Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,434 Opening the Mountain Gate to Recruit Disciples!

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Hearing what Qingzhumei said, Luo Li was immediately interested and asked: "Is the immortal powerful reincarnated?"

Qingzhumei nodded and said: "That should be the case. He is a young boy, and he only had weak feelings at first. Later, I checked repeatedly and relied on the newly obtained "Tai Miao Zhi Dao Lun", and I can confirm that he is definitely the reincarnation of the great immortal!"

Luo Li nodded and said: "That's it, well, bring it here and let me have a look!"

Qing Zhumei said: "Yes, Sect Master!"

Luo Li thought for a while and said, "Wait a minute, let's do this. Now that we have established the Hunyuan Sect, it is impossible for the four of us to perform a one-man show.

Therefore, recruiting new disciples is also a crucial matter.

You are directly among the fishermen, in the name of recruiting new disciples, and by the way, you check the other children. There are similar ones, and they are all accepted into the outer sect of our Hunyuan Sect, train them to become talents, and be used by us to continue the Hunyuan Sect! "

Qingzhumei nodded and said, "Disciple understands!"

Qingzhumei started to go out to make arrangements, and the whole fishing village immediately became excited. The fishermen were extremely happy.

Being able to enter a sect, which is a fifth-level sect in the lower realm, even an outer sect, is a great thing, and all the fishermen are very excited!

Early the next morning, these fishermen took their children to the rebuilt Hunyuan Sect Hall.

These children were all wearing the best clothes they could find at home, and they were all worried that this would determine their whole lives, and they were waiting for Qingzhumei and others to choose.

The three of Qingzhumei began to choose. When each child came to them, they began to touch the bones, look at the color, draw blood, and start a series of inspections.

These checks are all methods they found in the secret books they purchased. It is countless times more advanced than human inspection methods.

Luo Li was sitting on a throne in the main hall on the side, sitting there with great majesty.

The fishermen peeked at Luo Li from a distance, all showing awe.

This is what the three evil corpses requested. They use Luo Li to control the situation and confirm their authority. In fact, sitting here is not comfortable at all. Luo Li was drowsy.

Those children were examined. Some passed the test and the family cheered. Some did not pass the test and let out whimpering cries of reluctance.

At noon, the inspection of the three evil corpses was completed, and Qing Zhumei came over to report:

"Sir, Sect Master, there are ninety-six school-age children in Likong Island Fishing Village. All inspections have been completed!"

Luo Li asked: "How is it?"

Qingzhumei frowned and Nuonuo said: "According to our inspection. Except for the child who is determined to be a reincarnated power, none of the others are suitable for cultivation. These disciples are all very poor, both in terms of their abilities and understanding. Very poor. Difference!"

Hearing this, Luo Li suddenly turned black!

Qingzhumei continued: "In the end, there was really no other way. I took the big one out of the group and recruited a total of eight disciples into the sect. Even if I can't cultivate, I can do errands as a deacon disciple in the future!"

Luo Li said: "Eight, is it a bit too much?"

Qingzhumei said: "Well, well, except for the reincarnated child, there are only two children among them, so they are pretty good!

The remaining five, including the Zhang brothers and four others, are the children of the leader of this group of fishermen. They are admitted to the outer gate to facilitate control of these fishermen.

There is also a child from the Lu family, and his uncle is a manager in a large chamber of commerce, which will be beneficial to the development of our Hunyuan Sect in the future.

Accepting one is also accepting, so the disciple accepted a few more! "

Luo Li sighed and said: "The sect is newly established, there is nothing we can do! Well, bring them here!"

Qingzhumei turned around and shouted loudly: "Disciples, come forward and enter the hall to pay homage to the sect master!"

Immediately, eight children, led by Lao Immortal, entered the hall in order of age.

These eight children, five boys and three girls, the eldest is sixteen and the youngest is only eleven years old. Qingzhumei whispered: "The sixth child is the reincarnated power I said!"

Luo Li looked over and suddenly frowned. The child looked over and was about thirteen or fourteen years old. However, at first glance, he found that the child was a bit stupid, his eyes were dull, he was stupid, and he walked with a limp. How could such a person be reincarnated? Mighty?

But Luo Li believed in Qingzhumei's judgment. If he said yes, it must be!

These eight children are named: Zhang Shiqi, Lu Weiming, Ying Yuecheng, Zhang Shiying, Zhou Yifeng, Er Sha, Zhou Yitang, and Tao Ziyun!

Among them, Zhang Shiqi and Zhang Shiying are brothers, while Zhou Yifeng and Zhou Yitang are cousins. Ying Yuecheng, Zhou Yitang and Tao Ziyun are women.

That second idiot was the reincarnation of the powerful that Qing Zhumei said. He was an abandoned baby picked up by a fisherman on the sea. He was only two or three years old at the time. He lay on the back of a shark in the sea and was sent to the fishing boat.

It's just that this child seems a bit stupid and has a dull mind, so he is called "Second Fool" by the people in the village.

Luo Li looked at the eight of them and said: "From today on, you are the outer disciples of our Hunyuan Sect. Although our Hunyuan Sect is newly established, it is also one of the sects in the lower world. It is recognized by the immortal world and bestowed upon immortals." The prototype of the domain is not some wild cultivator!

if you guys……"

Luo Li talked a lot, and what he said was that he really didn't think highly of these children. Dingtian means that they can reach the state of returning to the void and returning to the original state. It is too difficult for them to ascend to the Mahayana.

But even so, Luo Li closed his eyes and went to the Jade Sky Palace to buy the secret cultivation books for them.

