Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,415 The copycat magic cloud turns into smoke!

The power of Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo's hand spread out a faint ray and covered the whole body. The terrifying and powerful spiritual thought swept over Luo Li's body. He was safe and sound, and Luo Li's existence was not discovered at all!

Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief, it was safe.

The spiritual thought swept past, but within a few dozen breaths, it swept back again.

Luo Li continued to use the power of Yuanshi Shangqing Tianluo Hand to protect himself and avoid the scan.

In this way, the spiritual thought actually contacted and scanned here more than ten times, and Luo Li suddenly frowned.

not good!

There is a problem. Such a large-scale scan has determined that there must be something attractive here, otherwise the other party would not be like this.

Suddenly, something appeared in Luo Li's mind, which was the identity token he had when he ascended.

The two monks found him immediately. It was impossible for nothing. Only this thing was possible. This spiritual thought scanned back and forth, and it was probably attracted by this thing.

Fortunately, my Taichu Cave Heaven has been restored, otherwise I would be afraid something would really happen.

Thinking of this, Luo Li exerted a little force, and immediately took out the token. With a click, it shattered into powder.

As soon as the token was broken, the scan wavered, lost its attraction, and gradually moved away from here. Luo Li let out a sigh of relief, he was safe!

Time passed little by little, and soon it was dawn outside. Luo Li was not in a hurry to leave here, but decided to hide here for a while to avoid the other party's search before starting his journey.

Luo Li began to study the eight immortal spells in the jade slip.

Each of these eight immortal arts has its own ingenuity. Xianyun's trick is to turn the cloud energy into a physical treasure, and one energy to transform ten thousand treasures is the way to transform the virtual into the real.

Red clouds and smoke are clouds that transform into various illusions, confusing and trapping powerful enemies. Leading people into a urn without knowing it, and killing people invisible is the way to turn the imaginary into the real.

The wind is gentle and the clouds are light, this is the Yun'an Sect's life-saving method, turning the body into illusion can avoid life and death. To hide from powerful enemies is the way to transform one's life into a void!

Wind Tiger and Cloud Dragon use cloud energy to transform into spiritual beasts, which is the way to transform spirits from the void!

Riding on the mist and rising into the clouds, using the cloud energy to move and escape, this is the way to escape through virtual transformation!

It penetrates the clouds and cracks the rocks, gathering the cloud energy. Forming a terrifying and fatal shock wave is the way to destroy it through virtualization.

The brightness and disappearance of clouds are the method of detecting and detecting using cloud energy, which is the method of virtual consciousness.

The smoke covers the clouds, and uses the cloud energy to transform into supreme defenses, one after another, endless. It is the way of control through virtualization

These eight magical arts can trap enemies. There is reconnaissance, flight, defense, and attack. It can be said to meet the various needs of monks. Luo Li likes it very much.

In addition, they and the Hunyuan Sect's spells. One breath generates ten thousand things, which is somewhat similar.

However, with this jade slip, Luo Li could not practice the magic in it. He wanted to practice the thirteen immortal skills of Yun'an Sect. There must be a prerequisite, that is, you must own the Yunhai Dao Domain!

The so-called Dao Realm can also be called the Immortal Realm, which is the dimensional world where Luo Li destroyed Zhou An.

Only by possessing the prototype of the Immortal Realm and producing the Dao Realm can one use the techniques of the Yun'an Sect's Thirteen Immortal Dao.

The reason for this is, firstly, to prevent the theft of the Yun'an Sect's Thirteen Immortal Techniques. Without the cooperation of the Yunhai Dao Domain, you will not be able to practice even if you obtain the Yun'an Sect's Thirteen Immortal Techniques. Secondly, with the cooperation of this Dao Domain, this The power of Yun'an's magic will increase infinitely.

Luo Li shook his head. This was indeed similar to the Hunyuan Sect to a certain extent. The same was true for the Five Dharma Holy Lands of the Hunyuan Sect.

He didn't know that this method of cultivating immortals by opening up the Tao realm and using the Tao realm as its source is called Inner Universe. It is one of the four major schools of cultivation in the immortal world. The Hunyuan Sect is originally taught by immortals and is directly awarded to this kind of immortal cultivation. Dharma door, so the two have similarities.

The Yunhai Immortal Realm is a method not taught by the Yun'an Sect, so Luo Li cannot practice these immortal techniques.

This made it impossible to practice, and Luo Li was really unwilling to do so. Anyway, in the past two days, Luo Li didn't want to leave here and avoid the limelight, so he made up his mind to study the eight Yun'an methods.

Luo Li began to study these immortal arts, and gradually began to feel that although he did not have the Immortal Domain of the Sea of ​​Clouds, he had the power of the Shangqing Tianluo Shou and the Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Shou.

In addition, Luo Li is now specializing in the way of true fire, but the original Five Elements True Meaning, the characteristic of knowing all the laws in the world and controlling all the techniques in the world, has not disappeared, and even in the immortal world, everything has changed, but this characteristic is still there.

Gradually, Luo Li gained something. He used the power of the true fire in his body to simulate the true energy of the sea of ​​​​yun, and transformed the eight methods of Yun'an. Unknowingly, Luo Li found out some tricks for operating the eight methods of Yun'an, which he could imitate. Show some of the characteristics of Yun'an's Eight Methods!

However, when Yun'an Zong used this magical technique, white clouds blossomed and there was peace.

When Luo Li used this copycat Yun'an Eight Techniques, gray smoke billowed and thick smoke burst out.

It may be that this real fire cloud cannot be transformed in the end and can only be turned into smoke.

Luo Li shook his head, let's just leave it like this for now, let's make do with it for now!

