Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1407: All difficulties and dangers finally rise!

Three suggestions?

Luo Li looked at Dragon Soul and asked, "What should I pay attention to?"

Dragon Soul said slowly: "First, after ascending to this treasure of the world, I suggest you not to open it immediately. Make sure it is absolutely safe and open it after you have a clear view of the fairy world!"

Luo Li nodded, remember this piece of advice!

Dragon Soul added: "Second, I suggest that after you ascend, you must have certain strength to control the shop procedures. In addition, the procedures of this shop must not be seen by others. Sometimes, even in the fairy world, More dangerous than the human world!"

"The last one, after you ascend and arrive at the City of Guide, remember, remember, don't choose easily. Sometimes, light may not be darkness, and benefits may not be bait!

Remember, remember! "

After saying that, the dragon soul slowly disappeared and was never seen again!

Luo Li let out a long breath, holding the fairy world shop contract in his hand, it was time to ascend!

Luo Li began to wander around, once again visiting the Heavenly Lord World, Lingdie Island, Yinzhou Continent, Changzhou, Suiyuan Tianya Hai Pavilion, Tianmo Sect, Chongxuan Sect, Fenxiang Jieyu Sect...

Luo Li always traveled to the places he visited back then, gathering old friends and saying goodbye to his confidante for the last time!

Wandering at will, wherever he goes, on the mountains and in the sea, he leaves some random opportunities. Those treasures that are meaningless to Luo Li now, but for ordinary young monks, they can be treasures that can change their lives!

Finally returning to the Hunyuan Sect, Luo Li handed over all the accumulation in Taichufang City over the years to the sect, or gave it to his disciples and others.

The Jade Book, the Golden Barrel, and the True Immortal Jue were all left to the descendants of the Hunyuan Sect, but the creation of Tiance was too frightening, so Luo Li took them with him!

Finally, Luo Li was ready for all the miscellaneous matters. All is done, you can ascend!

This day, an auspicious day of the zodiac, according to the calendar, is exactly 129,600 years after Hunyuanzi Hunyuanzi established the sect! Exactly the number of one dollar!

Outside Hunyuan Sect. It seems that there is nothing unusual, but countless large formations are quietly opened. The Earth Fire Dragon is on full alert, loose on the outside and tight on the inside, be extremely careful!

Many disciples in Hunyuan Sect gathered here, looking at Tianqing Peak from a distance.

On top of the peak that day. The five illusions are extremely clear, almost visible to the naked eye. The spirits in the virtual part are constantly wandering around in the illusion, even looming in the heaven and earth!

this day. It is an important day for Hunyuan Sect!

In Qingfeng that day. In that courtyard, the three great Hui Xu, Hu Chan, and Luo Li were all here, and there was no one except them.

Hu Chan looked at Luo Li. Said: "Okay, everything is ready!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Master, I leave everything to you!"

Both the Earth Fire Dragon and Taichufang City Luoli were handed over to the master. Rest assured!

Then he looked to the sky and said, "Okay, let's get started!"

This day is the day Luo Li ascends!

After saying that, he picked up the Shangqing Yuanshi Tianluo Umbrella again and began to burn the spiritual stones and inject spiritual energy.

With the injection of spiritual energy, the Shangqing Yuanshi Tianluo Umbrella slowly opened, and the other four people looked at Luo Li nervously!

Luo Li said: "My first wish is that this umbrella will always be open!"

"My second wish is that the illusion will always be reunited!"

"The third wish is that Hunyuan ascends!"

Following Luo Li's wish, the world in the umbrella of the Yuanshi Tianluo Umbrella of the Qing Dynasty suddenly appeared. According to Luo Li's wish, the world in the umbrella suddenly coincided with the five illusions!

Suddenly, the lawless world appeared again. The five illusions disappeared in the sky above Hunyuan Sect. They merged with the Tianluo world, with the Tianluo umbrella as the core, controlling them. Their five elements operate in harmony with each other, generating true energy. Support the existence of this Tianluo Umbrella world!

Luo Li rose slowly and looked around, saying goodbye, my homeland, goodbye, my hometown, goodbye, Zhongtian Lord World!

He slowly flew up and flew into the world of the Tianluo Umbrella, and then roared loudly. The world in the Tianluo Umbrella immediately followed his wish, boom, boom, boom!

The five holy lands of the Five Dharmas in Luoli's Taichu Cave Heaven were peeled off, and the Holy Lands of the Five Dharmas flew out and merged into the five great illusions in the umbrella.

Luo Li's Five Dharma Holy Land was filled with endless energy and entered the five illusions. Those five illusions showed signs of collapse. Luo Li stretched out his hand and said:

"Come out, my magic weapons!"

Suddenly, Hunyuan Golden Lamp, Hunyuan Golden Dou, Hunyuan Golden Sword, Hunyuan Golden Whip, Hunyuan Golden Hammer, five tenth-level magic weapons appeared!

Xiaojin, Xiaoguang and other magical spirits also appeared. They looked at Luo Li reluctantly!

