Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,433 Developing an island for farming!

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During this battle, two spiritual buildings were seized in Yinlong Palace. Luo Li immediately asked curiously: "What spiritual buildings and what special products were produced?"

Qingzhumei said: "Sect Master, this time we captured two spiritual buildings, both of which are spiritual springs. One is the spiritual well of eternal life. It is said that this well can attract the pure Yang water in the Ziyang Immortal Realm of the Nine Suns Immortal Sea, and the living beings can drink it. After going down, it has the magical effect of endless life.

One is that the spiritual building is the Nether Black Eye. This spring is the black water from the Nether Immortal Sea and the Dark Immortal Realm. This water has a cold air and can nourish the soul of living beings.

The Yin Long Palace used these two springs to refine the body with the Everlasting Well and the Netherworld Black Eyes to refine the spirit, so those sea snakes were so huge.

However, their method of use was very primitive, which blinded the characteristics of these two springs.

According to the scripture I got, "Tai Miao Zhi Dao Lun", I started to combine these two springs, seven parts of pure Yang water, two parts of black water, half of rootless water and half of sea water, forming a wonderful Lingshui can completely cultivate a specialty product, Lingyin Bamboo! "

Luo Li asked: "Lingyin Bamboo? What is it?"

Qingzhumei replied: "This kind of Spirit Song Bamboo comes from the mutation of Wind Song Bamboo.

Wind-singing bamboo is found everywhere. It is a very common bamboo. Because the wind blows on this bamboo, it will make a wind-singing sound, so it is called wind-singing bamboo. Among the millions of ordinary Feng Yin Bamboo trees, one will mutate and turn from green bamboo into white bamboo. This is the Ling Yin Bamboo.

Lingyin Bamboo has a century-old quality and can be used to refine fairy weapons. Ten fairy beads can be sold for one foot long. If it reaches the level of ten thousand years. It can be used to refine fairy treasures, which are very valuable. There are ten fairy stones in one foot!

I use this kind of spiritual water to water the Wind Yin Bamboo, and I can turn one Spirit Yin Bamboo into a thousand trees. At this point, as long as we plant unlimited Wind Yin Bamboo and water it to mutate, we can get endless Spirit Yin Bamboo. "

Luo Li said: "That's it! It's only a hundred years, ten thousand years, it's too long!"

The old man said: "Sir, my lord, in my "Tai Lingxu Emperor's Manual", there is a method that can build a very fast dojo. In that dojo, you can speed up the movement of time. Ten thousand years is only ten years."

When Luo Li heard this, he nodded and said, "This is good, not bad!"

The old man said: "This is the dojo, and the materials required are very expensive."

Luo Li said: "It doesn't matter, let's take our time. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, as long as we are steady. Step by step, everything will be fine!"

After thinking for a while, he said: "By the way, have you explored this island? Are there any resources?"

Qingzhumei said: "After investigation, one hundred thousand Wind Song Bamboo can be planted on this island, and a batch will be replaced every three years. In other words, one hundred Spirit Song Bamboo can be produced in three years!

In addition to this, three mineral deposits were discovered. However, all the resources inside have been exploited.

In addition, approximately ten acres of fairyland can be developed on this island!

However, we don’t know how to farm this fairyland! "

Luo Li nodded, this fairyland is very important.

This fairy field is not the kind of fairy field in Taichufang City, that is the real fairy field in the fairy world. This fairy field is used to grow fairy rice.

Like Luo Li and the three evil corpses, unlike in the past, they could not eat the fireworks of the world. Now in the immortal world, they must eat immortal rice and spiritual meat in order to maintain their body balance.

The reason why Luo Li was out of seclusion after practicing for three days was because his body lacked the immortal energy provided by the immortal rice and had difficulty maintaining balance.

This kind of balance is not that Luo Li's body lacks influence and needs to eat to satisfy his hunger. It's because this ancient world of spiritual earth is actually also in the fairy world, and fairy energy is everywhere, penetrating and corroding people's bodies.

If you don't eat immortal rice and other foods, your body will be penetrated by immortal energy, because the spiritual energy in the immortal energy here is too abundant, so good, it is not a good thing, but it will be slowly destroyed by this supreme spiritual energy. body balance, ultimately leading to death.

At this time, fairy rice plays a role. Fairy rice is the main food for monks below the virtual immortal. The fairy power contained in fairy rice is easy to absorb, strengthens the human body, is helpful for practicing and transforming the body, and makes the human body , in this fairy world, one can resist this invasion, survive, and subtly change the human body to become adapted to the fairy spirit.

And fairy rice can only be grown in fairy fields, so this fairy fields are very important!

However, that's it. Ordinary human beings, in the Nascent Soul realm, in this spiritual land, after a hundred years, even if they eat countless immortal rice spiritual meat, they will eventually die.

One can live up to two hundred years in the realm of transformation, three hundred years in the realm of returning to virtuality, five hundred years in the realm of returning to origin, and one thousand years in the realm of integration.

If you cannot ascend to immortality, you will eventually be corroded and destroyed by the immortal energy and die a tragic death.

These ascended monks can live forever in the human world, but only have a life span of five hundred years in the immortal world. To a certain extent, there is an indescribable irony.

However, monks who have ascended to the human world are coming in an endless stream, because in the human world, they have reached their limit, but in this fairy world, there are countless channels for ascension.

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position!

