Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1416 The world is actually the same!

Following the path, step by step, the wild forest gradually disappeared, revealing patches of fields.

Seeing the fields, Luo Li couldn't help but smile.

Having fields means that there are people inhabiting them, and they have left the wilderness.

However, the crops grown in this field, Luo Li saw, were not fairy rice, but grains that were many times worse than fairy rice. Luo Li casually took a handful of grains and sniffed lightly. Among the grains , does not contain spiritual energy at all.

There is no point in eating these grains after returning to deficiency, and they cannot replenish the true energy at all.

Looking over, the vast fields were filled with what kind of grains. Luo Li frowned. In this way, in this ancient world of spiritual land, the realm of returning to the void is not the lowest level. There should be countless monks below the returning to the void.

Luo Li walked forward along the ridges of the fields. There was a village not far away.

There were about a hundred households in the village, with smoke rising from the kitchens, and it looked like there were people cooking and living.

However, the entire village is surrounded by walls. There is only one gate for entry and exit. In front of that gate, there are several people guarding it. It seems that this place is not very peaceful, otherwise it would not be like this.

There are strange runes on the walls and gates. Looking at them, they contain immortal energy, which is not simple.

Luo Li walked there and soon came to the gate. There were people coming in and out, and there were children playing in the village.

Looking over, the villagers dressed as farmers include pure-blooded humans and mixed-blooded humans. All of them have Nascent Soul cultivation. The children playing in the village all have Jindan cultivation.

Luo Li immediately concluded that it was not as he imagined that Return to the Void True One was the bottom of the immortal world.

In this ancient world of spiritual land, ordinary people still have to improve according to the realm of cultivating immortals. It's just that it is worthy of being a part of the immortal world. Even if it is impossible to practice, children are in the Golden Core realm, and adults are in the Nascent Soul realm.

However, the spiritual energy here is abundant and contains endless immortal energy, which is much higher than the main world of Zhongtian. In this environment, it is normal to practice like this.

Seeing Luo Li coming here, there was a guard at the gate, and he immediately shouted:

"Senior, what's going on when you come to our Xiaoye Village?"

Luo Li smiled and said: "I wandered here randomly and am a little tired. I don't know if there is an inn in your village. I want to rest all morning and night."

The head gatekeeper said: "Senior, our Xiaoye Village is too small and does not have an inn, but the small home is very clean. Senior, you can rest in my home.

I have received monks like you who go to the wild forest to practice hunting before. Don't worry, I will provide you with food and accommodation for the whole night. Only half of the spirit bead is collected! "

Luo Li nodded, intending to enter this village. The head guard said: "Senior, please show me your identity plate and go through the process. This place is close to the Immortal City of Jieyin. The space is unstable. There used to be stowaways from the outer realms of the Artifact World and the Death Underworld. There are legends about sneaking into the Immortal World here!"

Luo Li was stunned. He had already crushed the ascension token. Is there any other token there? He said:

"Ah, that token. I accidentally lost it. I wonder if I can get a replacement?"

As soon as he said this, everyone in the village fell silent for an instant. The head janitor looked at Luo Li with a nervous look on his face and said, "That's it, wait a minute, I'll call the village chief!"

The village gate closed silently, and on the village wall, the talisman emitted light.

Luo Li touched it lightly. This defense could block the attacks of monks in the Hedao realm, but it could be completely blasted away under his own iron fist!

But what's the use of blasting it away? Are you robbing this small mountain village?

At this time, several monks ran over from a distance. They were all in the realm of returning to the void, and they all had a low-level fairy weapon in their hands. They were careful, but only the leader was wearing a low-level robe, and the others didn't even have robes.

In this way, the realm of returning to the virtual world here is comparable to that of a Qi-training monk in the world of God, the leader of a small village.

When the man arrived, he said to Luo Li:

"Senior, according to regulations, you cannot enter the village without an identity plate. I'm really sorry!

There is Shijin Immortal Valley here, please accept it, senior, and walk northwest along the Immortal Road in front of the door. One hundred and twenty miles away, there is Chu Qinfang City, which is a black market. You can enter even without an identity plate! "

After saying that, he sent over ten kilograms of fairy grain. Among the grains was fairy rice. It seems that this fairy rice is also a rare thing among the ordinary people here.

Luo Li shook his head and did not collect the Immortal Valley, but asked:

"Three hundred miles away, is there a city? Can you enter without an identity plate?"

The village chief couldn't help but nodded and said: "Yes, yes! Senior, our place is a village under the jurisdiction of Tai'an Prefecture, Qingzhou County, and is connected by a fairy road!

The inspection team of Tai'an Mansion will be here in a quarter of an hour after receiving the alarm. There are really no specialties in this small village. Seniors, please raise your hands and let us go! "

This is to intimidate Luo Li. It seems that the fairy road is not only used for walking, but also has other uses. The inspection team of Tai'an Mansion can use this fairy road to come to the rescue in a quarter of an hour.

Luo Li smiled and said: "What are you afraid of? I am only in the realm of returning to the virtual world, and you and I are in the same realm!"

The village chief smiled bitterly and said: "Senior, you are full of blood. You must have been killed in the wild forest. I am just a farmer. How can I dare to compete with you?"

Luo Li was speechless and said, "Okay, thank you for the directions!"

After saying that, he walked northwest along the immortal road in front of the door.

This immortal road is not like the one in Yun'an City, which is straight. The immortal road here has many branches. The immortal road from this immortal village is very narrow, but it becomes spacious when you walk to the main road.

The immortal road is no longer sparsely populated like the immortal road in Yun'an City.

After walking for a while, there are people everywhere on this immortal road.

Some of these people drive carts to transport goods, some carry loads, and some walk silently. As long as they are not children, they are all in the Nascent Soul Realm. It seems that the Nascent Soul is the bottom of the immortal world. Most people don't even have clothes of immortal tools. They can only be regarded as ordinary people in the immortal world.

Above the Nascent Soul, there are some cultivators in the Return to Void Realm. They are much stronger than those ordinary people. Each of them has a low-level immortal robe and is majestic. There is no cultivator like the cultivator in Yun'an Field, who is submissive.

There are also cultivators in the Return to Origin Realm passing by, but they either drive spirit beasts or drive immortal boats to travel on the immortal road.

And here, Luo Li feels like he has returned to the Zhongtian main world again, with a breath of freedom. It's not like Yun'an City at all. When you ascend here, it's like entering a cage. Everything feels suffocating.

It seems that Yun'an City is doing this deliberately. It's a strategy for the ascenders. I don't know what they are plotting.

In fact, in this Lingtu Honghuang world, there are also mortals and civilians, as well as cultivators. There are good and bad people. The world is actually the same!

Luo Li walked slowly, and suddenly a carriage passed behind him. The coachman saw Luo Li walking and shouted from a distance:

"Pull the carriage to hurry up, go straight to Tai'an Prefecture! If you want to take a car, it's cheap and discounted, just get on the car!"

Luo Li heard the shout and looked over at the carriage. Someone sat in the car. He asked:

"I'm going to Chuqin Market. Is it on the way?'

The coachman immediately said: "On the way, it's smooth. It's still a hundred miles to Chuqin Market. I'll give you two fairy beads!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, get in the car!" (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. The novel is better and updated faster!


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