Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1386: One palm to the death!

Luo Li is alone, facing the monks of Landa Temple!

But Luo Li was not afraid at all, he just took a step forward and the battle began.

The eminent monks looked at each other, and among them an old monk with apricot yellow robes and white eyebrows walked out slowly.

Everyone looked at him and nodded immediately. This was Master Yuanchen, one of the original eighteen golden bodhisattvas in Landa Temple. He was the best at teaching the Dharma orally.

At that time, this old monk was invited to attend the celebration of Chongxuanzong. At that time, Luo Li could not get the golden elixir, so he had a relationship with him.

Master Yuan Chen looked at Luo Li and said slowly:

"Buddha saves the destined person, Luo Li, I think you are destined to be my Buddha. Let go of your obsession and enter my Buddhist door. You will no longer have any worries, endless sorrow, no resentment, no resentment, peace of mind, and enjoy an unprecedented life!"

Master Yuanchen began to speak, and as he spoke, golden light suddenly emitted from his body. In the golden light, there were all golden Buddha shadows. There were thousands of these golden Buddha shadows. Lifelike, vivid, speaking together, emitting bursts of Sanskrit sounds!

Under this Sanskrit sound, even a stubborn stone will be able to speak, and even a life-and-death feud will be transformed, accept the other person's words, and become the other person's believer.

This is the seventy-two unique skills of the Landa Temple to save destined people and save all sentient beings!

In an instant, endless Buddha power surged out, majestic and bewitching people's hearts, transcending people's hearts, and fell on Luo Li!

But Luo Li shook his head and said: "Wrong, wrong, Buddhism is not like this!"

After saying that, a golden light rose from his body, the Hunyuan golden lamp was lit, and bursts of Sanskrit sounds suddenly came out:

"The nature of Bodhi is originally pure. But with this mind, you will become a Buddha."

"Supreme Bodhi, one must understand one's own original mind and see one's own true nature. It neither arises nor dies. At all times, one can see one's own thoughts and thoughts. There is no stagnation in all dharmas. One truth and all truth. All things are smooth and smooth. Such a heart is true.”

Under the Hunyuan golden lamp, there are bursts of Sanskrit sounds, especially the ruins of Luo Li's salvation of Kasyapa, and countless Buddha spirits. Above this golden lamp, the Buddha nature is stronger.

Master Yuan Chen's face suddenly changed dramatically, and circles of light suddenly appeared behind his head. In the halo, golden light flowed, all of which surged out and poured into his Buddha's voice.

"Luo Li, if you still don't let go of your obsession and accept my transformation, life or death will depend on your thoughts." Master Yuan Chen roared.

Sure enough, with this roar, the Buddha's voice was even stronger!

But Luo Li just smiled, the golden lamp illuminated itself, and the Sanskrit sound remained the same!

"The illusory mind of all living beings still depends on the illusion. All illusions are extinguished, and the aware mind does not move. If you say you are awakened based on illusion, it is also called illusion. If you say you are aware, you are still not away from illusion. If you say you are not aware, it is also like this. That's why Disillusionment is called immobility.”

"Knowing the illusion means getting rid of it and not taking any convenient methods; getting rid of the illusion means awakening, and there is no gradual process. All Bodhisattvas and sentient beings in the last days should practice in accordance with this, and in this way they will be able to get rid of all illusions forever."

The Hunyuan golden lantern had invincible defense and endless Sanskrit sounds. Master Yuanchen suddenly retreated, opened his mouth, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.


But he was overjoyed and said: "I understand, I understand, it turns out that this is the truth of Buddhism!"

After he finished speaking, he just sat down, his face showed joy, and then he didn't move!

Master Yuan Chen actually passed away!

For a moment, everyone was stunned!

"What, what's going on? Did Yuan Chen realize the Buddhist principles and pass away?"

"No, the Purifying All Beings did not convert the other party, the spell backfired, Yuan Chen was hurt by the Purifying All Living Beings spell, and he deceived himself, so he passed away!"

"Ah, no, no, it was Yuan Chen who realized the Dharma during the war and became a Buddha!"

