Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1390: Destroy the Landa Temple with one punch!

At this extremely critical moment, Luo Li took out the broken stone tablet from Landa Temple and began to look at it.

At this moment, space was chaotic and time was suspended, but it gave Luo Li a glimmer of hope.

The broken cracks on the stone tablet were like a wordless heavenly book, showing Luo Li how to decipher this terrifying Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong!

In Luo Li's eyes, the cracks on the stone tablet represented the destruction of a powerful force. Those cracks were not irregular and messy, but were destroyed into this appearance by a terrifying and powerful force. A glimpse of the leopard could be seen through the tube, and the whole could be seen from the part. Luo Li suddenly felt that In the centrifugal force, a strange scene appears!

The cracks on the stone tablet began to shrink and began to return to Long, as if time was reversed, and the terrible power that destroyed the stone tablet began to be peeled off!

This destructive power began to leave the stone monument, and turned into a fist on the stone monument, a huge fist made of flames!

Then the fist retreated little by little and exited the stone monument. Then, in front of the stone monument, the image of Master Xuanci appeared. However, at this time, a big hole was punched in Master Xuanci's body. His body was exploded with one punch and then shattered. The stone monument behind him.

Then he continued to retreat with his fists, leaving Master Xuanci's body. Master Xuanci returned to normal!

Then the fist continues to retreat!

Back up, back up, the supreme Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong appeared, Luo Li watched how this fist penetrated the Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong, and how it made the most terrifying Tathagata Palm formed by the condensed power of your countless Buddhas shatter and dissipate!

Then the fist retreated little by little, and finally retreated to Luo Li's hand!

This Luo Li is a virtual image, but Luo Li knows that this is his future scene.

Luo Li felt a powerful force in this Luo Li. A terrifying divine power!

Luo Li smiled. At this point, he had an epiphany!

In an instant, endless flames broke out on Luo Li. That flame, the power of creation and destruction contained in it, no longer appears in cycles, but breaks out at the same time.

In addition, there are Luo Li these years. After searching hard for countless strange fires, they all appeared, as well as Luo Li's moral power, absolute power, and the world-destroying Pangu Ax. All the power of control burst out at this moment and merged into this one move.

It turns out that Luo Li's avenue of fire can't help spreading outward, burning like a raging fire, burning everything wherever it goes.

this moment. The avenue of fire no longer burns outward, but instantly converges to one point. It condensed in one place, that is Luo Li's right fist.

According to the supreme realization on that stone tablet, Luo Li began to use this power, and in a moment, countless runes appeared. Countless Sanskrit sounds appeared next to Luo Li. There were sounds from all directions, but what was the sound among them? No one can hear clearly.

The endless avenue, condensed a little, was not silent, but strengthened thousands of times, and then Luo Li punched, it was a blow!

With this blow, Luo Li gathered all his energy, all his flames, everything into this punch!

With this punch, the space was instantly chaotic and the feeling of suspended time was shattered!

Then I saw a punch in Luo Li's hand. This punch was pure and clear, but it rose instantly, and then with one blow, it collided with Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong!

In this blow, in this moment, it was as if the whole world had solidified, turning into a world of glass, with everything frozen, and everything was in a bizarre state.

Then a dazzling ray of light burst out between the sky and the earth, and then there was a loud noise, like a thunderbolt from the blue, shaking the world!

Then the entire frozen world began to collapse like glass shattering amid the loud noise!

The world transformed by Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong suddenly turned into thousands of fragments, and then the endless Buddha power began to collapse and shatter!

Master Xuanci was extremely surprised. At this moment, his expression was as if time had been suspended, and his face was frozen. At this moment, it was his turn to be in chaos, and time was suspended!

This punch was sent out, breaking through the Ten Thousand Buddhas Chaozong, breaking through the thousand-foot distance between the two, crossing time and space, and hitting Master Xuanci with a snap.

It's like hitting a tofu, Master Xuanci's tempered dharma body, the indestructible diamond, and the golden bell, it's as if they don't exist!

Pass through!

The incarnated Bodhisattva attached to Master Xuanci immediately dissipated with a pop!

