Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,400 Can conquer Mount Emei!

Boom, boom, boom, these powerful men used the nine heavens in the Chunan region as the battlefield, fighting each other across a territory of tens of millions of miles.

Escape at will and you will be thousands of miles away, raise your hand and draw, and you will be reincarnated into a world, stretch your hand and move, and tens of thousands of war spirits will rush out, and strike with force, and you will be a pillar of light reaching the sky.

Wherever they go, the sky opens, the earth collapses, landslides occur, and tsunamis occur!

As the war continued, the Chunan region could no longer accommodate them. Some of them crossed directly across Chunan, and the entire Zhongtian Lord World became their battlefield.

In their battle, a casual strike is thousands of miles into the void, and a single step is thousands of miles away.

The once supreme being Huixu Zhenyi couldn't even peep into their battle. He was affected by them and died immediately. He could only return to the sect, and the mountain gate formation was firmly opened to protect himself!

With the addition of these four people, the situation of the battle gradually changed. In fact, the four of them were not that powerful.

However, with their joining, the number of Hunyuan Sect's disciples increased, and the Hunyuan Sect's characteristic that the more people there were, the more perfect the coordination, and the more powerful the power exerted, was gradually revealed.

With their cooperation, Luo Li can attack with all his strength and begin to completely display his power and destroy everything. No matter how many ancient demons there are, the ancient gods will be crazy, and they will be destroyed one by one in the hands of his Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan. Under the whip and golden sword, the situation of the war began to reverse.

Wang Yangming took action against the old man Qiankun Saint Demon. The hatred between the two of them spanned tens of thousands of years and continues here.

The old man Qiankun Holy Demon no longer had the calmness and detachment he had before. When he saw Wang Yangming, no one was more crazy than him, launching endless attacks towards Wang Yangming.

With his madness, the other party suddenly lost control. Instant chaos!

The ancient gods and ancient demons originally had a grudge against each other, but Na Li Dou Liang started to take action and killed two ancient demons, which immediately deepened the misunderstanding between them. There was no cooperation between them!

The old man Qiankun Holy Demon attacked frantically, but in Wang Yangming's hands, everything seemed to be at his mercy. In the trance, all the ancient gods and ancient demons that came close to him exploded inexplicably and were killed by him.

When Hu Chan learned that Qingyi Qinglun had lost his power and became a disciple of the Dharma, he became furious and fought with Kunlun Zhongyuan.

The two of them fired real fire into the void. Explosions happen one after another!

Even the Kunlun Mirror, the envoy of Kunlun Zhongyuan, was suppressed by Hu Chan and could not take effect.

Fan Wujie went straight to the Emperor of Light. This was their fateful duel.

Hunyuanzi rushed towards the old man Black Crow and Zhenyang Tianwu, while Kuangtu Yan killed everyone he saw without any trace of his senior style, specializing in killing injured and down-to-earth people.

Su Caizhen danced gracefully. There is endless murderous intent hidden in that dance.

Yang Se holds the Due Red Lotus Fire Sword. The three of them work together and their swords are invincible, cutting everything in their path.

Fairy Rulin raised thousands of spiritual flowers, and she and Grandma Jinhua cooperated with each other to fight against powerful enemies!

Aurora little monk. With the power of will, no one can stop you!

Li Dou Liang fought against ancient demons, and the Death Emperor Yu Xiaoxiao transformed into endless undead spirits to disturb the enemies!

After everyone joined in, Luo Li was completely liberated. The other party could no longer suppress Luo Li with the help of everyone.

Luo Li started to take action. His Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Hand surpassed all laws in the world. In his hand, even ancient demons and ancient gods were vulnerable to a single blow.

Even after being hit by Luo Li, the remaining immortal ancient demons and ancient gods were immediately arrived by Kuangtu Yan. Under his magic power, the injured ancient demons and ancient gods fell immediately.

Luo Li immediately gave up killing the enemies. He was responsible for inflicting serious injuries, while Kuangtu Yan was responsible for killing!

The two of them work together flawlessly!

The opponent he killed was stunned!

But now in the war, there are also losses. First, Monk Wanjun of the Great Leiyin Temple died in the battle, then Emperor Shishan fell, and then the old Zen Master Kenshin also died in the battle.

Then the big locust tree, the Heavenly Snake King, the Sea Giant, and Mr. Dawei of the Haoran Zhengqi Sect died in battle respectively!

However, the Big Locust Tree, the Stone Mountain Emperor, the Heavenly Snake King, and the Sea Giant are immortal bodies. Even if they die, they will be resurrected soon.

But the death of Monk Wanjun, the old Zen Master Jianxin, and Mr. Dawei is a complete death.

At this moment, there was a roar, and thousands of black feathers flew in the sky. The old black crow was killed by Hunyuanzi. Once he died like this, the True Yang Heavenly Witch was instantly defeated.

But the True Yang Heavenly Witch changed. In an instant, endless demonic energy erupted from his body, and the thoughts of the God Lord spread across the world!

What kind of True Yang Heavenly Witch is there? It is the Witch God coming to the world!

He looked at Hunyuanzi and said: "Old Hunyuan, why are you staring at me? I am not your enemy, just waiting for him to appear. Why are you biting me and not letting go?

Why don't you hurry up and kill those ancient demons and ancient gods! "

There is something in this witch's myth that he has other hidden thoughts and participates in this battle!

Hunyuanzi shook his head and said: "You are the biggest variable in the world!

Is it because I believed in you back then that Yang Ming failed, no matter what the future holds? You are the one who must be eliminated. Nothing good will happen with you here! "

There seemed to be an unspeakable relationship between the two, and then in less than a moment, boom, the True Yang Heavenly Witch who had been born into the world by the Witch God also disappeared!