For a moment, there was a lot of discussion, but Luo Li didn't take any action, and Yuan Chen was shocked to death. It was a fact!

At this time, another eminent monk appeared and shouted:

"What a great Huode Shinichi, Luo Li, I'll come and meet you!"

This person is one of the original eighteen golden bodhisattvas, Zen Master Xuanbei. He pushed out his hands, and the lotus rose under his feet. He shot eighteen palms in succession. Each palm condensed into the shape of a Sumeru Mountain. At the top of Mijin Mountain, a giant Buddha with golden light appeared vaguely, blasting towards Luo Li!

Xumishan means Baoshan, Miaogao Mountain, also known as Miaoguang Mountain. Composed of the four precious stones of gold, silver, lapis lazuli and glass, it is millions of miles high and weighs tens of millions of stones. It is the highest and most important mountain in Buddhism!

This is the Great Sumeru Palm, one of the seventy-two unique skills of Landa Temple! With one palm strike, he can draw the power of Mount Sumeru to suppress powerful enemies, with incomparable pure killing and invincible suppression.

Boom, boom, boom......

One after another, Sumeru Mountains blasted towards Luo Li!

Luo Li sneered, if you compare yourself with this, you are seeking death!

Although Luo Li's meaning of mountains has disappeared because the true meaning of earth has been refined, the meaning of law is still there. Luo Li waved his hand and shouted: "Suppress!"

A flame flew out, turned into the five mountains and three mountains, and blasted towards the opponent.

The five mountains and three mountains automatically combined in the void and suddenly transformed into a world. With a bang, they collided with the opponent's Sumeru Mountain!

From this collision, one world suddenly spawned the second world, and then the second world collided with the second Mount Sumeru, and the world was reborn. In the blink of an eye, the eighteen Mount Sumeru in the void all turned into Luo Li's world of fire. Then the world of fire fell and struck Zen Master Xuanbei.

Zen Master Xuanbei smiled coldly. Beside him, the cassock suddenly flew up and transformed into a strange realm. It was the seventy-two unique skills of Landuo Temple: the cassock subduing demon technique.

When the endless world falls into this cassock, no matter what dharma world it is, it will dissipate. This is the method of subduing demons and destroying all dharma!

But the world dissipates, but the fire is still there. This is the endless true fire, and the world transformed by the cassock immediately ignites.

Zen Master Xuanbei frowned and shook his head, and the seventy-two unique skills of Landuo Temple were stained and fell down.

Zhanyi Shibatu is the ultimate expression of the ability to lift a thousand pounds with four ounces. It has the ability to withdraw and change shadows, take advantage of the situation, escape from the transformation, introduce the miss, avoid the edge and hide the edge, dodge and move away, strike diagonally, and cross. Righteousness, using skill to control clumsiness and other wonderful uses. With this unique skill, all soldiers will not be harmed and all methods will not be broken.

However, Zen Master Xuanbei didn't know how terrifying Luo Li's real fire was. It was the fire that Luo Li created by gathering the true meaning of the Five Elements. He searched for different fires all over the world. He was the first among the fires. Even if there was only a trace, it would burn the world!

Immediately, Zen Master Xuanbei's body immediately burst into flames, and Zhan Yi Shiba fell to pieces.

Zen Master Xuanbei frowned, then immediately performed Buddhist rituals and recited the Buddha's name!

Following his Buddha name, golden light emitted from his body. This is the seventy-two unique skills of Landa Temple: Vajra Indestructible Body!

As soon as this method came out, all the monks of Landa Temple who were watching the battle let out a sigh of relief. This magical power of Vajra Indestructible Body is the most powerful defensive method of Landa Temple. In history, there is no method that can break this method. It's just this. When the Dharma circulates, you cannot attack the enemy, you can only defend. Otherwise, Landa Temple would have been invincible in the world.

But in their eyes, Zen Master Xuanbei's supreme golden body and indestructible divine body actually melted little by little in the flames of Luo Li.

When they realized something was wrong, with a bang, Zen Master Xuanbei suddenly turned into a ball of flame and dissipated in all directions!