Luo Li practiced here for three days. In addition to practicing this copycat magic, with the help of these magic skills, Luo Li gradually gained some understanding of the magic in the immortal world. The flying escape immortal weapon Cloud Chair, Luo Li gradually mastered the flying escape. The trick.

Three days later, Luo Li left.

In the end, Luo Li didn't eat the three little pigs. Instead, he fed them some fairy rice. Before leaving, he left three portions of fairy rice to prevent them from starving to death. It should be enough for them to eat for more than a month. As for the future, it depends on their own fate.

To leave here, Luo Li activated the cloud chair and flew away.

The cloud chair looks like a small metal chair, somewhat similar to the ice cart used by mortals to skate on the ice. Luo Li sat on it and input his true energy. The cloud chair suddenly released cloud energy and soared into the sky. It generates a self-protecting shield to block the strong wind.

However, the flying effect of this cloud chair is not very good, that is, it can fly up to 30 feet in the air, and it also requires a lot of real energy to activate, and each time it is activated, it can fly hundreds of feet.

But it is better than walking on the ground, and by flying up, you can see further in this wilderness, and it is no longer as dark as before, and you don't know the east, west, north, and south.

Luo Li was in this wilderness, sitting on the cloud chair, comparing the sun, looking for the river, and swimming forward. Who knew that within thirty miles of flying, a group of golden eagles would appear in front of him!

The airspace in this desolate forest is occupied by these golden eagles. They attack all humans and animals that fly past.

The golden eagle came straight to Luo Li, and in their mouths, they kept spitting out thunder and lightning, click, click, Luo Li was hit by the thunder and lightning.

Fortunately, the cloud chair had its own defensive barrier that blocked the lightning attack, and Luo Li hurriedly descended.

Before it landed on the ground, the cloud chair was destroyed, and the golden eagle still pursued it.

Fortunately, Luo Li practiced the copycat Yun'an Bafang and immediately used Hongyun Yanluo.

Immediately, thick smoke rose up. The thick smoke did not have the psychedelic properties of the red cloud smoke. Instead, it contained endless poison and could choke people to death. In the thick smoke, the golden eagles were smoked away.

The golden eagle left, and Luo Li looked away at the cloud chair. It was damaged by the beating, thinking that it would be very difficult to escape.

Luo Li shook his head, forget it, and walk on the ground honestly.

It's not that easy to walk in this wild forest, it's dark and damp everywhere.

There are overgrown weeds, endless trees, and thick fallen leaves under your feet. Sometimes when you step down, there will be a popping sound, and you will step into the quagmire, and you may not even be able to step into it with your entire thigh.

In addition, what is even more terrifying in this forest is that there are countless snakes, scorpions, poisonous insects, spiders, centipedes, etc. everywhere.

These are the poisonous insects in the world, the golden-winged silver scorpion, the red-headed giant centipede, the broad-axe mantis, the two-tailed dome wasp, the red-headed giant centipede, the blue-winged aphid fly, the thousand-beaded gray butterfly...

The seven spiritual butterflies that the Spiritual Butterfly Sect regarded as treasures back then are just ordinary items here and can be found everywhere.

In addition to poisonous insects, there are also various terrifying plants.

Piranha flowers, poisonous wolf vines, and even some plants cooperate with poisonous insects to drive poisonous bees and poisonous ants to attack passing spiritual beasts.

At this time, the eight methods of Yun'an came into effect. The red clouds and smoke gave birth to bursts of poisonous smoke, and any poisonous insects were avoided at a distance.

Xianyun cleverly figured out that although he couldn't turn into those physical tools, he could make tobacco ropes, which were very strong and very useful.

The wind was light and the clouds were light. Although Luo Li could not completely become as illusory as smoke, his body was weakened and he could avoid countless dangers.

Riding the mist and rising clouds made Luo Li's walking much easier. With the help of the Four-Nine Escape Technique, he could cross rivers, cross quagmire, and fly down cliffs. The wasteland became like walking on flat ground.

The brightness and extinguishing of clouds is the most useful. It emits streams of green smoke, which can detect the situation a hundred feet away, detect danger, find a way out, and move forward easily.

Wind Tiger, Cloud Dragon, Smoke Covering Cloud Building, these two Luo Li didn't have the control of, and the attack spell penetrated the clouds and cracked the stone, which was infinitely weaker than Luo Li's Iron Fist, and this was the most useless.

Luo Li walked hard all the way, feeling a little like when he was doing Tiandao Killing in Yinzhou Continent.

But there are benefits to being in a dense forest.

There are countless spiritual materials and fairy grasses here. Along the way, although Luo Li saw countless fairy grasses, although Luo Li didn't know their names and uses, he could tell that they contained spiritual energy.

Along the way, Luo Li harvested a lot, all of which were stored in Taichu Cave Heaven.

In addition to the fairy grass, there are countless wild beasts along the way.

Those wild beasts, the fighting ape, the diamond explosive bear, the golden-backed war turtle, the golden-horned giant rhinoceros, the iron-winged three-headed eagle, the golden-backed roaring dog, the giant iron bear...

When they saw Luo Li, they all thought it was delicious food delivered to their door and came to attack him.

But under Luo Li's iron fist, every one of them was killed by him.

The forest seemed to have no end. Luo Li tried his best not to eat fairy rice, but started to barbecue and enjoy the spiritual meat delivered to his door.

Various wild beast materials began to be piled up in Taichu Cave Heaven.

In this desolate forest, Luo Li gradually began to adapt to the environment of the fairy world. He imitated Yun'an's Eight Techniques and became more and more proficient.

As Luo Li moved forward step by step, a month later, Luo Li gradually discovered that the trees in the wild forest began to become sparse, the wild beasts began to decrease, and mountain paths gradually appeared. Luo Li smiled and walked out of this wilderness. land! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!


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