Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1391 The Supreme Lord Guiyi Hunyuan Hand!

At this moment, Luo Li had not traveled far at all.

He disappeared in an instant, and after getting out of everyone's sight, he returned to Landa Temple. The first thing he did was to look for the stone tablet that he had knocked away.

This stone tablet is really strange. Somehow, it seems that God is helping or there is someone behind it. Unexpectedly, the adventure in the ghost market could undo his own catastrophe. So Luo Li wants to find the stone tablet and see what is going on?

The stone tablet was struck by Luo Li, and it was driven three thousand miles away, and landed on a barren mountain.

The great battle just now attracted countless monks to peek from afar. The stone tablet was obtained by a Nascent Soul Lord, who immediately turned around and fled far away.

He thought he could escape, but he didn't know that with Luo Li's tracking, there was nowhere to hide.

Although he tried his best to escape, he was quickly chased by Luo Li. Luo Li reached out and grabbed the stone tablet from the treasure storage of the Nascent Soul True Lord.

The Nascent Soul Lord was so frightened that he could not move because he was bound to die, but Luo Li turned around and walked away without even looking at him.

Luo Li took this stone tablet in his hands and saw that it was exactly the same as the one he bought in the ghost market. Luo Li suddenly smiled bitterly. He knew who the hawker he met back then was?

What future monk? In fact, the vendor was none other than the last time I passed through the ghost market and ended up seeing my past self, it was my future self.

Luo Li shook his head and threw all these things behind his mind. In this unconscious pursuit, he had already left the area where Landa Temple was located. He wandered around at will and soon found a secret place and started practicing. .

The blow just now was, in some way, a strange method that controlled the power of oneself. Fusion, explosion, exerting unimaginable power.

This attack was far more powerful than all the magic spells Luo Li had mastered. It was extremely powerful and vaguely surpassed the power of this world.

In this blow. Luo Li felt a hint of future information.

That is Hedao!

The power of Hedao above Guiyuan!

Man and Tao are in harmony, law and heaven are in harmony!

Regardless of anything else, Luo Li practiced silently here and began to summarize the power of this blow. No matter what he did, he turned it into his own power!

In this secret place, Luo Li remained motionless for three days.

Three days later, Luo Li breathed a sigh of relief. At this point, I have mastered the law and understood the method of this punch.

This blow cleverly combined Luo Li's creation and destruction of the Avenue of Fire, moral power, Pangu's world-destroying axe, absolute power, and all the power of Luo Li into one. No more, no less. Play it to the limit just right, and explode with power that transcends everything.

Luo Li said slowly: "This blow, to me, is Hunyuan Taiyi, the supreme, so let's call it Taishang!

Taishang Guiyi Hunyuan Hand! "

So far. Luo Li came out of seclusion.

Looking back, I saw that Landa Temple had indeed fulfilled its promise. The gate was tightly closed and no one could take a step forward.

And in these three days, the world was shocked!

Landa Temple retreat. Led by Kunlun, he launched a revolt document and vigorously condemned Luo Li's actions.

In Kunlun's revolt document, Luo Li was described as a heinous person, the most evil person in the world, who would do whatever he wanted, and called on all the monks in the world to destroy him.

Among them, Hunyuanzong was forced to hand over Luo Li and cut off all contact with Luo Li.

As soon as this book was published, it immediately received support from other people who came to the door. The Wuyan Sect, the Heart Demon Sect, and the Daluo Jinxian Sect all expressed their stance. Many people from all over the world came to the door, at least sixty or seventy, and immediately followed them to join in the rebellion. Document, forcing Hunyuanzong to hand over Luo Li.

Under this document of revolt, many people from the Chunan area headed by the Hunyuan Sect came to visit, but they were silent and received no response.

The only response was that the two unknown figures returned to reality out of righteous indignation and quietly sneaked into the Chunan area. As soon as they entered, they were hit by the Earth Fire Dragon Cannon from a distance and turned into flying ash.

Suddenly, the voice of condemnation became even more boiling. Amidst the condemnation of everyone, the Hunyuan Sect almost became an evil sect that brought disaster to the world!

After Luo Li came out of seclusion, he secretly contacted the spies of the Hunyuan Sect's branches hidden in various places. When he got the news, he just smiled.

These spies are all affiliated branches of the Hunyuan Sect. They are hidden throughout the world and are responsible for some secret matters.

Seeing the document of protest, Luo Li began to look for his next target and see which sect screamed the loudest.

Unintentionally, Luo Li saw a name, Qianji Sect!

One of the six skills of the Qian Ji Sect. They pay attention to using force to fight, and four taels can break a thousand pounds. The poem in the door reads: Flying threads can cause changes in life and death, slender shadows can stir up mountains and rivers, and pull down the stars and the moon with ten fingers. A thread can lead the machine. Heaven beyond heaven!

In fact, the Hunyuan Sect and the Qianji Sect don't have much grudges, and the two sects don't have much contact. However, among the documents of revolt, the Qianji Sect has the loudest voice, jumping up and down, and the most obvious.

On the contrary, the Immortal Sect, the Sky Demon Sect, and those old enemies of the Hunyuan Sect knew how powerful Hunyuan Sect Luo Li was, so they did not take the lead and just followed closely without making any noise.

Back then, the Qianji Sect laid a trap and sent Luo Li to the world of Xielianzhong. All along, Luo Li was looking for opportunities to repay his revenge. The other party also knew that Luo Li was a mortal enemy, so he was careful and never gave Luo Li any chance. away from opportunity.

