Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1406 Pinglin Small Market Enters Xinfang!

The Hunyuan Sect started cultivating with the Five Laws Holy Land as its source, and has gained endless benefits. Except for the Tianqing lineage of the Hunyuan Sect, the other branches have the Five Laws Holy Land to provide true energy. They do not have to rely on their own hard training, so they have advanced to the next level. Extremely easy.

Moreover, the disciples of the Hunyuan Sect can build foundations to destroy the golden elixir, fight the golden elixir against the Yuanying, fight against the Yuanying to transform the gods, and destroy the transformed gods to return to the void. It can be said that they are almost invincible at the same level.

However, the Hunyuan Sect's cultivation method has a big shortcoming, that is, it is difficult to ascend. When ascending, the heaven and earth hold back. Thousands of heavenly tribulations are continuous, and there has never been a person who has ascended.

Now Luo Li's method of ascension immediately changed the Hunyuan Sect's only shortcoming, cutting off the Five Dharma Holy Land and giving it to heaven and earth. It was so easy.

And when you ascend, there will even be help from heaven and earth. Ascension becomes extremely simple, and shortcomings turn into advantages. At this point, the Hunyuan Sect's path from cultivation to ascension has been completely unblocked, and the perfect path to immortality has been formed!

In fact, countless sages have thought about cutting up the Five Dharma Holy Land before, but it is not easy. For Hunyuan Sect monks who have been promoted to return to the void, the Five Dharma Holy Land has been completely integrated into themselves, and is the origin of the monks.

The Holy Land is shaken and the monks are dead!

Only a few divine beings like Brahma Wujie, who abandoned the Holy Land of the Five Dharmas before returning to the void, and found another way according to the power of their original divine evil, would be able to avoid death.

But Luo Li's method of ascension allows Hunyuan Sect monks to leave the Five Laws Holy Land and ascend to the fairy world in a short period of time.

Then during the ascension, with the help of the reshaping process of ascending to the immortal world, one can change oneself and solve the hidden dangers caused by the lack of the original five sacred places.

In short, this is a method of ascension, although it may have hidden dangers of one kind or another. It's not perfect, but at least it's a path to immortality.

Once the great road was confirmed, all the monks of the Hunyuan Sect immediately began to prepare for the ascension of the Hunyuan Sect.

Luo Li, on the other hand, began to strengthen his Taichufang City and soared. He decided to sell Fangshi to the Cathay Chamber of Commerce in exchange for resources that could be used in the fairy world.

Luo Li is about to ascend. After his ascension, the Taichufang City will have the God World as its core and cannot be brought to the fairy world. Taichufang City is meaningless to Luo Li!

Rather than losing it, it would be better to exchange for the benefits of resources in the immortal world, and sell it to the Aurora Chamber of Commerce. It also has its own shares in Taichufang City and leaves it to the Hunyuan Sect. It is enough for Hunyuan Sect to develop.

In fact, the benefit left to the Hunyuan Sect is not that the more the better, if there are too many, the disciples of the younger generation will be like hothouse flowers, without weathering the wind and rain. When the time comes, old people like myself will leave the Hunyuan Sect, and then this Taichufang The market is a disaster for Hunyuan Sect!

The advancement of the market realm of Taichufang Market. It requires a lot of resources, but Luo Li's Taichufang City is huge. Covering dozens of star seas, it is far beyond the void market of others. You must know that the Cat Blanca Market of the Liling Ghost Saint was only spread across dozens of large worlds of the ghost clan, and it did not even surpass one star sea.

With the expansion of Luoli Taichufang City, he acquired treasure resources. There are infinitely many, catalyzed by this resource. In thirty years, Taichufang City has reached the limit of its realm. At this point, you can advance to the realm of ruins.

In these thirty years, the disciples of the Hunyuan Sect have been running up and down, looking for resources everywhere, and finally Luo Li has mastered another tenth-level magic weapon, the Hunyuan Golden Hammer!

It's a pity that this Hunyuan Golden Hammer has no chance to be used and can only be used for ascension!

The emergence of the path to ascension created by Luo Li is gradually changing the Hunyuan Sect.

Regardless of which branch, they gradually began to practice according to the cultivation method of Tianqing Peak, because the cultivation method of Tianqing Peak emphasized the simultaneous advancement of the Five Dharma Holy Land and one's own cultivation.

Because the final road to ascension will cut off the Five Dharma Holy Lands, then the problem is that without the support of the Five Dharma Holy Lands, one's own cultivation is weak. Even if he ascends to the fairy world, he will probably be very weak.

According to the records of the sages of other sects, the fairy world is not a paradise, and the weak are original sins wherever they are. Therefore, the monks of the Hunyuan Sect all began to practice according to the methods of Tian Qingfeng!

With the foundation accumulated for eternity, he soars into the sky and crushes all enemies with overwhelming power!

This has become the belief of every disciple of the Hunyuan Sect. The current disciples of the Hunyuan Sect have begun to practice and use the Five Dharma Holy Land as a means to gain supreme power and become invincible at the same level!

Then use this power to seize countless treasures, increase your own cultivation, and keep accumulating and accumulating. When you reach the realm of Guiyuan, you give up the Five Dharma Holy Land, give up this crutch, rely on your own cultivation, and advance to the fairy world.

Seeing this scene, Luo Li smiled.

Tian Qingfeng has become the main method of Hunyuan Sect, and Hunyuan Sect has become the number one disciple in the world. Joining Hunyuan Sect yourself has brought about such a big change, and you will have no regrets in life!

Master was absolutely right when he chose me back then!

Xin Yuan's prophecy about himself was completely self-defeating and became the Hunyuan Sect's biggest joke!

