Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1401 Changes always hide the power of the tiger!

Chapter 1401

Although the three great ancestors of Hunyuan Sect disappeared, the attack of Fan Wujie changed the situation of the battle.

He actually refined the Emperor of Light, which was far beyond everyone's imagination.

The Emperor of Light was transformed into a part of himself by Fan Wujie bit by bit. The remaining dozen or so ancient gods looked at each other, and I didn't know who roared, and the ancient gods actually fled, scattered, and disappeared in all directions.

The ancient gods fled, and the remaining ancient demons were less than six or seven. They looked at each other, and with a bang, they all fled.

The battlefield immediately became quiet. Looking over, there was only Kunlun Saint Feixue left on the opposite side, and no one else!

And here, there are Luo Li, Xuemei, Fan Wujie, Hu Chan, Li Douliang, Bai Youyou, Su Caizhen, Huo Wumei sisters, Jinhua Grandma, Rulin Fairy, Yang Se, Fangcun Sect Vacuum Master, Aurora Little Monk and others!

But among the crowd, Grandma Jinhua, Fairy Rulin, Yang Se, and Little Monk Jiguang were all seriously injured.

They went over and surrounded the Kunlun Saint Feixue!

Kunlun Saint Feixue looked at everyone stupidly, completely stunned!

Master Zhenkong of Fangcun Sect suddenly said: "Buddha is merciful, so many people died today, so don't shed blood!"

This Master Zhenkong of Fangcun Sect was completely helping out of righteousness. Luo Li nodded and said: "Okay, so many people died today, let's call it a day!"

Then he looked at Kunlun Saint Feixue and said: "You go! Three days later, I will go to Kunlun to meet the Queen Mother of the West and ask for justice!"

So far, many powerful people in the Return to Origin realm have fallen, the ancient gods have collapsed, the ancient demons have dissipated, and the other side has no more powerful people. It doesn't matter whether this Kunlun Saint Feixue is killed or not!

Luo Li decided to let her go, but no one expected that Kunlun Saint Feixue suddenly smiled!

This smile flashed an evil light in her eyes. It seems to be the most evil existence in the universe. It will make the avenue decay and the world fail.

She laughed wildly and said, "You let me go? I haven't let you go yet!

Do you really think that this is the end? Dream on!

Lord of all demons, emperor of all demons, my demon is invincible, and the demon burns for eternity!"

As she spoke, Luo Li had a feeling that the other party was not the Kunlun Saint Feixue at all.

She was the Demon Lord!

To be precise. It was the Demon Lord's clone!

At this moment, everyone had a feeling that they were locked by the other party and had no chance to escape or dodge, because the souls of thousands of lives seemed to be locked. No matter where they escaped, they had to endure the pursuit. Even if they went back to the past and hid in the future. It was useless.

Kunlun Saint Feixue also ate the Step to Heaven Pill, which was second only to the Demon Lord's clone, and was promoted to the Guiyuan realm. That pill was not eaten in vain. Now the side effects are taking effect, and the Demon Lord's clone has come!

A strange scene appeared on her body. In the void, light fell. When it fell on her, she gradually changed!

But that light seemed as slow as a snail, and as fast as lightning, completely distorting the cultivator's understanding of the truth of the concept of time and space. Beside her. It seemed to have entered a distorted world, and all concepts were blurred.

The Demon Lord's clone came, but was resisted by the heaven and earth, so she couldn't come immediately, but everyone had an innate sense that she would come to the world in about ten hours!

The Demon Lord's arrival would be a catastrophe!

Su Caizhen was shocked and said: "Quick, cut off the Demon Lord's channel to the world, otherwise he will die when he comes!"

Everyone immediately took action, but that world was blurry and endless, and no matter what kind of attack, it would be in vain!

Even Luo Li's Hunyuan Golden Whip could not shake the vision there, but the Demon Lord's clone could not attack Luo Li and them.

Hu Chan sighed and said: "Let's go and see this Demon Lord coming. It will take some time. Ten hours is enough for us to return to Hunyuan. Let's take a rest first and make plans!"

Everyone nodded and immediately followed Hu Chan back to Hunyuan Sect.

The three great ancestors of Hunyuan Sect all fell into a coma. Their true souls descended to the world and fought a great battle. They needed to rest and sleep for more than a month.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to do!

After arriving at Hunyuan Sect, Grandma Jinhua spurted out a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. She had been seriously injured for a long time, but she was just holding on.

Luo Li hurriedly sent her to the healing holy land of Hunyuan Sect, the clean water pool, for treatment.

Not only her, but also Fairy Rulin and Yang Se were seriously injured and rushed to treatment. They were useless in the subsequent battles!

Master Zhenkong of Fangcun Sect said: "I will return to Fangcun Sect immediately and ask the Buddha to find a way to deal with this Demon Lord's clone!"

Everyone nodded, and Master Zhenkong of Fangcun Sect left immediately and returned to Buddhism to find a way, but distant water cannot quench near thirst!

Su Caizhen suddenly said: "Okay, Luo Li, you saved me and I helped you. Now that the Demon Lord's clone is here, I can't do anything. I'm leaving first!

