Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1387: Prajna Blade and Diamond Flame!

Looking at the honest monk, Luo Li let out a sigh of relief. He had known him for many years. He had felt that he was not ordinary back then, and it turned out to be true!

In recent years, although the Nalanda Temple did not show its saintliness in front of people like other sects, but developed silently, the elites in the sect, although not prominent, were still slightly heard of in the world of immortal cultivation.

Like the Hunyuan Sect back then, the Nalanda Temple also cultivated the sons of calamity, led the reincarnation of the ancient Buddha, and transformed into the Buddha spirit, which was called the Buddha's son in the Nalanda Temple.

Legend has it that at the beginning, there were twelve Buddha's sons born. After the vicissitudes of time, under the catastrophe of heaven and earth, only three people achieved great power in the end. They were Yuan Zhen, Master Bujie, and this honest monk.

Yuan Zhen was the head of the Buddha's sons. He and Qing Feng of the Buyan Sect, Xuan Xuejing of the Tianmo Sect, and Fan Wujie of the Hunyuan Sect were all influential figures in the past and were followed by countless people.

As expected, Yuan Zhen lived up to everyone's expectations, overwhelmed everyone, and achieved the supreme feat. Now it seems that he must have been promoted to the Return to Origin realm.

Master Bujie is actually the illegitimate son of Abbot Xuanci. He is known as the best master of Nalanda Temple. He has made many moves and has become famous all over the world. Even Yuanzhen admires him. Therefore, it can be seen that this person's strength should be extraordinary and he is his rival.

When they went to the Great Brahma Realm, Jian Shen and others always thought that Nalanda Temple would send Yuan Zhen or Monk Bujie. No one expected that Abbot Xuanci would come in person, which shows the strength and status of these two people.

And this honest monk was originally the most ordinary person among many Buddhist disciples, but he was the most scheming person. In the Jindan realm, he was looking for me to make friends with me to see why I overwhelmed Brahma Wujie.

Now it seems that he has succeeded. At least among the twelve Buddhist disciples, he has been promoted to the Return to Origin realm.

Just when Luo Li was thinking about it, the honest monk stretched out his hand.

Just a light finger!

With one finger pointing out, there seemed to be endless Buddhist texts flashing in his brows, and there was no light in his pupils, as if a huge black hole attracted all the light, and there seemed to be thousands of changes happening there!

With this finger pointing out, there was nothing else between heaven and earth, as if there was only one finger pointing at Luo Li. In this finger, no matter how Luo Li tried to dodge or respond, it was all broken by this finger!

Thousands of thoughts and countless changes were all in this finger!

It was the Great Wisdom Unfixed Finger, one of the 72 unique skills of the Nalanda Temple!

Great wisdom is immeasurable, unfixed, and breaks all laws in the world!

Unable to dodge, unable to resist!

This finger pointed out and went straight to Luo Li's forehead. As long as it hit, Luo Li would immediately turn all his mental calculations into ashes, and immediately become a vegetable, a mummy zombie, and his soul would fly away!

Death is certain!

But Luo Li smiled, and when he stretched out his hand, a ball of fire rose, turning into a golden lotus, facing the honest monk. Even though they were friends in the past, they were only enemies at this time and place. Die!

When the fire rose, the honest monk smiled coldly and was about to break the law, but he suddenly found that no matter how he operated his great wisdom, the flame lotus immediately moved with his thoughts and changed with him!

Great wisdom has no fixed finger, which is known to break all the laws in the world! But Luo Li had the true meaning of the five elements in his body, so he saw through all the laws in the world!

Breaking the law with the law is to break all the laws in the world. The two are calculating madly, looking for each other's weaknesses and breaking each other's avenues!

However, Luo Li's destruction of all laws is obtained by mastering the true meaning of the five elements. It is the most basic source of power in this world, while the destruction of all laws by the honest monk is just the way of magic. When the two meet, they are immediately destroyed by Luo Li's destruction of all laws. Luo Li breaks the great wisdom of the honest monk!

The honest monk's expression suddenly changed, and the finger turned, and the feeling of endless wisdom immediately disappeared, turning into a sense of transcendence!

This finger has the meaning of endless great freedom, all living beings have no troubles, transcend to the other shore, have infinite merits, and solemn Dharma!

The past, present, and future are free.

Time is no longer meaningful.

The world is no longer divided.

With one finger, all living beings are free and free!

It is the 72 unique skills of the Nalanda Temple to remove troubles!