Taichufang City's constant evolution has finally reached the limit of the field, but it has encountered a difficulty in advancing to the realm of the ruins. It requires the origin of the universe as a catalytic treasure before it can proceed.

This level is the most difficult for many heroes who are stuck here, but for Luo Li, it is very easy.

He thought for a while, took out the bead left by the demon lord's clone, which was the smallest bead in the war between all races, and said:

"Taichu No. 10, give it a try and see if this works?"

Taichu No. 10 immediately said excitedly: "Yes, yes, absolutely yes!"

With this magic bead, with a bang, Taichufang City began its final evolution and was promoted to the realm of ruins!

The Taichufang City changed. In Luo Li's Taichu Cave, it turned into a golden round egg, only three feet in size, as if something was brewing!

Suddenly, a huge sign appeared on the golden oval, which was the sign of the Sinian Chamber of Commerce. Then thousands of lights and shadows fell on it, and a voice came:

"Hello, great being, the owner of Taichufang City. I am Dragon Soul, the commander of the Fire Demon Legion of the Cathay Chamber of Commerce. Can I discuss the purchase of Taichufang City with you?"

Luo Li was stunned. Dragon Soul, the leader of the Fire Demon Legion of the Aurora Chamber of Commerce? Didn't the Liling Ghost Saint meet him and get the Cat Blanca Market, the predecessor of Taichufang City?

Luo Li smiled and said: "Great Lord Dragon Soul, yes, I am about to ascend to the immortal world and sell this Taichufang City. I wonder what discounts your chamber of commerce will offer?"

Dragon Soul said slowly: "Taichufang City is a product of this Chamber of Commerce, and it is also the 83,996 peripheral branches of this Chamber of Commerce. This Chamber of Commerce will take over Taichufang City!

Taichufang City spans the thirteen star seas and star fields, covering thousands of worlds, with over 100 million customers, and an astonishing transaction volume. After being promoted to a market-level market, it is evaluated as a super high-quality void trading market. The Chamber of Commerce will acquire this market and will give it to Taichu. Your Excellency, the greatest reward!

This Chamber of Commerce can extract the original power of the star sea where Taichufang City is located for Your Excellency, the Lord of Taichu, and provide you with a world treasure!

With the birth of this treasure, all these seas of stars will never be able to give birth to another world treasure!

This treasure can appear in the fairy world and provide you with supreme help in the fairy world!

In addition, during the evolution process, your Taichufang City used the crystal of the origin of the Demon Lord, which is far beyond the ordinary origin of the universe. The Aurora Chamber of Commerce is willing to provide you with a shop in the fairy world for fair transactions.

Finally, our chamber of commerce is willing to provide you with 10% of the shares, and your descendants will share one-tenth of the profit from the sales of Taichufang Market!

I would like to ask Your Excellency, Lord of Taichu, if you agree to sell Taichufang City! "

Luo Li closed his eyes, took a long breath, then slowly opened them, looking at Taichufang City, which turned into a golden egg. He reached out to touch it affectionately, and then said resolutely:

"I agree!"

This is Dharma cultivation. Everything is for my use. I should never be in love with any object or Dharma, just to get the maximum power!

Above Taichufang City, a bright light suddenly emitted, and the golden eggs transformed from Taichufang City slowly disappeared!

Taichu No. 10 finally appeared and said goodbye to Luo Li:

"Master, I'm leaving, take care of yourself, and wish you a smooth ascension!"

"Master, I will take care of your descendants. All the monks of the Hunyuan Sect in the Zhongtian Lord World will be given preferential treatment!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Take care too. Goodbye!"

So far, Taichufang City has disappeared!

But there, a golden light appeared, suspended in the air, like the sun. This is the treasure of the world!

For the first time, a golden talisman appeared. It looked exactly like the paper in the jade book and golden talisman.

There were strange immortal patterns engraved on it. When Luo Li looked at it, he immediately discovered that according to the immortal pattern technique of Shenwei Sect that he had mastered before, he could actually read these handwritings!

"There is a shop at No. 457, Langling Mansion, the great sage of Chixiao Zhutian Realm, Jinque Yaozi Realm!"

"The shop is located in the sixth room on the left of Jiuwuxing Street in the Great Sage Langling Mansion. There are four immortal buildings inside and a set of defensive arrays..."

This should be the contract of the shop in the fairy world. It states the location and characteristics of the shop. The holder has the ownership of the shop.

In addition to this golden talisman, there was also a silver talisman. Luo Li knew at a glance that this was the equity contract of Taichufang City.

In fact, not all of the 10% shares left to Luo Li in Taichufang City belong to Luo Li. Some of them belong to those who were annexed by Luo Li from the Chamber of Commerce.

When Luo Li saw the share contract, he began to fill it out. Luo Li left most of the shares to his master Hu Chan. When the master ascends to the throne, he can leave them to other younger disciples of the Hunyuan Sect and pass them on from generation to generation.

Luo Li also distributed some other shares to the owners of other chambers of commerce.

Those people, when the Chamber of Commerce was annexed by Luo Li, were not in the realm of gathering. Although they only have a few percent of the shares now, they are the shares of Dafang City in the realm of ruins. They have made countless profits, but they have also lost their refining. The opportunity for a world treasure.

After the contract was filled out, the contract disappeared, and the voice of Dragon Soul continued: "Your Excellency, the Lord of Taichu, the quality of your Taichufang City is great!

In order to express my gratitude, I, the Aurora Chamber of Commerce, will give you three more suggestions after ascending to the fairy world!

These three suggestions are very important, please pay attention to them! "(To be continued)


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