Luo Li bowed to them and said: "Thank you very much. You have been with me for many years and have come all the way to this point. Today, we part ways. You stay here and accept endless offerings from the descendants of the Hunyuan Sect. Please also help me suppress the luck of the Hunyuan Sect!" "

Xiaoguang said: "Goodbye, master, we will defend Hunyuan Sect!"

Xiao Jin also said: "Goodbye, master, goodbye!"

There is endless reluctance in the words!

They flew into the five major illusions, each suppressing one major illusion. Suddenly, the illusion that was about to collapse immediately stabilized!

Luo Li looked at the five illusions. In the illusion, countless virtual spirits appeared and said goodbye to Luo Li!

Especially the illusion of wood, Luo Li's many true spirits, the God of Hercules, the God of Trees, the God of Grass, the God of Courage, the God of Wisdom, the Wolf God, the Tiger God, the God of Thieves, the God of Command, the God of Thunder...

They all appeared there and waved to Luo Li!

The twelve true spirits such as Xiaobai and Luo Li moved out of the Forest of Living Beings before they ascended. They, Luo Li, will be brought into the fairy world to live and die together!

Luo Li said goodbye to them one by one, then took a long breath and left this world of Tianluo Umbrella in a flash.

After leaving the world of Tianluo Umbrella, Luo Li looked at the past and saw that it was no different from before. However, this was an illusion, but the effectiveness of Tianluo Umbrella was still there, because Luo Li had lost the Five Laws Holy Land, which constituted Luo Li's world. Everything has lost its foundation and is in chaos!

In this state, Luo Li has only one way, and that is to ascend quickly!

He suddenly released his true energy, and his breath soared into the sky, causing a catastrophe!

Suddenly. Above the nine heavens, dark clouds immediately gathered, and thousands of calamity clouds appeared!

The three great patriarchs all watched nervously. Many monks from the Hunyuan Sect were stuck here. They didn't know what Luo Li would do this time. If there is no change in the calamity, then everything done is in vain.

The dark clouds were dense, the lead clouds were hanging low, and the ink-like black clouds were surging and galloping like thousands of horses galloping. In the black clouds, streaks of blue and white lightning flashed out from time to time.

Golden thunder thundered down in the air. Under the black ink clouds, it was particularly eye-catching. When this divine thunder landed, it made a frightening sound, even though Luo Li was five hundred miles away. My heart still couldn't help but twitch. In the face of such irresistible power of heaven and earth, every intelligent creature will feel sincere awe.

"The Chaos Thunder destroys the world and the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder."

The three great patriarchs immediately shook their heads. This was the most terrifying thunder of heavenly tribulation. Unexpectedly, this thunder appeared again!

This Chaos Thunder World-Destroying Heavenly Tribulation Thunder was about to take shape. Suddenly, God seemed to feel something, a terrifying Tribulation Thunder. It disappeared slowly.

Among the dark clouds, a fiery purple cloud appeared. The clouds carried endless firelight, growing from small to large, and the fiery red light overflowed, as if burning in the sky, and the entire mountains, rivers and land were suddenly silent. The bright moon in the entire sky suddenly lost its color!

Seeing this scene, the three great patriarchs suddenly hugged each other and cheered!

The Chaos Thunder World-Destroying Heavenly Tribulation Thunder disappeared, this is the Heavenly Wu Fierce Flame Transforming Tribulation Thunder!

Suddenly the difficulty of overcoming the tribulation was reduced countless times. What's more important is that after this thunder tribulation, the continuous thunder tribulation may never appear again, that is, after the nine thunders, the ascension process is completed!

Looking at the appearance of Jie Yun, Luo Li let out a sigh of relief. The real fire that Luo Li refined was the source of all fires in the world, so he was just like playing tricks with the fire attribute Jie Lei!

It seems that God felt that he no longer had the Holy Land of the Five Dharmas, and immediately felt grateful for the countless contributions he had made to heaven and earth, and began to reward himself and let himself go!

While he was still thinking, another thunder exploded in the sky, illuminating everything around Luo Li. After the thunder, dazzling golden light flashed before his eyes, like the nine heavens under the stars, like thunder and lightning coming through the sky, hitting Luo Li directly.

Like the scorching sun, it shines out billions of bright lights that are hard to see. The rays of light shot out from it flew through the void like sharp arrows, and suddenly fell on Luo Li's head, with a bang, and crashed down!

This thunder and lightning looked fierce, but for Luo Li, it was too trivial!

He did not dodge, exposed his chest, and allowed the thunder to hit his chest!

The first tribulation thunder shattered!

The second calamity thunder was born immediately!

A bolt of light thunder appeared slowly, protruding from the calamity cloud, condensing into the shape of a giant hammer several feet high, and struck down hard!

Three ways, four ways, five ways...

Only the last thunderbolt hit Luo Li, and Luo Li's whole body was charred and black, like charcoal!

But Luo Li didn't care at all, and he had completed the transformation of Tianwu Lie Yan into Tribulation Thunder!