Then the punch continued forward and hit the Landuo Temple stone tablet behind Master Xuanci. The stone tablet was hit by this blow and was almost punched through, with numerous cracks appearing.

Looking carefully, these cracks are exactly the same as those on the stone tablet in Luo Li's hand!

In the next moment, time returns to normal and space returns to nature.

Naluo Li's punch that penetrated Master Xuanci and the stone tablet of Landa Temple was withdrawn and disappeared.

Everything returns to normal.

The Landa Temple stone tablet that Luo Li bought many years ago in Luo Li's hand shattered completely with a click, turning into thousands of fragments and dissipating in all directions, leaving nothing behind.

Then this brokenness spreads outward, and everywhere it goes, everything is broken!

The shattering spread all the way to Master Xuanci, and then it stopped. The stone tablet that Luo Li had just punched through was actually thrown into the air during the shattering. In an instant, it flew thousands of miles away and disappeared!

Master Xuanci, on the other hand, stood there, looking at the big hole in his chest, looking at Luo Li in disbelief!

He suddenly said: "Landuo Temple will be in seclusion starting today. All monks are not allowed to leave the mountain for a period of two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine years!"

As he spoke, blood spurted out endlessly from his mouth.

The remaining monks around could not help shouting: "Master!"


"Master host!"

As soon as these words were spoken, it represented Landa Temple's surrender and surrender!

But it can save the sect and retain its roots!

At the last moment of his life, Xuanci announced that Landa Temple would be closed. He looked at Luo Li. This was Luo Li's request. He hoped that Luo Li would stop here.

Luo Li looked at him, and then looked into the distance. Countless thoughts of Returning to the Void True One were swirling here. This battle had alarmed countless people in the world, and countless monks were watching in the dark!

At that time, Wang Yangming, the founder of Zhongxing, did not destroy Landa. He had already forced Landa into seclusion. That was enough!

This punch should be punched by oneself. If there is any enlightenment, you need to consolidate your understanding. In addition, this punch also explodes all your energy and energy, so you also need to take a rest.

Landa Temple is only the first Kunlun Wing Alliance, there are other sects that need to fight on their own.

Thinking of this, Luo Li also let out a sigh of relief, his whole body's energy dissipated, and said:

"Okay, thank you so much for your words, Master Jinkou. Landa Temple is now in retreat. I'll take my leave then!"

Luo Li turned and left!

Master Xuanci sat down slowly. Flames appeared on the big hole in his chest, and his body began to burn!

He whispered: "Landuo Temple will be in seclusion for three thousand years. Don't open the mountain. Be careful of other sects.

Yuan Zhen, Yuan Zhen, you come to take over as host, perseverance, perseverance, broad sect! "

Yuan Zhen stood aside, pretending to cry, and said: "Yes, yes, yes, abbot!"

But the eyes on his crying face showed endless joy.

As a disciple of Buddhism in Landa Temple, he has returned to his true self, and he did not contribute to the battle just now. He even avoided the battle and secretly helped Luo Li.

It was just to get rid of Xuanci, Bujie and others and take over the position of abbot. Anyway, three thousand years of seclusion is nothing to the true self of Guiyuan!

Xuanci looked into the distance and finally said:

“Void does not arise, and void does not perish.

Realize emptiness, emptiness is the same. "

After saying that, with a bang, endless flames rose from Master Xuanci's body. He sat down in the flames, clasped his hands together, and then turned into flying ashes.


"Master Xuanci!"


Suddenly, endless cries sounded, along with the dilapidated temple and the collapsed halls, the entire Landa Temple was in an endless desolation.

Xuanci died, Landa retreated!

Luo Li wins!

He left slowly, walked down the stone steps step by step, then turned back to take one last look at Landa Temple, then disappeared without a trace in an instant.

This battle quickly spread throughout the world.

Luo Li, the Huode True Self of the Hunyuan Sect, burned Landuo Temple, broke the Arhat Formation, killed Master Xuanci, and forced Landuo Temple into seclusion for three thousand years.

For a moment, the whole world was shocked!

Countless monks couldn't believe it, couldn't believe it, but that was it.

Countless people began to guess which sect Luo Li would take next, but no one knew! (To be continued)



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