If this finger is touched, all troubles will disappear, because the person is dead, forever dead!

The finger of death, as long as it touches lightly, all living beings, even immortals and Buddhas, will die, and it will be completely concluded. At this point, troubles will return and great freedom will be obtained.

Luo Li smiled, and with a bang, it seemed as if there was an extra sun here!

The scorching sun evaporated everything, turning everything into ashes, burning fiercely, flames soaring into the sky, countless flames flickered around his head, he used his own life and flames to hit the trouble-free finger!

Boom, with one finger down, the flame stagnated, dimmed for a moment, and then immediately ignited, like injecting kerosene, adding fuel to the fire, but even more crazy!

Luo Li's fire power was too strong, with the divine power to destroy all laws, and the trouble finger was ineffective.

The honest monk suddenly showed a surprised look and chanted loudly: "My Buddha has mercy!"

Then there was a change, and suddenly thousands of finger shadows flew up, the 72 unique skills of the Nalanda Temple, the Dorje Leaf Finger!

Thousands of finger shadows blasted towards Luo Li, each finger had supreme power, but in Luo Li's flames, they were broken by Luo Li's flames, and all laws were meaningless.

The fire of destruction, burning everything, ignited violently!

Surrounding Luo Li, it turned into a fire lotus, which had 72 lotus leaves. The lotus leaves were on this fire lotus, and they were born and died at the same time, turning into a giant fire god, and pounced on the honest monk.

Then the world between heaven and earth was like thousands of flowers blooming, and in silence, everything was annihilated by the fingers of the flower!

Light and elegant. The sky is like countless flowers flying back and forth, with endless vitality, and it is as wonderful as pinching the flowers with your fingers.

But in Luo Li's flames, everything was destroyed, everything was destroyed!

Here, the honest monk starts to use the supreme fingering method of Landa Temple.

Colorless and formless, the invisible and formless tribulation finger that kills people! Endless Buddha power, the Maha finger that penetrates heaven and earth! Ananda, who destroyed the immortals and reincarnated gods and Buddhas...

In one breath, the honest monk performed all the twelve fingering techniques of Landa Temple. At the end, he transformed into the Vajra Dharma and used the last fingering technique, the powerful Vajra Finger!

This powerful diamond finger is so strong that it penetrates the heaven and the earth!

Luo Li's endless fire god giant could no longer be born. If the lotus leaves were separated, they would be destroyed by one finger.

But no matter how powerful this powerful diamond finger is, it can't break through Luo Li's flames!

Boom boom boom, as the two people fought, a series of explosions sounded around their bodies. The forbidden magic on the ground and the explosions caused the entire square to suffer devastating damage.

The several eminent monks of Landuo Temple who were watching were knocked out even if they were in the realm of returning to the virtual world. Many of the monks who transformed into gods were also shocked and flew into the air, spitting out blood.

At the last moment, the honest monk suddenly roared, and instantly jumped up, flashed, and pointed again!

This finger is already the ultimate in heaven and earth. It does not belong to any technique, but is a manifestation of supreme consciousness!

With this finger, Luo Li's fire lotus collapsed and the flames dissipated!

This is the honest monk’s true way back to the Yuan Dynasty, penetration!

The fingering techniques of the Thirteen Landa Temple that he practiced were actually for this great avenue, to penetrate all defenses, penetrate all attacks, and penetrate all enemies!

Finally breaking through Luo Li's terrifying flames, he pointed his finger on Luo Li's forehead!

The honest monk smiled and said: "I'm sorry, you lose, you die!"

With a bang, Luo Li's head was immediately torn into pieces by the honest monk's instructions, and collapsed in all directions!

Many eminent monks watching the battle immediately shouted happily:


"Win, conquer the demon successfully!"

"Well done, be honest and destroy this devil!"

But the honest monk was stunned for an instant. Flames began to appear on his fingers. During this battle, he had been slowly penetrated by Luo Li's world-destroying fire. The last finger, although invincible, penetrated Luo Li, but at the same time, he was also infected by Luo Li's avenue of fire and burned! !

The flame is invisible, so how can it be penetrated? Even if it penetrates, what's the harm?

On Luo Li's body, although there was no head, the flames were even stronger. Then Luo Li's head appeared, shook his head slightly, and said: "A friend, let's fulfill your last wish!"

The honest monk looked at Luo Li, then sighed and said: "My skills are not as good as others. If you lose, you will lose! I, the Buddha, are merciful!"