Later, during the battle between the Taiyuan Sword Sect, Luo Li killed Zhenyi of the Northern Wei Dynasty of the Leading Machine Sect, and his hatred became even greater.

Luo Li looked around. While chasing the Nascent Soul True Lord, he unknowingly found that this place was not far from the Guanxi Daozhou area of ​​the Leading Machine Sect. Luo Li smiled, as he was looking for the next sect to establish its power. Qianji Sect, it’s you!

Luo Li immediately flew there. Less than ten thousand miles away, Lianxia Mountain was in the distance.

Here we are close to the Qianji Sect, and there are countless sky-controlling monks. The sky is filled with flying cars, flying boats, giant palaces, and flying palaces.

On the ground, there are more mortals, those who ride horses, those who control wild beasts, those who drive machines, wooden cows and horses, and those who walk on two feet. Everyone has the same goal, to go to the Qianji Sect.

The Lianxia Mountains are undulating for thousands of miles, running through the entire Daozhou continent. The highest peak is located in the center of the continent, soaring straight into the sky. On that peak, endless clouds gather there and persist for years, so this mountain is called Lianxia Mountain.

Some people say that this Yunxia is a monk from the Qianji Sect, who brought it here for practice. Some people say that this is the ultimate ban of the Qianji Sect, and the secret chess game of Hushan. Some people say that this is a vision of heaven and earth. The mountain gate is opened here just for the sky full of clouds.

On the mountainside of Lianxia Mountain, there is a large lake. This lake is located on the mountainside, thousands of feet above the ground and hundreds of miles away. It surrounds the highest peak of Lianxia Mountain. Lianxia Mountain is like a city. Weiming Lake is like a moat.

Looking into the past, a sky lake rises among the winding mountains, and in the center of the lake is a high mountain. This unknown lake is full of green lotuses and rippling blue waves. It is a beautiful scenery. Above the lake, the clouds are rising, and on the Lianxia Mountain The endless glow must be matched and blended, it is really beautiful.

The lake covers a hundred miles, and there are countless flying bridges on the lake. On both sides of the flying bridge, in the waves of the lake, there are thousands of golden towers, two on each side, symmetrical to each other and arranged in a delayed manner. With the addition of the flying bridge loft in the lake, it becomes even more brilliant. Purple mist hovers between the towers and palaces, golden light is dazzling, and the colors are soaring into the sky.

Seeing such a scenery, Luo Li shook his head. He sighed at the beauty of the world. In the past, there was no big loss here due to the catastrophe, but now it is about to be destroyed!

Thinking of this, Luo Li began to release aura, and the terrifying and powerful flame energy soared into the sky.

This aura carries supreme destructive power, spreading in all directions, announcing that destruction is just around the corner.

Feeling Luo Li's terrifying aura, which was far beyond the realm of returning to the virtual world and was about to cause destruction that would destroy the world, dark clouds suddenly gathered in the sky, thunder rolled, and a catastrophe appeared.

Luo Li stretched out his hand, and flames soared into the sky. Taishang Gui used his Hunyuan hand to try his best. The dark clouds of calamity that had just formed were scattered by Luo Li's blow.

The heavenly catastrophe dissipated before it was created, but suddenly a heavy rain fell, pouring down wildly.

Luo Li did not act rashly and gave the other monks time to leave. When the monks around him saw Luo Li's momentum, this was a sign of a great collapse.

When gods fight, mortals are affected. They immediately change directions and run away as far as they can.

In the Qianji Sect, the alarm bells were also ringing. The city was immediately put away, the mountain gate was locked, and countless clouds rose to avoid the dark clouds and protect Lianxia Mountain. This was the Qianji Sect's activation of the mountain protection formation. , heavily defended!

An old voice rang out: "Flying threads can cause changes in life and death, slender shadows can stir up mountains and rivers and destroy them, fingers can pull down the stars and the moon, and a thread can lead to the sky!

I am a commoner from the Qianji Sect, and the person here is fellow Taoist Luo Li from the Hunyuan Sect? I don’t know what you want to do when you come to my Qianji Sect? "

Luo Li smiled and said: "Three days ago, I visited Landuo Temple, and Landuo Temple voluntarily closed its doors for three thousand years!

For some reason, people all over the world misunderstood and gathered to protest. Guizong was one of the representatives, and his words were sharp and aggressive. So I came here to ask Guizong, what did you mean?

In addition, when I came here, I had an account to settle with Taoist fellow Taoist Buyi! "

Bu Yi was stunned for a moment and said, "What account?"

Luo Li said: "Back then, I was just Master Jindan, and all of us were secretly sold to Xie Lianzhong by your Qianji Sect. We had more than 2,000 fellow Taoists, but only a few dozen of us returned in the end.

Fellow Taoist Buyi, every year you live now is one year bought at the expense of the lives of our fellow Taoists!

It's time to settle this account with Guizong. In the world of Xielianzhong, more than two thousand fellow Taoists died tragically, but they have been looking at you and me! "

As soon as he said this, the other person was immediately speechless.

At this moment, behind Luo Li, someone shouted: "Child Luo Li, I regret not killing you back then. Now I let you be so rampant. Die!"

I saw a little dwarf appear, it was Fu Shengsheng back then. After not seeing him for many years, he was also promoted and returned to the void.

In his hand, billions of white rays of light erupted, rising and dying, making the eyes of Yao's eyes filled with flowers. The light gathered together and struck at Luo Li! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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