As their battle ended, there was a loud noise and endless explosions in the void.

Xian Qin's ultimate chaos attack!

After looking over, the explosion dissipated, and Hu Chan fell down alone, upper body, holding Zhongyuan's head in his right hand, and holding the Kunlun Mirror in his left hand, to kill Kunlun Zhongyuan!

During the battle, Hu Chan faced off against Zhong Yuan, and the two finally decided the winner in a duel!

In the distance, Wang Yangming shouted: "We completely understand our grudges today, and we will never see each other again forever!"

Looking at the past, the old man of the Holy Demon of Heaven and Earth was firmly locked by Wang Yangming's method and transformed into thousands of seals.

The old man Qiankun Holy Demon did not look like that monk, but turned into a young woman, extremely beautiful, but she stared at Wang Yangming, and at a glance, there was love and hatred between the two!

Wang Yangming shook his head and roared. In an instant, the magic circle dissipated, and the old man of the Holy Demon of Heaven and Earth disappeared completely. This time, I don’t know where he was sealed by Wang Yangming, but he will never appear in this world again!

Suddenly, Kuangtu Yan flashed his eyes, and he took Luo Li across a hundred thousand miles of heaven and earth. Came to Lu Qing.

Luo Li looked at Lu Qing, and Lu Qing also looked at him stupidly!

Luo Li muttered:

"Lu Qing, Lu Qing..."

Lu Qing couldn't help but also said: "Senior Brother Luo Li!"

The two of them knew each other when they first met, and they have been friends for many years!

Suddenly the voice of Kuangyan Yan sounded: "Mother-in-law, mother-in-law, you are so rebellious. Kill!".

When he drank, it was Luo Li!

Luo Li's face turned cold, thinking of the immortal-killing flying knife, and said: "Junior Sister Lu Qing, you must die after breaking all ties!"

Then he took action and punched down, Taishang Gui Hunyuan Hand!

This blow destroyed all vitality, and the energy was being pulled. There will be a special attraction to all powerful vitality.

Lu Qing would not sit still and wait for death. She turned into light and used the magical blue bird wings to escape to all realms, that is, far away. Suddenly her body suddenly stagnated, as if some force grabbed her.

The power was thick and powerful, and the magical ability to escape all realms with the divine wings of the blue bird was also caught on the spot. Kuangtu Yan used his magic skills to hold Lu Qing tightly!

There was a roar. Luo Li's punch has arrived!

The blow roared, and Lu was instantly struck by it. Pass through.

The moment before he was penetrated, Lu Qing squeezed ten magic formulas to activate Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Immortal Body, Chaos Bodhi Sword, and Thunder Divine Light Escape, laying down layers of defense on his body. Finally, the blue bird's divine wings folded in and wrapped themselves in the wings.

But Luo Li's punch broke through Lu Qing's five defenses in one breath. Directly penetrated Lu Qing.

The Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan hand came out from the chest. There was a sudden explosion, "Boom," half of Lu Qing's body was blown away in one blow. Gold, platinum, aqua, purple and other colors of light instantly shone and exploded on Lu Qing's body. Countless tiny colorful fragments and flesh and blood shot out in all directions. The scene was both gorgeous and bloody.

The explosion dissipated. The remaining half of Lu Qing's body appeared in the void. She looked at Luo Li and said:

"Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, we would end up like this..."

Luo Li looked at her. The two faced each other, both speechless!

Luo Li said: "Do it yourself, I don't want to be stained with your blood anymore!"

Lu Qing gave a final sigh and slowly chanted:

"My wish will last forever. Even if there is a dream in Huangliang, I don't know whether it is a dream or reality. When I wake up, I can only see a glimmer of morning shining on the world!"

These were her words to die. After she finished speaking slowly, with a bang, Lu Qing turned into thousands of fragments, committed suicide on the spot, and disappeared from the world!

However, a ray of her fairy soul returned to reincarnation, and Luo Li did not completely smash her into pieces, destroying both body and soul!

The realm of returning to the original state is different from returning to the void. After death, the true spirit can resist the invasion of heaven and can enter reincarnation, but whether it can pass the mystery in the womb depends entirely on luck.

Kuangtu Yan stretched out his hand, and the immortal-killing gourd that shattered and flew out of Lu Qing's body was tightly grabbed by him, and then he threw it to Luo Li!

Luo Li put it away. Yan Kuangtu looked at Luo Li and said:

"The ghost market is about to disappear, and our time is up. What happens next depends on you!"

After saying that, Hunyuanzi also appeared in front of Luo Li and said, "Luo Li, I'm proud of you!"

Wang Yangming did the same. He looked at Luo Li and said, "Well done, Luo Li, I'm proud of you too!"

The ghost market on the ground dissipated, and their true souls returned immediately, so they began to fall and transformed back into the state of the Golden Saint, the Wood God and the other three!

Also returning with them was the Death Emperor Yu Xiaoxiao. She looked at Luo Li and said:

"Luo Li, thank you for supporting the coffin thousands of miles ago. I will pay you back today!"

Luo Li smiled and said, "Thank you very much. Have a good trip!"

In an instant, the Death Emperor Yu Xiaoxiao also returned to the place of death!

At this moment, Brahma Wujie's voice came from the void!

"I am the unique Brahma Wujie. I will not lose to you. Break it down for me and become a part of me!"

In the void over there, light flickered, and all the ancient gods suddenly stopped fighting and looked there, horrified.

Looking over, in the void, the body of the Holy Emperor of Light was decomposed by Brahma Wujie, and the Holy Emperor of Light was being absorbed by Brahma Wujie!

Brahma Wujie overwhelmed the Emperor of Light, and his descendants devoured their ancestors, even refining and absorbing the Emperor of Light! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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