He sat down slowly, and immediately died. With a bang, he turned into thousands of flames, burning up all directions, and died!

Luo Li smiled and looked into the distance, wondering who his next opponent would be!

At this moment, a human figure rose up instantly, like a phantom, and crashed into Luo Li.

He used his body as a weapon and his head as a horn, and crashed into Luo Li with all his strength. The seventy-two unique skills of Landa Temple: Iron Head Kung Fu!

This collision, with endless faith and supreme terrifying power, Luo Li frowned, but he didn't dare to take it hard!

If Luo Li relied on his own flame to endure this collision, after being hit, even if the flame was not extinguished, he would not be able to block this terrible blow!

Because this hit implies another kind of power, the Guanyin Nian of the Seventy-two Special Skills of Landa Temple and the Six Divine Techniques!

The thoughts of Guanyin are omnipotent and omnipotent with the power of thoughts!

The thought of the other party can break one's own flame, and under the power of this thought, the flame will be broken immediately.

So Luo Li dodged, escaped, and walked away.

Boom, upon impact, a huge deep pit was immediately knocked out of the square.

This square was transformed into a supreme restriction. Even in Luo Li's previous battle, the ground was not damaged even an inch, but this collision actually created a hundred-foot deep pit. If it were outside, it would definitely destroy a continent.

As soon as the collision hit the air, the monk stopped pushing out and made a grappling movement towards Luo Li!

Landuo Temple's seventy-two unique skills, capturing the dragon and controlling the crane's hand!

With this capture, Luo Li suddenly felt that the time and space on his left and right sides seemed to be mutating, and an invisible giant hand was grabbing at him.

Luo Li escaped. On his body, endless fire exploded, and the bright flames wiped out the day. He broke through the time and space restrictions and was about to break free from the control of the dragon-capturing crane.

But the really scary thing is that following his grasp, he silently recited a mantra. With this mantra, the impossible became possible.

This is exactly the Arhat Mantra of the Seventy-two Special Skills of Landa Temple and the Six Divine Techniques!

Turn time and space upside down and make the impossible possible!

Luo Li, who was about to break free, was immediately caught and pulled towards him!

Luo Li smiled and said softly: "Six Gods Jue, don't quit!"

There is only one person who can use the Six Gods Art to such an extent, and that is Master Bujie, even if Xuanci only has the Tathagata power to master the Six Gods Art!

When Master Bujie takes action, there are two great Landa skills, one first and one last, one surface and one interior, one yin and one yang!

The first and second skills must be the other seventy-two stunts of Landa Temple, and the real killing move is the hidden Six Gods Technique.

This should also be the method by which a mountain in Xian Qin is higher than the other. The two methods cooperated perfectly in his hands, flawlessly and full of murderous intent!

Master Bujie pulled Luo Li back, then stretched out his hand and made a fist.

He punched Luo Li in the face as he came back!

A dragon and an elephant appeared in his hand, and then they immediately transformed into ten dragons and ten elephants, hundreds of dragons and hundreds of elephants, thousands of dragons and all kinds of elephants!

The seventy-two unique skills of Landa Temple: Dragon Elephant Prajna Magic!

But this is also a virtual skill. The real killing move is the sound from his mouth:

"All appearances are false. If you see all appearances, they are not true."

This is the Vajra Heart of the Six Gods. The Vajra is indestructible and can decompose all things!

Suddenly, in the heaven and earth, Sanskrit sounds sounded:

"When you see the Tathagata, all conditioned phenomena are like bubbles in a dream, like dew or lightning. You should observe it like this."

If this punch hits the Xuanzhou continent, it will immediately sink the continent. What's even more terrifying is that all the power is concentrated in this one punch, without missing a trace!

If this punch hits, the heaven and earth will be separated, and all magic will be destroyed!

Even Luo Li must die!

But Luo Li doesn't hide or avoid!

He stretched out his hand, and there was an iron whip in his hand!

This whip has no edge, is three feet six inches long, has twenty-one sections, and each section has four talismans, a total of eighty-four talismans, all of which are manifested from the heart of the Nine Dragons.

Suddenly, a Sanskrit sound automatically rose from the whip!

"One beats the gods, the other beats the immortals, the third beats the universe, the fourth beats the sky, beat! Beat! Beat!"

Boom, just one blow!

The Vajra Heart and Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu fight the Divine Whip! r1152


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