You can take care of yourself!"

Su Caizhen was about to leave, but Luo Li smiled and said:

"Thank you, thank you!"

When the Demon Lord's clone came, Su Caizhen was a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Sect. When she saw the Demon Lord's clone, she would surrender automatically and could not be controlled at all.

She did not leave ruthlessly, but she fled on her own initiative. It was a trouble!

Luo Li sent her away!

Before Su Caizhen left, she looked at Luo Li, suddenly reached out and touched Luo Li's cheek, tears fell, and said: "Live, live!"

Then she gritted her teeth and disappeared immediately, escaping thousands of miles away and hiding herself under the ten thousand year ice peak to avoid being affected by the demon lord's clone!

Suddenly among the crowd, only Luo Li, Xuemei, Fan Wujie, Hu Chan, Li Douliang, Huo Charming Sisters, Aurora Little Monk and others were left!

The combat effectiveness is only half left!

But Luo Li was not afraid at all. After returning, he silently prepared.

He said: "Master, we have only one way, and that is me, you, Wujie, Douliang, plus Youyou, the five of us will form a Dao Demon Formation!

No, we can only form a Dao Zun Formation and give him a try! "

The demon lord is the lord of all demons, and the demon gods in the Dao Demon Formation cannot be used.

Hu Chan nodded and said, "Yes, this is the only way!"

Li Douliang said: "The five of us are of the same mind, Tao and demon are one, and we will fight him!"

Everyone started to prepare.

Hu Chan called many of the Hunyuan Sect’s Return to the Void True Ones and began to assign tasks, asking them to take the Hunyuan Sect’s disciples to escape to other places and evacuate them far away!

This battle is full of dangers and dangers. We must first think about defeat instead of winning!

Many people couldn't bear the relapse, but they had no choice but to leave.

Hu Chan began to take out his treasures and distribute them to them. In fact, this was to prepare himself to die in battle, so as not to take advantage of others.

Seeing the master like this, Luo Li sighed and started to take out treasures. Everyone was shocked when Luo Li's treasures were in stock in Taichufang City. There were too many, so good!

Suddenly, Luo Li was stunned and looked stupidly at the object that his master had taken out in the Pangu world!

This is a large natural flat stone, more than ten feet high, with three large red lacquered official script characters carved on it: "Tianmu Mountain". Each character is as big as ten feet, strong and powerful.

Luo Li looked at the stone stupidly, then walked over and touched the three characters "Tianmu Mountain" on the stone!

It is this stone, the last secret treasure of the Shenwei Sect, that hides the supreme divine power of the Shenwei Sect!

Because of this, Luo Li left Yinzhou Continent and went to Changzhou!

But it was taken away by someone, and it was a waste of time. However, under that big stone, I got the three major formless secrets of Xian Qin!

Everything starts from this!

Luo Li couldn't help but burst into tears. He thought of his father!

He looked at Hu Chan and said, "Master, why is this, this, here with you?"

Hu Chan touched his head in embarrassment and said: "The handwriting on this stone is the original work of the banished immortal Li Taibai. I really liked it, so I kept it in the cave for viewing and copying.

There is nothing we can do now, leave it to future generations! "

Luo Li was immediately speechless!

No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to find anything, and it won't take any effort at all!

Unexpectedly, I would encounter it here due to its origin and fate!

impermanence of life!

Touching this big stone, countless memories from the past appeared in his mind. Luo Li thought he had forgotten the divine worship ceremony of the Shenwei Sect that his father taught him back then, but in fact it was still in his mind, no matter what!

Luo Li bowed to this stone!

He began to worship the stone. The movements were simple and colorful, with a total of one hundred and eight movements, either worshiping or dancing, with a vague aura of wilderness.

His movements and expressions all seemed extremely sacred at this moment, and he was carried out meticulously.

In fact, the inheritance of Shenwei Sect and the great power of Shenwei are meaningless to Luo Li now and are no longer important.

Luo Li is now extremely powerful, all of this is meaningless!

Now Luo Li is fulfilling his childhood dream and his father's instructions back then!

One hundred and eight movements were over, and the worship was completed. Luo Li remained motionless. Suddenly, a golden light flew out from the big stone and poured into Luo Li's brain!

Luo Li's expression changed all over, and then he burst into laughter!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone looked sideways, wondering what happened to Luo Li!

Luo Li stood up slowly, looked into the distance, and said:

“Life is like a dream, you can’t expect it, you can’t expect it!

Dad, thank you very much, I know how to defeat the Demon Lord's clone! "

After saying that, he looked at Hu Chan and said: "Master, there is no need to assemble any Dao Demon Formation. Just wait for me and watch me destroy the Demon Lord's clone!"

Luo Li jumped into the air and headed straight for the Demon Lord's clone!

Leaving everyone stunned!


From the beginning of this book, this pit has been prepared. The meaning of the existence of the big stone is today. Finally, today, the big hole has been filled, and the big stone has begun to show its power. It's so cool!

Finally, I shouted, asking for monthly votes! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!


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