines brilliantly, and the colorful mist evaporates. A piece of light, as bright as cloud brocade.

In fact, the entire Tianlong Palace is a blessed place!

Far surpassing other sects, this is also the reason why Tianlong Palace has the highest ability and becomes the number one sect in the lower realm!

That demon spirit. Coming here, along the way, the demon spirit turned into a flying bird. It looked like an ordinary flying bird without any difference. It came to the Beihai area quietly.

When it got here, the demon spirit roared loudly and turned into a sea of ​​blood thousands of miles away. Fall all of a sudden, this sea area. Completely surrounded.

Suddenly, endless roars erupted in the sea area. Endless thunder and lightning, dragon's breath, spurted out in the sea.

Boom, boom, boom!

Everything within a radius of thousands of miles was caught in a huge earthquake!

Luo Li was flying towards here, but he was still tens of thousands of miles away when he felt this terrible vibration.

Along the way, countless monks were awakened by the shock. They looked here and saw someone flying from Beihai, and Luo Li also joined them.

When they reached the North Sea, which was still three hundred miles away from Tianlong Palace, no one dared to move forward. They all watched from afar.

I saw bloody battles there, endless explosions, and endless wailing and demonic roars boiling over. Luo Li let out a long breath, and the demonic spirit took action!

Luo Li was watching here and saw more than ten monks gathering in the sky. They were all in the Mahayana realm. Luo Li also flew to them.

Seeing Luo Li joining, the monks took a careful look and saw that Luo Li was not a hybrid monk, so they didn't care. Luo Li joined them and let it take its course.

In the distance, there is also a group of Mahayana gathering, about seven or eight, but these are all mixed-race monks, and the two groups of monks are incompatible with each other.

Such groups are everywhere in this void. Countless monks from several surrounding areas came here to watch the excitement, and hundreds of Mahayana gathered here.

Among the people where Luo Li was, someone said: "It's over, that aura just now belonged to Taoist Master Huang Long. I didn't expect that he also died!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity that Taoist Huanglong was already in the late stage of Mahayana and was about to become an immortal, so he died like this!"

"What a catastrophe, what a catastrophe! I didn't expect that this demon spirit is not dead yet and has come out to do evil again!"

"Alas, Tianlong Palace is in bad luck this time, with heavy casualties!"

"Haha, yes, this Tianlong Palace relies on the Mahayana to oppress the good. They are a bunch of beasts. It would be best if they died!"

"Fellow Daoist Wu, please stop talking. This bastard's discrimination is a taboo in the immortal world. People talk too much, so stop talking!"

"It's strange. Why is this demon so powerful? It doesn't make sense. In the past, it could be easily suppressed when it caused trouble?"

"In the last catastrophe, this demon spirit destroyed several sects in succession and ate many monks. It seems that it is very powerful because of this!"

"It's useless. When Tianlong Palace can't stop it, the guardian immortal can take action. This demon spirit is dead!"

"Why is this? According to the rules, the guardian immortal cannot interfere with the affairs of the lower world. He can only take action unless the demon spirit destroys the world.

But this is just a battle with Tianlong Palace, he can't take action! "

"Why? Just because the current guardian immortal is from the Shenlong Sect, this Tianlong Palace is a branch of the Shenlong Sect!

The so-called rules are made by people and can be changed completely. Although this demon spirit is arrogant now, it is vulnerable to the great immortal! "

"It's not fair, it's not fair!"

"What's unfair? Look at this demon, killing people everywhere. Shouldn't it be killed?"

"Yeah, yeah, ah..."

Suddenly, there was a loud roar in the void!

"You beast, you hurt our human race, you have lost your conscience, and you dare to come out and do evil, you should die!"

I saw a big hand falling in the void, grabbing the demon spirit, and then squeezing it hard, with a pop, the demon spirit was shattered.

This is the power of the Earth Immortal. When you take action, you can look at the extremely powerful demon spirit and destroy it with one blow!