Directly refined by Luo Li's real fire!

Fire refines real gold, and the golden demon was refined by Luo Li, not to mention the monks of Landa Temple?

Suddenly many monks cried out in sorrow!

"My Buddha is compassionate!"

"It is indeed a calamity of fire, the terrifying avenue of fire!"

"Demon, kill my master and give back my master's life!"

Suddenly a great monk rushed out,

With one blow, a huge hand appeared in the void, a hundred miles long, covering an area, its aura was earth-shaking, shaking the universe, the purple and gold in it was brilliant, forming huge handprints, implying a terrifying aura, coming roaring!

Landa Temple's seventy-two stunts, Mahamudra!

Luo Li took action, with a simple palm strike!

The hand of God, palming the universe, is also one of the seventy-two unique skills of Landa Temple!

Suddenly some eminent monks started talking:

"It was Yuan Hao who took action!"

"What a big handprint, so powerful!"

"Haha, this Luo Li actually knows my Landuo Temple's special skills, he can hold the world in his hands!"

"I really don't know whether to live or die. The palm of my hand is just a trick. It can't be compared to the endless changes of Mahamudra."

"Yuanhao is the number one palm master in our Landa Temple! He will win for sure!"

Boom, the big hand seal and the palm of the universe collided in the air, exploded violently, and a mushroom cloud immediately rose.

But before the mushroom cloud had time to spread, the other party hit him with another palm!

With another palm, a huge chaotic palm fell from the sky. This chaotic palm was as big as the ancient sacred mountain, black and rumbling. It pressed down. Suddenly, it was like a huge tombstone appeared out of thin air, locking Luo Li. All his actions, no matter how Luo Li attacked, could not destroy this tombstone!

The seventy-two stunts of Landuo Temple are great for smashing monuments!

Luo Li sneered, and the aura on his body suddenly increased endlessly, and it was still a palm of the hand!

Another huge explosion!

When the monk took one step forward, he revealed his body of returning to the void, transforming into a nine-armed and sixteen-legged wrathful Buddha Vajra Dharma form. The nine hands united into one, wild and vigorous, and it was just one strike!

This blow, with endless destructive power, caused the heaven and earth to roll in an instant. This blow was as strong as the sun! This blow turned the world upside down! With this blow, the mountains and rivers were shattered!

The seventy-two unique skills of Landa Temple are the powerful Vajra Palm!

But Luo Li still had that one blow, and still had the palm of his hand to control the universe!

Three consecutive palms were all palms of heaven and earth, but the power of each palm increased dozens of times. After three palms, the great monk Yuanhao stared at Luo Li and said:

"Return to Yuan, return to Yuan!"

Luo Li defeated the opponent with three palms in a row with one palm of the universe. In fact, among the seventy-two unique skills of Landuo Temple, the one palm of the universe is not as good as the big mudra, the big monument smashing hand, and the powerful Vajra palm!

But Luo Li's realm was far higher than the opponent's, and he used his strength to overwhelm the opponent. He broke through three palms with one palm, and the opponent was completely defeated!

After the great monk Yuanhao said these words, his body began to make a squeaking sound, and then it suddenly shattered and turned into dust!

Suddenly there was an uproar!

"Ah, how is it possible? Yuan Hao lost!"

"This, this, this Luo Li is the realm of Guiyuan!"

"Ah, I see, no wonder, you are bullying others!"

“Senior Brother Yuanhao, it’s a pity that you died!”

"Isn't there anyone in Landa Temple who bullies us?"

In the midst of everyone's discussion, a young monk walked out, looked at Luo Li and said:

"Luo Li, are you bullying me? Are there no people in Landa Temple?"

Luo Li looked at the man, was stunned, and said:

"You are? Why do I feel familiar? Honest monk?"

This man is the honest monk who pretended to be a disciple of the Heart Sword Zen Sect and participated in the Heroes Conference in the past! He was originally a Buddhist disciple of Landa Temple!

How many years later, he was also promoted to the Guiyuan realm!

The honest monk looked at Luo Li and said: "It's me, not the Guiyuan realm, but that's it, take my finger!" r1152


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