Now that you have entered the outer sect of Hunyuan Sect, you must be responsible.

It's a pity that this is the fairy world, and there is no way to do the Hunyuan Sect's outer sect trial in this fairy world, so we can only forget it.

However, Luo Li secretly made up his mind that when his Hunyuan Sect became stronger, the three levels and nine sects of trials would have to be revived. He would just change the programs. Those trials could truly train outstanding disciples.

Arriving at this hall, Luo Li began to choose a secret book. This secret book was different from the two holy books he had practiced. The more convenient it was for practice and the easier it was to get it, the better.

After choosing and choosing, Luo Li selected three scriptures. He knew these three scriptures. They all have extremely deep memories.

"It's a long way from the east of the river to heaven", "The Innate Taiyi Doumu Yiqi Jue" and "The True Essence Method of the Ten Thousand Transformations of the Void"

It's a long way from the east of the river to heaven. The secret method of Zifu Sect, the characteristic of this method is domineering! Unbridled and domineering, crushing all methods, he is the master. Give orders to everyone!

Xiantian Taiyi Doumu Yiqi Art is one of the two avenues of Xiantian Yiqi Sect. The characteristics of this method are different from the overbearing crushing of Dajiangdong. Its characteristic is compatibility. The so-called Taiyi represents the fundamental law of material existence. This method It is the Three Thousand Heavenly Ways. The so-called Doumu implies all the laws of the operation of all things in the world. This is the one-yuan law. The two combined into one energy represent the laws of heaven! So it can accommodate everything, the sea is full of rivers!

The Wanhua Void True Essence Method is the supreme secret method of the Wanhua Demon Sect. The characteristics of this method are to dissolve and refine everything! In fact, there is no demon sect in the fairy world, but I don't know why this method is used. Also in this treasure house.

These were the three secret books recommended to him by Qizhu back then to replace his Tianxing Jianzong Hao Mo Ti Jue. In the end, I chose "Xiantian Taiyi Doumu Yiqi Jue".

Now Luo Li is here and has found these three secret books that can be used to cultivate to the Mahayana realm. Luo Li nodded, using these three secret books as the basis for the outer sect of Hunyuan Sect, it is just right.

characteristics of these three methods. That is, it can accommodate all kinds of magic, whether it is the magic of the demon sect, the inner magic of the Tao sect, or the magic of the evil sect, using these three methods. All can be used compatiblely. It can be said that one method can apply to all methods.

It has no side effects and is suitable for practicing any spell in the future!

In the future, if the Hunyuan Sect develops, it will be easy to replace the disciples' cultivation secrets.

In addition, the most important point is that these three secret books are cheap. Each one only costs ten immortal stones to cultivate to the Mahayana realm.

The reason for this is because these three secret books, when reaching the realm of virtual immortals, practitioners must change the secret books to practice. They are too compatible and too mediocre!

Luo Li asked: "Chief Immortal, I want to use these three secret books to teach my disciples. I wonder if I can sell the method of group teaching?"

The old man frowned and said: "If you want to teach others, these three secrets are all public secrets. They are not valuables, so it is perfectly fine, but you have to add some fairy stones and buy them all at once!

And it is only allowed to be taught within your own sect, and is not allowed to be taught to outsiders! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, thank you, elder!"

In this way, Luo Li spent a total of one hundred fairy stones to buy the authority to teach three secret books in Hunyuan Sect!

Luo Li opened his eyes, looked at Old Immortal, and said: "Old Immortal, from today on, you will be the manager of my outer sect and will train these disciples. These three secret books will be given to you, and you will choose the person to teach them!

The three secret books contain both domineering methods, magic methods, and immortal cultivation methods. If this is the case, there is still no great development and great future, then there is nothing we can do! "

After speaking, Luo Li shook his hand, and three secret books composed of spiritual thoughts appeared in the void!

Luo Li specially manifested this secret book, and the "River East to Heaven" gave off a domineering aura, crushing everything! "Xiantian Taiyi Doumu Yiqi Jue" emits golden light, which is the supreme dharma at a glance! The "Wanhua Void True Essence Method" emits black energy, and you immediately feel how mysterious and powerful it is!

Looking at the name of this secret book from a distance, even ordinary fishermen know how valuable this secret book is!

The old man said: "Yes, disciple, I obey!"

He stretched out his hand to collect these three secret books, and then taught them to many disciples.

This is the teaching!

Luo Li stretched out his hand, and eight more robes flew out. The Hunyuan Sect's standard robes were modified from the magical weapons seized in Yinlong Palace. They were just the most common low-priced robes!

One piece per person!

The young men were all overjoyed to put on the robes, and some of their parents who were watching were so excited that they cried.

Luo Li added: "In addition, there are various benefits, but our Hunyuan Sect has just been built, so we will definitely make up for it in the future!"

Luo Li was about to end the apprenticeship ceremony. The parents of these disciples who were watching, you look at me, I look at you, the fisherman who took the lead suddenly walked out of the team and knelt down to Luo Li!

He shouted loudly: "Thank you so much, sect master, for accepting our children into the sect. We have nothing in return. This is our teacher's gift of gratitude. Please accept it, sect master!"

After saying that, he raised an object high. The object contained endless spiritual light and overflowed with fairy spirit. It was definitely a good treasure!

Luo Li was stunned. Sure enough, good people are rewarded. Although they have accepted a bunch of useless disciples, this good reward has come! (The novel "Walking Alone" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the upper right "Add Friend", and search the public account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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