But as the demon died, in the distance, suddenly deep in the earth, a loud roar erupted.

Fourteen times in a row!

The whole world began to shake, as if the world was about to collapse. Everyone was shocked and didn't know what was happening.

The sky and the earth roared, but soon it became quiet, and the world was not shattered.

The Earth Immortal seemed stunned for a moment, then let out a scream and disappeared!

Everyone was shocked, what is going on?

Luo Li smiled, it was done!

According to the rules, the guardian immortal of the ancient world of spiritual land is not allowed to interfere with matters in the lower realm, so the barefoot immortal helped Luo Li outside of the rules, and did not dare to go too far.

In fact, during the battle, this demonic spirit deliberately did not kill any living beings. Except for the Mahayana True Saint, he did not kill any ordinary monk. In this way, although the demonic energy was billowing, it was not the time for the guardian immortal to take action.

According to this rule, the current guarding immortal is not allowed to help Tianlong Palace, but this guarding immortal violated the rules.

He came to the rescue, destroyed the demon spirit in one fell swoop, and killed the demon spirit.

Unexpectedly, this place was a trap. There were fourteen clones of the demon spirit. This blow hit the demon spirit, and the power immediately flowed out along the demon spirit's clones, hitting fourteen cores of the earth.

This is equivalent to the Earth Immortal taking action to destroy the fourteen Earth Core Pillars of the Earth Spirit Prehistoric Realm. He suddenly violated the rules of heaven and immediately triggered the backlash of the Immortal Rules. When it was passed on, the Earth Immortal was immediately injured and severely injured.

Therefore, the earth roared and the heaven and the earth repeated. This was different from Luo Li's calculation. The spiritual earth and the wild world were extremely solid. The fourteen cores were damaged, but it did not reach the point of reshaping the world.

However, this blow fulfilled Luo Li's expectation. The earth immortal was severely damaged and the demon spirit was destroyed.

The countless human souls swallowed by the demon spirit are all liberated here. They return to the world and are free. It can be said that everyone is happy.

However, when Luo Li looked at the dilapidated Tianlong Palace, an idea appeared in his mind.

He said to the many monks around him: "Tianlong Palace, Tianlong Palace, is right there. There are endless wealth, countless secret books, and endless fairy beads!"

He looked at the hybrid monk over there and said, "There is the best method for refining hybrid blood, and there are countless opportunities there!"

Luo Li used the Tongchen Technique to arouse everyone's emotions.

Everyone's hearts were already beating wildly. Following Luo Li's words, everyone's eyes turned red. Someone yelled, and immediately, countless monks rushed straight to the Dragon Palace!

At this time, Tianlong Palace was at its weakest, the opportunity was right in front of them, and everyone was going crazy!

Luo Li smiled, and he followed the crowd and went straight to Tianlong Palace!

The Dragon Palace was in great chaos that day. Countless monks rushed in and shouted one by one:

"Kill the demon spirits and save Tianlong Palace!"

"Kill the demon spirits and save Tianlong Palace!"

But they robbed whatever they saw, and the monks from Tianlong Palace tried to stop them and were immediately killed!

Luo Li also entered, but he also had a more important responsibility.

In front of Luo Li, Xiao Shan led the way straight to a place.

One of the reasons why the demon spirit agreed to Luo Li's plan was that with this blow, the demon spirit would not really die.

On the contrary, it will destroy all those redundant clones, completely wake up, and return to normal, otherwise it would not be here.

No living thing will seek death!

So Luo Li's mission is to completely kill the demon spirit!

Under the influence of the hill, Luo Li flew in front of a huge palace. This palace was very old, without any gorgeous decorations. It was made of pure blue stone, with mottled stone marks and moss on it.

Looking at this ancient stone palace, there was a mysterious power. As soon as Luo Li got closer, he had a feeling that shocked his soul. It was as if the ancient palace had traveled through time and space and came to the human world.

Xiaoshan said: "The devil is here!" (To be continued)



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