They can ascend. They are all elite heroes and have full confidence in themselves. No one will be satisfied with the small success in the world, and this fairy world is their stage!

Luo Li said: "Okay, let's take care of this fairy field first, plant a batch of fairy valleys and harvest fairy rice. At least we will not be hungry and practice!"

After speaking, Luo Li began to check the spiritual fields on the island. The ten acres of fairy fields were divided into six areas and distributed on the island. Although no one had planted the fairy fields for a long time, the foundation of the fairy fields was still there.

Luo Li recovered his spiritual energy, and suddenly these fairy fields began to recover their spiritual energy!

Looking at Xiantian, Luo Li stretched out his hand and took out the ten kilograms of spiritual grain that the other party gave him in that small mountain village.

These spiritual grains have not yet shed their skin and can be used as seeds. Luo Li was an expert at growing fairy fields back then. Although the fairy fields are different, they are still the same!

Luo Li used magic to bring the spiritual grain seeds one by one to the fairy field, covering them with a thin layer of soil. After thinking about it, I took out the Lingxi soil and put the remaining dozens of kilograms into the fairy field to increase the soil strength of the fairy field.

Then take out some of the water from the two spiritual springs. It was mixed with green bamboo plum and suspended over the fairy field. Luo Li used the magic of Yun'an Sect. The spiritual spring water sprayed mist, which happened to cover the fairy field within the range. It seemed that there was a soft rain in the fairy field. rain.

After being nourished by the spiritual spring water in a reasonable proportion, Xiantian immediately feels full of vitality.

Luo Li nodded and continued to farm, tilling all ten acres of the fairyland. Then he poured the spiritual spring water mixed with green bamboo and plum blossoms, and the spiritual energy in the fairy fields became infinitely thicker after being nourished by the mist of the spiritual spring water.

If the fairyland is well planted, in this fairyland, there is no need to wait slowly for the grain to mature like in the human world. Immediately, the Immortal Valley began to grow, sprout, and grow rapidly. In less than three days, it is mature. Ready to harvest.

Looking at the golden ears of grain, the moisture of the spiritual water has made the quality of the fairy rice in the fairy field rise by more than one level. The fairy rice produced in this acre of land is enough to feed the four of Luo Li for a year.

but. Luo Li did not harvest it. The immortal rice was in the ground. The longer it matured, the more immortal energy it contained and the better the quality. So when you are hungry, it is time to harvest.

If it is harvested, after the fairy valley is harvested, the fairy field loses its spiritual energy. It will take at least a period of time to slowly accumulate spiritual energy before it can be replanted.

After the fairy grains are planted and everyone is hungry, they just harvest some of the fairy grains, beat the fairy rice, and make delicious dishes.

After solving the stomach problem, Luo Li and the other four began to practice, practice the classics they obtained, adapt to the fairy world, enhance their own strength, consolidate their foundation, and then advance to the realm of Hedao.

Sure enough, this holy scripture of the fairy world is extraordinary. During this practice, the four of them understood countless truths that they could not understand in the past, discovered various mistakes in the past, and their strength began to slowly increase.

The four began to practice. Seven days later, suddenly a fleet approached from the distant sea.

It was a very ordinary fishing boat. After approaching the remote island, they did not dare to land on the island rashly. Instead, they elected three representatives, all ordinary fishermen, to land on the island.

They almost kowtowed in three steps and headed towards the main hall of Likong Island.

Luo Li sensed them, and Lao Immortal came forward to bring them.

Seeing Luo Li, one of the leading fishermen immediately knelt down and said:

"I have met the immortal master. We are the aborigines of this island. We used to live very well here. But sixteen years ago, a group of sea snakes suddenly came here and drove us away from our home.

We have no choice but to leave. Recently, some people saw the immortal masters exerting their power and killing many sea snakes. There is no more hidden danger of sea snakes. We want to return home and serve the people under the immortal master. We are willing to serve the immortal master. I wonder if the immortal master can take us in? "

It turns out that they are the original fishermen of this island. They just come back and can do a lot of things for the handymen!

Luo Li said: "Okay, I allow you to come back. However, if you don't abide by our Hunyuan Sect's laws, at least you will be expelled from your home, and at worst, you will be killed directly. Are you willing?'

The fisherman immediately said: "I do, I do!"

Luo Li nodded, leaving this mundane matter to Lao Immortal and taking charge of him.

Suddenly, fishermen began to migrate back.

It is not easy to beg for food in the South China Sea. These fishermen who have lost their homes are living a hard life outside. When they heard that they could return to their homes, they took their families and rowed their fishing boats back one by one.

In the end, five hundred fishermen returned here. The island no longer looked deserted and began to gain popularity.

They returned, and all of a sudden the three evil corpses had their subordinates. They ordered these fishermen to start working, planting wind-singing pines, and cleaning up the island. They were very busy.

Luo Li didn't care about these things, he just focused on practicing and preparing to advance to the realm of Hedao.

About half a month later, Qing Zhumei came to look for Luo Li and said:

"Sect Master, I found a child among the fishermen. I can't explain it. I feel that this child is not simple. He may be the reincarnation of an immortal!" (The novel "The Great Road Alone" will have more new content on the official WeChat platform. Oh, and there is also a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click on the "+" sign on the upper right to "Add a friend", search for the official account "qdread" and follow it, hurry up!) (To be continued, please search! Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!


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