All the monks of the Hunyuan Sect looked to the sky to see if there was a second wave of thunder behind them!

Suddenly there was a long roar that penetrated the sky. In the blink of an eye, the howling sound expanded infinitely, and a huge shock wave, centered on the Xuanzhou Continent, exploded in all directions, resounding throughout Chunan!

In the vast world, it seemed that in an instant, in this huge roar, all things in the world seemed to generate huge ripples visible to the naked eye, spreading like waves at a speed, and in an instant, the earth shook and the mountains shook!

In the sky, the sky is clear and clear, with no clouds forming. Thousands of qi machines, visible to the naked eye, are interlaced and jumping happily. Between them, everything in the world shows vitality that has never been seen before.

A ray of white light descended from the sky, purple and gold in seven colors, from small to large, from light to bright, falling on the earth and turning into a rainbow bridge. The light was extremely warm, and Luo Li felt extremely comfortable when he saw the light. Suddenly, all his injuries were intact.

A seven-colored glow rose from Luo Li's body, covering him tightly. Exquisite flowers shining with various colors of light fell from the sky.

These flowers are all illusory things. They dissolve as soon as they fall to the ground and disappear completely. However, a powerful vitality of heaven and earth is generated here. Suddenly flowers bloomed on the ground, and dead trees grew again in spring.

As the flowers scattered by the goddess fell, bursts of heavenly sounds naturally rose from the sky, spread throughout the heaven and earth, and came from the nine heavens. The voice is extremely clear, but it's hard to hear what is being sung, but there is always an indescribable feeling.

In the sky, a streak of green air suddenly hung down, faint, almost the same color as the blue sky, followed by the second streak, the third streak...all the way to the ninth streak!

The fairy sounds are clear, the heaven and the earth are whispering, the vitality resonates, the nine qi flow down, the fairy road opens, the rainbow bridge leads, the sky guides, the colorful body protects, the goddess scatters flowers!

It is simply unheard of for the nine phases of ascension to appear continuously!

Luo Li stood on the rainbow bridge, and his body suddenly rose slowly. During the process of rising, Luo Li's body began to change rapidly, and he ascended into a cast body!

Countless Hunyuan Sect disciples below looked at Luo Li with great envy and were all ecstatic. Now the Hunyuan Sect was no longer without a path to follow. Now the Hunyuan Sect had its first ascended master!

Here Jin Sheng took the lead and shouted:

"Disciple Hunyuan, I respectfully send my ancestor to ascend. Bless me, Hunyuan Sect, to produce all kinds of Dharma with one breath, and Hunyuan to destroy the universe!"

According to customary rules, a monk who has ascended to the sect is the Patriarch. Regardless of his or her seniority, as long as the monk has not ascended, he must be honored as the Patriarch!

For a moment, everyone was solemn and shouted together:

"Disciple Hunyuan, I respectfully send my ancestor to ascend. Bless me, Hunyuan Sect, to produce all kinds of Dharma with one breath, and Hunyuan to destroy the universe!"

In an instant, Luo Li disappeared on the Hong Bridge! Only that rainbow bridge stands proudly between heaven and earth!

Suddenly, endless bells sounded on the land of Xuanzhou. At the same time, the setting sun spread thousands of rays of light across the heaven and earth. This was the light of the blessed fairy.

Seeing Luo Li disappear, all the Hunyuan Sect disciples shouted again:

"Disciple Hunyuan, I respectfully send my ancestor to ascend. Bless me, Hunyuan Sect, to produce all kinds of Dharma with one breath, and Hunyuan to destroy the universe!"

Looking at the lead to Hongqiao, Xuemei had tears in her eyes and said softly: "Brother Luo Li, take a step first, I will find you and catch up with you!"

And Xin Yuan said stupidly: "I was wrong, I was wrong, I misjudged him, he is the hope of Hunyuan Sect!"

Hu Chan sighed softly: "Disciple, wait for me!"

Qizhu even sighed: "Junior brother, junior brother, I was pulled far behind by you, but I will catch up with you!"

Su Caizhen danced like crazy to see Luo Li off!

In Yahai Pavilion that day, Huo Wumei once again turned into a human form, looking into the distance with illusory tears left behind, and said softly: "He's gone!"

The resurrected big locust tree, the Heavenly Snake King, saw Luo Li off from afar!

There are also some monks who are very happy that this guy is finally gone!

And on the top of a high mountain, Fan Wujie sat there alone, without any sadness, with an endless smile on his face!

In his hand, he was playing with a bead. The bead must have just formed. Half of it was dark and translucent like a black crystal, and the other half was pure white and translucent like ice and snow. When combined together, it looked like a round gemstone.

He said to himself: "Don't make trouble during this great time!

Well, for me, there is nothing left to miss!

Luo Li, Luo Li! Although I didn't defeat you, you have never seen clearly who I really am!

Fairyland, hum, maybe we will meet again! "

Luo Li was completely unaware of all this, but he was extremely excited because a new world and a future full of endless expectations were right in front of him! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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